trapped inside a bathroom stall

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MARI'S POV: wow I can't believe it! I actually have One Direction following me, I’m gonna save them!.... But first I need to figure out where is a safe place.

We're moving quickly down the hall when we finally reach the bathrooms; I quickly turn around and signal for them to go inside.

"oi, we can't go into the girl’s bathroom," Niall says to me, I can tell he's blushing a little bit.

"There’s no choice!" I whisper back. Then I take initiative and push them inside. We quickly all try and squeeze into a stall. OK so it isn't exactly the best place to be but it'll have to do for now.

"We’re trapped!" Louis says looking a bit angry at me. We're all on top of each other because the stall is so small... Then all of a sudden I hear the door open.

"shhhhhh!" That's all I say…

"Is someone in here?" I hear the girl from the other side. I’m about to answer but Harry cuts me off and starts talking like a girl (as best he can) "yea I’m using the bathroom, can't I get some privacy!?"

I begin to giggle because he sounds so ridiculous and so I figured I'd have some fun… I begin to make farting noises with my hands I can see from the side of the stall that the girl makes a nasty face, plugs her nose and runs outside.

As soon as she leaves we all let go of the breath we were holding and then start laughing at what just happened. During this whole time I didn't realize how close I was to the boys. Harry was standing so close to my face, our noses were almost touching. Zayn, Louis and Liam were all trying to balance themselves on top of the toilet with each of their hands grabbing my shoulders for support. Niall was spooning me from behind with his hands on my hips and that's when I felt a growing bulge form.

"Is it me or is it hot in Here?" I say to Harry but all he does is show his cheeky smile....

"hi, I’m Harry, Harry styles" he goes straight for a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I can already feel myself blushing.

"And I’m Louis! This is Zayn, Liam and Niall"

They all give me a hug; it was quite difficult because we were still in the bathroom stall. Niall hugs me from behind and wraps his arms around my waist, "thanks for saving us love. We weren't ready to be surrounded by fans. It's our day off and we just wanted to have a normal day since we've been on the bus for a while."

I smile because I’m actually hearing Nialls lovely accent in person.

"No problem, so why don't we get out of here shall we?" I said.

As much as I loved being so close to the boys, I didn't want to stay in this bathroom anymore.

"But how do we get out? The fans are still out there." Liam says to me a bit concerned. I begin to look around and find the answer. I simply pointed up at the window above and smile... This should be fun.

NIALL'S POV: I never thought that I would be stuck in a bathroom stall with all my mates and some stranger. But there's something about her. Besides the fact that she is beautiful, there's something that seems different, I can tell she's not like other girls. I’m so close to her that I can smell the shampoo from her hair, smells like roses. Even though she is dressed really casual, I can still see all her curves, especially since I’m much taller than her, I can see down her shirt a little bit which makes my blood start rushing to my area down below. I can tell she can feel it too. She turns half way and smiles at me, moving her hips left to right. I try clearing my throat and she begins to giggle, “You okay there?” she says with a smile, revealing her dimples, gosh she is so beautiful. I try opening my mouth to talk again but she moves her hips back, pushing me against the wall. At this point I can’t take it anymore; I can see the boys giving me strange looks. My face begins to turn red, “hey why don’t you go out the window first?” I manage to say without letting a moan escape my mouth. “Yea sure, okay,” she says with a smile. I figured I could get a kick out of this and play out some revenge. I watch her as she climbs on top of the toilet and begins to climb out; half of her body is through when she says she needs a little help pushing off. I immediately take my big hands and put them on her bum and push up. She falls out the window and I hear a loud thud from the other side. “Hey! Next time be gentle!” she says as she gets off the floor.

When we all finally get out the window, I look around making sure the coast is clear. I can see from far away that our tour bus is still there but is surrounded many screaming girls, oh great. “So now what do we do?” I say looking into her light brown eyes, I almost get lost in them, but then she grabs my hand and starts pulling, guiding us through the parking lot, staying low so we don’t get caught. “I’ll take you to my car,” she whispers as we reach our destination. It’s a small car and I reckon we will all have to squish inside.

We manage to get inside the car and start driving off, I’m just glad we made it out there in one peace. “so where are we going?” I ask curiously.

“Umm, I don’t know where would you like to go?” she says in her American accent.

“Anywhere really, somewhere far from here. I don’t want to go back yet.” I say. I love the fans but we don’t really get a day off to ourselves and have fun, I figured we could take advantage of our new “hero-tour guide” and have some fun.

“Okay, well then how about we go to a local flee market? I know there aren’t many people today because mostly everyone is at the beaches trying to cool off from this heat.”

“Sounds great! Let’s go!” I wanted to get to know her better, I can’t figure it out yet, but I feel like she is worth getting to know.

“So what’s your name love? You still haven’t told us!” I put my hand on her thigh since I got to sit in the passenger seat, she looks at me for a second, taking her eyes off the road. I can tell she’s trying to hide it but she begins to blush.

“Oh I’m sorry. My name is Mariposa.”

My first thought: what the hell? I have never heard that name before…

“hahaha I know it’s a weird name, but you can blame my mother for that.” She says laughing…

did I just say that out loud? She must have heard me. Even her name sounds exotic and interesting; it makes me want to learn more about her.

“what does Mariposa mean?” I ask, not even sure if I’m pronouncing it right.

“It means ‘butterfly’. My mom absolutely loved them and came up with the idea of naming me after them.”

“So are you Spanish?” Harry jumps into the conversation; I had almost forgotten that they were in the car with us.

“Yes sir, my parents were born and raised in Spain, couple years after I was born, they decided to move to America to try and make a better living and provide me with a better education.”

“Wow that’s amazing” I try and jump back into the conversation; I don’t know why I started getting jealous when she started talking to Harry. He was always constantly flashing his cheeky smile and dimples, and when I looked back at her, she was always smiling and blushing. Is she into Harry? I hope not, maybe I’m staring at my future princess, who knows?

A/N: so you guys what do you think of this chapter? please leave a comment below letting me know what you think. don't worry the story gets better, you'll learn a lot more about Mariposa and her life's story. who do you like her better with; harry or Niall? please make sure to vote and follow. thank you! :)

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