'Giyuu rushed along the infinity castle while shinobu went back to douma. ] 'I love her.. said giyuu] 'I knew it [rengoku] giyuu slashes the demons in rage with a blue sun in his eye ] 'WATER DANCE] 'calm down tomioka san said tanjirou] ' she's always helping people with life now she's alone vs uppermoon 2
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I love her ] tomioka rushed up till he saw he was close to the room of uppermoon 2 ] 'yes! ] the infinity castle moved splitting up the entire Castle kocho dropped and tomioka catched her ] 'AAA the demon slayers screamed] 'Water breathing final form..... Water surface of life ] suddenly Water came up from the infinity castle and buildingings underneath it the slayers fell outside and stayed in giyuu's giant bubble ] 'this is my strongest form life bubble ] the slayers got used to it and found a. House to stay in with food ] 'demons tried popping it but it wwws to hard ] 'the demon slayers had fun in the bubble being protected] ' half of the noodles. Hugged tomioka the sun shines blue today 'said tanjirou] 'Giyuu Made the bubble move into the far air and the demons stayed underground for now. 'Giyuu made the kids play because the gravity of the water pulled them down into it and some kids lived on the city outside the infinity castle and got pulled up too the sun shines blue... today.. I hope you have a good life Said giyuu] 'kocho I wanna tell you something I've always loved u will u be my girlfriend? 'Yes she said ] 'and they hugged in ther bubble house ] 'I'll protect u in this bubble I swear..] 'ara ara tomioka san I love u ] 'I love you to... ] 'the demons will attack again in a few years said. Tomioka so let's have fun in this bubble while it can BUBBLE GROW and the bubble filles half of the sky with buildings cars and city lights and kids from the slayers obanai and mitsuri got 3 kids and giyu and shinobu got 4 tanjirou and kanao got 2 zenitsu and nezuko got 1 ] I'm the master of this village and the bubble made us stop floating so that's good and now some of us will train. So have fun while u can.. the sun shined blue.