chapter uno (1)

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MARIPOSA'S POV: wow it's already 95 degrees and it's not even the middle of the day yet, why does it have to be so hot where i live! I lazily got out of bed since it was around 11 am. Don't let me fool you, i could sleep in all day if i could but this heat was getting the better of me, I'm just glad I don't have to do anything today. I brushed my teeth and headed downstairs where it seemed to be a bit cooler, looking through the fridge i decide to have some waffles since i was starving. All of a sudden i hear my grandma yelling from down the hall,

"Mariposa Maria Martinez, did you get the groceries I asked you to get yesterday?!"    i cringed when i heard my full name, brings back memories that i've learned to keep deep inside where the light can't touch them.

She only uses my full name when she's mad, granted that I completely forgot to go to the store.

"ummm, no grandma but i'll go right now!" I said as i started running back upstairs to change... ever since i got my licence, i've been going back and forth running errands for everyone. Don't get me wrong i love to drive but this heat is seriously killing me. i go to my room, close the door and look for an outfit that wont make me sweat too much. i settle for some basketball shorts and a spaghetti strap shirt. Not too casual, yet cute, just in case i meet someone. stop thinking that way Mari, remember you're a cold hearted person now, you cant love,  i thought to myself. that's right, i swore off love because i have been hurt way to many times to get my heart ripped out again.

i shake my head and try to forget the pain but it comes rushing back to me like a tsunami wave. i take the car keys and run out the house, hoping some fresh air will help.

i get in the car and crank up the radio. Ah, a One Direction song is playing. On the inside i am a die hard fan because lets face it, they are all hot, but i'm mostly a fan because they keep me sane. they are the perfect person to love. i can love them with all my heart and i know they will too because they love all their fans. its a perfect relationship, no strings attached and especially no hearts are broken. however on the outside if you ask me who 1D is, i'll act like i don't care. it's not because i am embarrassed, its just a have a reputation to hold, the cold-hearted b*tch who wont let anyone in, but that's another story to tell later.

as i drive down the street, i hear the guy on the radio saying that 1D is scheduled to be in California for the next few weeks. too bad i wont be able to meet them, i'm broke even though i have a job, concert tickets get expensive and sell out fast.

i finally arrive to the store, there are only a few cars parked, not many people come out at this time because the heat is just so bad. i walk through the parking lot and immediately see guys checking me out, some are cute but i just turn my head. they're players, breaking hearts is their specialty, i say to myself. i walk into the store and start looking for the food on my grandma's list...

NIALL'S POV: " can we please take a pit stop! we've been on the bus for too long without any food!"     this was complete torture, everyone knows i get cranky when i'm not properly fed. we've already made it to California and it was burning, i needed to get out of this bus.

"calm down mate, we'll stop soon" Liam says to me. He thinks that will calm me down, yea right.

 i just look out the window, dreaming of food, food and more food. finally i feel the bus coming to a stop.

"okay lads, put your hats and glasses on, we're making a pit stop to buy food," Louis informs me. i immediately jump on and put on our disguises. i don't see why we have to, its not fooling anyone, hell, our fans can tell who we are just by looking at out lips! kind of crazy but i love my fans. i head out the bus and the heat automatically attacks my skin. i look around and i realize why we chose to stop at this store, there is barely anyone here, must be because of the heat. we all start walking and i see a girl from the corner of my eye, she's staring and pulling out her phone... oh no. Zayn sees her as well and so we all start running to the store, hopefully she doesn't know who we are.

we finally step inside, the cool air conditioning hitting my arms brings chills down my spine, and then the smell of food hits me, this is what i've been waiting for. we walk around the store for no more than 30 mins and Paul runs over to us, "we've got a problem," he says. all of a sudden i hear screaming fans surrounding the store, security hasn't let them in yet but sooner or later they'll find a way to us.....

MARI'S POV: i'm just about done shopping, just one more item to get. I'm walking down the aisle and i hear some guys on the other side. accents, must be some hot guys on the other side. wait, those accents sound familiar. then i hear it, screaming fans come rushing inside the store. whats going on? i keep hearing screaming girls yelling out familiar names. i run to the other side of the aisle, no it cant be, its impossible, 1D cant be here, i think to myself. when i finally reach the other side, i see them.... 5 gorgeous boys who seem to be in panic seeing that screaming fans are frantically searching for them. without thinking i run towards them, they all turn around. wait keep your cool remember! i promised myself that if i ever met the boys i would be calm, cool, and collected. i begin to open my mouth but Harry quickly covers it, preventing me from talking.

"if you promise not to scream and give our location away, we'll give you free tickets to our next concert," he says to me... wow his accent is so much hotter in person. focus Mari! i take his hand off my mouth, and say " i wasn't gonna scream you jerk, i was gonna help you get out of here alive, but since you went all aggressive on me i think ill just scream instead," i say it as flirtatious as i can, trying to keep my cool. Niall quickly speaks for the group, " we're sorry love, we just don't want to get bombarded by fans right now, please help us!"     is Niall Horan actually talking to me? i see his mouth moving but i just stare at those blue eyes... "hello?!" he waves his hands in front of my face as i come back to reality....

"yea i'll help you! follow me!" i turn around and begin to walk fast looking behind me i hear Louis say, "how do we know we can trust her,"

"well you coming or what?" i say, i can hear the screaming girls come closer

"i dont  think we have another choice, the fans are getting closer," Zayn points out.

they all begin to follow me and my mind goes back to this morning, thank God for grandma's grocery list..




okay guys what did you think of my first chapter?

can the boys really trust her? where is Mari leading them?

told you they would meet in the most unusual of places hahaha

please make sure to vote comment and share!

the more you do, the faster i will update! its midnight now and both my wrists are killing me! (i have a cyst in my wrists)

sorry, don't get me wrong i am NOT complaining, just thought i should share a bit about myself.

ALSO follow my instagram: britboyband_1d

leave a comment for me there as well.

please give me feed back, it will be appreciated! well good night!

until next time :)


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