Mariposa's story

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A/N:  if you guys find a  pic that you think looks like Mariposa, put in on instagram and tag me at britboyband_1d ....if i like it i'll make sure to give you a shout out and use the pic for my wattpad. hope you enjoy my story!

HARRY’S POV: as soon as I heard her name, I was intrigued. I have met many different types of girls from all over the world, but she had something different about her. As soon as I saw her in the store, I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She was extremely fit, nice curves that I would gladly run my hands through. She had long beautiful wavy brown hair with light brown eyes that made me go weak at the knees. However, I noticed she had a small scar on the side of her face, dangerously close to her eye. I wanted to ask but it seemed too soon, maybe later when I get to know her better.

“So how old are you?” I wanted to make sure I at least had a chance with her

“I just turned 19 not that long ago” she said looking at me through the review mirror.

Great! She is my age, she already seems perfect from me but I see that Niall might fancy her as well, this might be a problem.

We finally reached the flea market. She was right, there weren’t that many people here but we put on our hats and shades just in case someone might notice us. I got out of the car quickly and helped out the beautiful girl who I was quickly falling for.

“Thanks’” she smiles at me

I grabbed her hand a kiss it, “anytime love.”

Niall clears his throat and comes in between us, “so let’s go explore!” he quickly grabs her and runs away. I guess I must have had a frown on my face because Zayn came up and put his hand on my shoulder, “it’s okay mate, she seems like a great girl, and just give it some time.”

With that, the rest of us walk in the direction where Niall and Mari went. They were at a stand looking at bracelets. They were all so colorful, maybe I should by one for Mari. I find one that has the colors of the British flag and grabbed it. I went to the seller to see how much it was but when I asked him, he was speaking in Spanish, not exactly my best language. I finally find out what he was saying and purchased the bracelet, hopefully she’ll like it. We spent a few more hours looking around and grabbed a bite to eat. The sun was beginning to set so we decided to find somewhere nice to sit and have a nice chat. When we were all finally comfortable, Mari’s phone rings. She answers and begins to speak in Spanish, I don’t really know what she’s talking about so I just wait until she’s done.

MARI’S POV: “Mariposa donde estas, te estoy esperando hace mucho tiempo! (mariposa where are you, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time!)” …I hear her yelling from the phone, we don’t exactly get along all the time.

“Lo siento abuela, algo paso y no voy a regresar a la casa. (sorry grandma, something came up and I’m not coming home.”... I hang up on her. I didn’t want to go back yet; my home isn’t exactly the best place to be. I know she’ll be worried, I don’t like fighting with her and I know she cares but sometimes its hard going home… too many bittersweet memories haunt me there.

I get lost in thought when Zayn brings me back to reality, “hey are you OK?”

“Oh yea sorry, it’s just my grandma wants me to go back home but I don’t plan to.” I say with a sad expression on my face.

“Why not?” Liam asks looking concerned.

I sigh, “It’s a long story”

“We’ve got time” Louis says to me with an encouraging smile.

I saw how they all began to get comfortable; we were sitting on the grass at a park that was near the flea market. I began thinking to myself, should I tell them? I don’t know if it’s a good idea, what happens if they think I’m some sort of charity case?

Harry snuggles up to me and says, “Don’t worry love, you can trust us.” he is so warm, those green eyes staring back at me are just so inviting. I look at the rest of the boys and they all have that expression where they look like they are about to hear a good story.

“Why not?” I take a deep breath and begin my story.

“Well my home isn’t exactly the happiest place on earth. I live with my grandparents. I am an only child so life gets boring sometimes.”

“Is that the reason why you don’t like going home?” Niall asks me, reaching for my hand. I hold it and trace my finger along his palm.

“Partly, but mostly because I get really sad when I am there. You see my mother died when I was very young. She had cancer and didn’t make it. She and I were very close, we did everything together, but when she died I fell to pieces. I didn’t talk to anyone for weeks. I stayed in my room all day. We were already living with my grandparents because my mother needed support. My father had left her when he found out that she was pregnant with me, I’ve never met him. Sometimes at night I would ask her why he never decided to stay but she somehow always seemed to change the subject. This made me even closer to my mother, since I didn’t have another parent to love, I loved my mother twice as much. Don’t get me wrong I love my grandparents as well, they’re the best anyone could ask for. They took care of me while my mom was out working two jobs and taught me how to value life. But when my mom died, I completely changed. I would cry every night, softly, not loud enough so they could hear me, all I wanted to do was be alone, and I wanted to be back with my mother.

Years passed and I went to high school. My grades were poor; I skipped school a lot, not seeing the point in being there. I disappointed my grandparents a lot and rebelled against them. When I finally got my car, I decided not to show up at home a couple nights here and there, either sleeping over at my friend’s house or just sleeping in my car. That house holds too many memories for me; I just can’t bare to go back sometimes.”   ….. At this point, I don’t know why, I begin to cry, I NEVER cry in front of people, it’s not who I am anymore. All of a sudden I feel warm arms embrace me; I look up to see Niall’s blue eyes staring back at me.

“I’m so sorry love, it must be so hard on you.” he holds me tighter and rubs circles on my back to soothe me. I pull away and wipe my tears; I don’t want to seem weak.

At this point it’s already dark outside and the temperature is getting a bit colder. Louis stands up, and helps me off the ground, “come on love, you’re staying with us tonight.”

I don’t even dare to try and reject his offer, it beats staying in my car all night. We all go back to the car and drive to their hotel. The car ride was a bit quieter; I guess they wanted to give me space as I tried collecting myself together.

Little do they know that I wasn’t even half way done with my story.

A/N: so what did you guys think? i  know its a little sad but it gets better. please make sure to vote and follow. the more votes i get the more motivation i have to upload faster. please make sure to leave a comment below! :)

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