*not that sad/contains fluff*
I scrolled down the webpage as tears welled in my eyes almost immediately. "this is so unfair!" I thought out loud, "why is the world so against me?" now full-on wailing, I quickly push down my laptop screen and shove it deep under the blankets I cocooned myself with when I heard Calum walking into the bedroom.
"y/n?" I burrowed myself deeper into our bed, silently sobbing. "babe, where are you?" after a couple of seconds I felt the mass of cozy protection and warmth being lifted off of me. "what's wrong?" he soothingly rubbed my back. "why are you crying?"
"I'm not crying," I denied sarcastically.
"oh okay, I just figured you were since the sheet under you is damp and smudged with makeup." he snickered.
"umm nuh-uh," I retorted, trying to get him to leave me be. I looked up for a brief moment, Calum and I instantly making eye contact. his eyes darted to the laptop next to me and then back.
"you were looking at stupid Twitter comments again weren't you?" he concluded.
"no," feeling more tears escape I buried my face into Calum's side and in one swift movement he grabbed my computer and wiggled away before I could protest.
"Calum, no!" I attempted to grab the laptop from his hands but he crawled further away and opened it. "y/n.." he said softly.
I hummed in response, unable to speak because of the lump in my throat. "babe, these are pictures of puppies..?"
"I know!" I sobbed once again, "just look how cute they are!" I sighed, wrapping my arms around his waist. "I hate that I'm allergic to all dogs, screw the world."
I heard him sniffle and looked up to see him holding back tears. "Cal..?"
"they're so fucking cute. oh my god."
this was requested on tumblr a long time ago but I forgot to post it oopsthere's another one I forgot to post too but idk I might rewrite that one bc I don't like it anymore
anyways I'm back from the dead so that's kinda exciting.

5SOS Preferences
Fanfictiona collection of preferences and imagines, usually based of songs, about four australian musicians. :) if you'd like to request a situation please please please message me or comment at the end of one of the writings.