Chapter one

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"Sweetie, this will be your room until someone is kind enough to take you in." Mrs. Greene said as she opened the door for me to my new room.

"Where is my dad?" I asked as I looked back at her.

"Piper, you won't see your dad for a very long time. He's done bad things to you, sweetheart." she explained as I listened carefully.

I sighed sadly.


"Piper," I hear a knock at my door. "Yes?" I asked.

The door went open and my caretaker Julie walked in my room. "There is someone who would like to see you."

I looked up, "Who?"

"Someone who would probably like to adopt you." She smiled kindly.

I stood up and followed Julie downstairs into the meeting hall.

We walked in and I saw a tall man standing with his back facing me. "Mr. Lincoln? This is Piper."

He turned around by hearing his last name and walked towards me. "Hey sweetheart, I'm Andrew."

"Hi sir." I replied as the smiling man looked at me.

"You can call me Andrew, Piper." he smiled kindly.

"Hi Andrew." I said again

He placed his hand on my shoulder. "So mr. Lincoln, our process usually goes that you can take her home with you for a month, and then we'll have another appointment in which we talk about everything and in case things aren't going so good, we take her back."

He nodded, "Okay, but I don't think that taking her back will be necessary."

"Piper, you can pack the most important stuff and then it'll be you and mr. Lincoln." Julie said.

I nodded and ran up the stairs as quick as possible.

When I got back downstairs, carrying my suitcase in my right arms, Andrew was waiting for me.

"I can take that," he smiled sweetly, taking the suitcase from me.

I put on my leather jacket and said my goodbye to Julie.

"I'm sure he'll take good care of you." she smiled as she hugged me. "Hopefully." I replied

"Take care, Piper." she said waving at me as we left.

We got outside and walked towards what I assumed to be his car.

He put my suitcase in the trunk of his car and opened the door for me. I sat in the passenger seat and Andrew at the drivers seat, obviously.

When he started the engine, he looked at me. "So, Piper." he started, "wanna tell some stuff about yourself?"

I nodded, "I'm 16, I was put in that orphanage because I was being sexually abused by my dad." I simply said like it didn't touch me at all.

He nodded sadly, "I know. I read your file."

"Can I ask you something?" I asked quietly. He nodded while focussing on the road in front of him.

"Why did you pick me?" I asked

"Well.. I don't know, I just think I want to give you a new life." he said

"Well... thanks, I guess." I said, "Are you married?"

"Nope, single. My wife left me two years ago, she was pregnant with another guys baby, I never found another woman and I wanted a child so badly."

"Aw, I'm sorry." I replied. "I'm sure you're a good man."

He smiled, "thanks, Piper."

"So you're my dad now?" I asked as we arrived at a house.

"If you want me to be." he said, opening his door.

"I would love you to be." I whispered myself as he took my suitcase out of the trunk of his car.



Adopted by Andrew LincolnWhere stories live. Discover now