Chapter 2

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"IM HOME!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

 "Jesus!" My mom turned from her seat on the couch, palm pressed to her chest.

"Nope just me." I smiled ruefully at her before pecking her cheek. 

"Do you want to give me a heart attack? You want to be an orphan, is that it?" 

I rolled my eyes at her antics. "And you wonder how I turned out so dramatic when you act like this."

My mom swatted me away and flicked a piece of her dark hair out of her amused eyes. Like usual, it was knotted up in a claw clip as best she could but a few rebel pieces were slowly making their way out. 

I know everyone says their mom is beautiful but mine really was. I got my dark brown hair and deep inky eyes from her. Apparently I got my almond colored skin from my father, not that I would know. 

"Are you hungry? I can start dinner...", her eyes trailed away to her TV show where a woman held a single rose in her hand.

I chuckled. "I can wait, don't worry. I have a lot of homework."

"Mmm go do that then." She was already completely transfixed on the program. I shook my head and made my way to my room.

I wasn't lying, I did actually have a lot of homework to do and there were multiple projects I could start working on. So I did the logical thing. 

I decided to take a nap.

I chucked my shoes off to a undetermined corner of my room and flung my backpack right behind them. Flopping face first in on my forest green comforter, I groaned in satisfaction. My room was my sanctuary and my bed was my guaranteed place of peace. I had decorated everything so it felt like a mixture between a breezy apartment on the French Riviera and a forest nymphs room. I got all snuggled up and closed my eyes. I laid there and waited for blissful, beautiful sleep to take over. 

But it didn't.

Groaning I turned on my back and stared at the ceiling, unable to shut my brain off after the events of the day. 

Hunter Jade talked to me. In school.  I was used to just being the shadowy figure people occasionally brushed passed in the hallways, especially to someone like Hunter. I haven't had that much conversation with anyone at school since...since eighth grade. 

I forced my eyes closed. 

Nope, it doesn't matter. It means nothing and everything is going to go back to normal tomorrow. 

My eyes flipped open. Actually, no, nothing was going back to normal because I have Mr. Keller's cell phone number.

I jumped out of bed and ran to the top of the stairs. "Mom!"

No answer.


"What! Oh my god, what?!"

"Can I get a job as a babysitter?" I asked innocently. I crooked my head to hear her answer.

"Yes! Please, if it will get you out of my house yelling all the time, yes!"

"Thank you, I love youuu." 

I could practically hear her shaking her head at me. "You better be up there doing your homework."

I grimaced and jetted back to my room before she could get the idea to come up and check on me. 

Sitting on my bed again, I pulled Mr. Keller's number out from my pocket and typed it into my phone before pausing. 

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