Chapter 1

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I'm late. Again. At this rate I'll have detentions for the whole year.

"Mornin' Ms. Varner. Late again?" Phil asks while tsking me. He was the janitor and pretty much the only one who talked to me in this god-forsaken school.

"Yea, but I swear it wasn't my fault this time!"

"Uh huh, get movin missy before ya git caught!" Phil said jokingly in his hillbilly accent.

"Right, yes, thank you Mr. Phil, I am well aware." I half ran, half walked to my first period class. With all the books I was carrying it was a miracle I didn't fall.

Aaaand I spoke to soon. As I turned the corner, I smashed into a person and my precariously balanced books toppled to the ground

"Ah, what the fuck man! I was almost there!" I shouted at the person while I picked up my stuff hastily. I looked up to death glare whoever made me trip and froze.

"Someone woke up the wrong side of the bed this morning." Hunter. He was actually...talking to me. Just my luck.

"Uh...sorry...ill just...go," I stammered lamely.

"That's it? You're not gonna stand up for yourself?"

Okay this is it. Time to tell Hunter what I think of him and his sinister little smile. This insult was years in the making. Every shower argument I've ever had with him is about to become reality.

" I'm...late for class." Just awesome brain. Why not blank on me now. I stood up and brushed past his tall frame quickly.

"Tell me when you have a good comeback!"

Not daring to look back I practically ran to English get there just as the second tardy bell rang.

"Your late Ava", Mrs. Williams said with amusement in her voice.

"Sorry", I mumbled as I took my seat.

"You know what that means", she said turning back to the board, "Detention. After school. Again."

A few people snickered when I grunted in response. I rolled my eyes at them.

"You know, Ava, at this rate you'll have detention for the whole year!" Mrs. Williams said.

My thoughts exactly.


When the bell rang for lunch I took my time packing up. See I'm not one of those cliché students that hate math and can't wait to get out of the classroom. It is actually one of my best subjects and I like it.

And it has absolutely nothing to do with the mouth watering teacher. Well...maybe just a little.

Mr. Keller was a perfect male specimen... to say the least. It didn't help that his first name was literally Adonis. He was the youngest of all the teachers in school, coming straight from college to teaching. I'm not the only one who stays to ogle either. Every girl (and a few boys) in the classroom was staying behind trying to catch Mr. Keller's attention. But of course he only has eyes for me. Or at least grades for me.

"Ava, your grades are exceptional once again. I give credit to my awesome teaching skills," Mr. Keller said teasingly.

"Well we have different opinions, because I give credit to my awesome brain," I said with a smirk.

He chuckled and ran a hand through his thick, dark hair. Rolling up the sleeves on his dress shirt, he flashed me a heart stopping smile.

"I'd like to offer you a job Ava."

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