Infinity arc giyuu and the others vs akaza

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[Let's. Begin.]]]]]]]]]]]]]]'Giyuu ran as fast as he could to akaza thinking of shinobu] -akaza punched rengoku away] ' TRY YOUR BEST ] 'hinokami kagura  tanjiro slashes the head off ] -akaza fighter with his head] 'Water breathing form dance of the fast moving current! He slashed the arm off *] ⅞ ] DESTRUCTIVE DEATH COMPASS!  ] [ flame breathing 1st form unknowing flame !  He slashed the leg off ] 'akaza knocked out tanjiro * ] 'RENGOKU LETS DO IT THE THING WE PRACTICED] 'OKAY TOMIOKA] 'what akaza mumbled '] Water and flame Merge together blue and red makes purple if I'm right ] 'in giyuu's mind kocho should run away from demon from our signal ] 'so what said akaza] 'CAW CAW BLUE AND RED MAKES  the crow said the demon slayers we're all confused  ] shinobu jumped  infront of them* 'PURPLE!

]]]]]]]]]]]]]]'Giyuu ran as fast as he could to akaza thinking of shinobu] -akaza punched rengoku away] ' TRY YOUR BEST ] 'hinokami kagura  tanjiro slashes the head off ] -akaza fighter with his head] 'Water breathing form dance of the fast moving...

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Water breathing 15th form  flame breathing 10th form ] Insect breathing 8th form  Constant water dance bubble! FLAME RENGOKU  poisonous nature! HINOKAMI KAGURA 13TH FORM ] I'll go all out too then Final form blood demon art akaza punched shinobu down but got poisoned  I beat a women NO! ]

AGHH  giyuu got his mark with rengoku and tanjirou  Giyuu Disappeared into the air underground and slashes akaza In half rengoku  slashed his legs and arms off with his form and tanjiro slashed the head ] ' akaza talked and regenerates his head ] ...

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AGHH  giyuu got his mark with rengoku and tanjirou  Giyuu Disappeared into the air underground and slashes akaza In half rengoku  slashed his legs and arms off with his form and tanjiro slashed the head ] ' akaza talked and regenerates his head ] 'no said tanjirou] 'Giyuu looked at akaza standing next to rengoku and he looked at him with a red bokuto ] carrying shinobu] 'how does the poison taste ] 'wha said akaza] the poison kicked in and akaza vomited blood ]  [ giyuu + rengoku WATER AND FLAME TOGETHER   PURPLE BREATHING 1ST FORM  CONSTANT ESTOTIC ART PIERCING TIGER! the tiger ran to akaza biting it's head off and then.. ] 'Hinokami kagura burning bones summer sun  tanjirou freeze akaza and  the tiger bite him into 100 pieces. 

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