Giyuu's comeback mission

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Tomioka giyuu has a mission  said the crow ] [shinobu[ 'ara ara another one Tomioka san well stay safe on it ] -runs as fast as he can*- [ 'I can't believe that they sent me to look at the shadow castle to kill some alone'] [tomioka] it's so big and ... and.. maybe the demon hideout is all the way inside of it ..] -gets jumped by demons] 'slashes heads off* slashes shadow 8 head off *]  that's the 8th the demon are in the 6ths tanjiro killed the 13th ..] ' chases a demon while  sanemi comes to help* ] falls into the shadow castle [sanemi] 'what is this t-tomioks my friend  we gotta escape!] 'Say less  the castle closed*] -they ran as fast as they can [sanemi] theese annoying demons !  [ giyuu] 'mizu no kokyu shino kata Dance of the fast moving current!]

] ' chases a demon while  sanemi comes to help* ] falls into the shadow castle [sanemi] 'what is this t-tomioks my friend  we gotta escape!] 'Say less  the castle closed*] -they ran as fast as they can [sanemi] theese annoying demons !  [ giyuu] '...

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-they arrived back- [ ' oyakata sama the demons with attack very soon and they have a weird castle] 'ah thank u my child for checking it..] skipped to week 14] -muzan comes and yapps as hard as he can- BRO HURRY UP U KING OF YAPPERS  ] boombayah* ] all hashira [ oyakata sama... the ran to muzan getting there breathing styles]  obanai, mitsuri and shinobu fell into the shadow where douma moved to] the others went to the infinity   ] 'rengoku tanjirou are you okay  said giyuu ] 'yes giyuu san ] 'what is this place said shinobu] 'hm] zenitsu said ]  'theese DEMONS said the shinaguzawa brothers ] 'ur all going to hell said the yapper king ] 'no Micheal Jackson ur going to hell!] ' then DO IT ]   ' ILL KILL U AKAZA! said rengoku and giyuu ] 'try ] 'YOU KILLED Kanae U PESKY DEMON  [shinobu]   kaigaku.... ] this 1 eyed shadow!] 'what is this place tokito ran ] ' ur done for said upper moon 1 ] wha- uppermoon 1 attacked him ].. mist breathing  ] serpent breathing]  love breathing water breathing  insect breathing wind breathing hinokami kagura.. beast breathing thunder breathing.. flame breathing  stone breathing..

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