In The Last Moments

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A tear drips down my cheek as I exit the car. I straighten out my black dress and head towards the cluster of chairs ahead. Octavia clings onto me as I approach her. I never thought it would come to this.

I see his coffin out of the corner of my eye and I break down. Octavia and I cling to each other for dear life, bawling our eyes out.

I smile at Bellamy's remark, leaning my head against his shoulder. We walk hand in hand down the sidewalk. We are supposed to be meeting my parents for lunch in a few minutes.

Before I know it I have a gun to my face and some man is demanding that I give him my engagement ring. Bellamy, being the stubborn asshole that he is known as, decides to argue.

I twist the ring on my finger as I take my seat I'm the front row. I can hear people arriving behind me. The beautiful diamond made it out, but Bellamy didn't.

I jump as a gunshot goes off and Bellamy's body slumps onto the pavement. The man ran away, but he was the least of my worries.

Bellamy grabs my face weakly and pulls me down for a kiss. His blood was already covering my hands.

"May we meet again, I love you," he whispers.

I sob," don't leave me Bellamy, I love you!"

I feel arms around my waist and I snap back into the real world. Sirens, shouting, and crying- my own, especially. I look back to see my dad hugging me, a look of sorrow in his eyes. I pull away back to my fiance's body.

"He's gone," the paramedic says. I wasn't sure when they had arrives.

"May we meet again."

"Bellamy was a good man once you got to know him. Loving, caring, protective, there are too many words to describe him. He'll be greatly missed by everyone," some person- I think his aunt- says sadly.

None of these people were ever there for him and Octavia, they all are here out of pity. When Bellamy lost his dad, he had to work two jobs to help support Octavia and his mother. They weren't there to help him.

Before I know it I'm standing in front of the crowd, wiping mascara off of my cheeks.

"When we first met- when I was seven, I think- I hated Bellamy. Or maybe I thought he had cooties, I'm not entirely sure about that. Over the years of him torturing Octavia and I, after all of the tormenting, I found the good hidden in him. Bellamy was always closed off, he never showed anyone the man inside of him," I manage to speak," I showed him that it was okay, everything he thought he had to hide... I helped him discover who he truly was. I didn't do it alone, though. He had his wonderful sister and mother by his side every step of the way. When he first asked me out, I thought it was a joke. But of course Octavia- her being a Blake and all- talked me into it. That was the best desicion I have ever made. Before I know it he was on his knee in front of me, and I knew it all along. Bellamy wasn't who he was said to be- a lying, cheating, jerk. Who you really are and who you are to survive are two very different people, but at the same time very similar people. I know that he wouldn't have wanted this for sure... He wouldn't want everyone to mope over his death, be here over pity. What he would have wanted was to keep his memory alive and to remember him. And that's exactly what we all are going to do. He lead me through life, so forgetting him would be impossible. I loved him more than I loved myself."

With that I walk back to my seat quickly. After my speach, it hits me. I had been trying to forget it happened, trying to pretend it wasn't real. Bellamy Blake, the love of my life, my rock, was dead.


I sit on a rock near the lake- the rock where Bellamy first kissed me- playing with my necklace. I stayed near his grave after it was over, I couldn't let go. Octavia and my mother had to drag me away. I took off after I changed out of my extremely uncomfortable dress, and my feet took me here. I glance down at my hand- Bellamy and I never had the chance to have our wedding, to have kids, grandkids, live our lives like we were supposed to- all over this stupid ring.

"Come home, Clarke," Octavia rests her hand on my shoulder. She stands behind me.

"My home is gone," I whisper, " he's dead O!"

"Damn it Clarke! He was my brother, he was the only one who really understood me for a while! He took care of me, loved me, protected me from the world! You aren't the only one who lost him!" Octavia breaks down. I turn and hug her, both of us breaking down in the middle of a forest. A fucking forest.

"Let's go home," I sniffle and pull Octavia up as I stand. Together we leave, both unsure of where we are going to go or what we are going to do.

"May we meet again," Octavia whispers to the sky.

"May we meet again."

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