Feelings aren't his friend

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Unlike most of the teenagers on earth, Clarke didn't love the land around her because it meant she was free from the people of the Ark, she loved breathing in the fresh air, seeing the beautiful creatures around her, drinking fresh water. She loved Earth for what it had to offer. But with all of the responsibilities it left her, she sometimes wished she could go back to the Ark.

"Clarke-" Octavia snapped her fingers in front of the girl's face, " are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine," Clarke says, wiping her sweaty hands on her jeans," do you need something?"

"I was going to ask if you've seen Bellamy," she sighs.

"I haven't, sorry Octavia," Clarke frowns," I can help you look for him."

"Could you? I know you are really busy around here, but I'm really worried," Octavia smiles.

"It's okay O, I'll help you find him. Knowing him he's probably hanging people from trees," Clarke chuckles and Octavia slaps her arm.

"That wasn't funny," she says," can we go now?"

Clarke nods and walks off to find Finn. He may be an asshole, but he could handle these delinquents better than anyone else... Well, not including her and Bellamy of course.

"Finn," Clarke says plainly," can you keep an eye on things for a little while?"

"Where are you going?" Finn asks.

"None of your business. I'll be back soon, just make sure no one kills eachother," Clarke sighs and walks away. He could never mind his own business. Octavia was waiting by the gate, arguing with Miller.

"Bellamy said not to let you leave unless he said so," Miller grunts.

"He isn't here to say anything, so let me go!" Octavia yells. Clarke sighs and walks up to them.

"I say to let us leave, tell Bellamy it was my fault," Clarke says. Miller looks at her, unassured, and tells them to open the gate. Octavia rushes out, Clarke trying to keep the same pace as her," slow down, we won't get as far if we run out of energy quicker."

"I think I know where he is," Octavia looks at Clarke," so pick up the pace!"

Clarke rushes after Octavia through the woods. She grunts as she trips over a root, barely keeping her balance.

"Bellamy!" Octavia exclaims as we approach the river. Clarke saw him sitting on a rock in the distance.

"What are you two doing out here?" He asks, standing up quickly.

"Looking for you," Clarke crosses her arms," why did you leave without telling anyone where you were going?"

"I don't need people worrying about me," Bellamy frowns," you two shouldn't be out here, do you even have a weapon?"

"Don't avoid the question. You could've said you were leaving. We wouldn't have worried if it wasn't necessary," Clarke sighs," I was worried because you didn't tell anyone."

Bellamy glares at the two girls in front of him. If either of them were hurt he wouldn't be able to forgive himself.

"Let's go, Clarke left spacewalker in charge," Octavia smiles," and that wasn't a good idea. No offense Clarke."


Bellamy seemed awfuly distant for the rest of the day. He kept a frown on his face and barely talked, and only yelled orders when he did. Clarke was trying to warm up by the fire when she noticed him staring at her.

She stood up and made her way towards the man. She was shocked when she saw him smile as she sat next to him.

"Are you okay?" Clarke asks, setting her hand on Bellamy's shoulder.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me," Bellamy says, not looking at Clarke. He stared at the fire, competely ignoring her concerned look.

"No you're not. You are acting weird," Clarke frowns," you can talk to me."

"Things have been weird lately, Clarke. I've been feeling- you don't want to hear about my feelings, do you?" Bellamy stops short.

"Just tell me, it'll make you feel better," Clarke smiles as he looks down at her.

"I've been feeling different. I used to only care about protecting Octavia from everything, but I now care about someone else too. I just don't know how to tell her how I feel," he sighs," I sound stupid."

"No you don't. Just tell her what you feel, any girl would be lucky to have someone care about them as much as you care about Octavia," Clarke says," don't be afraid to hide from her. If talking isn't your thing, then kiss her, she'll get the memo."

Bellamy sighs and runs a hand through his hair. He really needs to get it cut. Stop thinking about your hair Bellamy!

Clarke is completely suprised when Bellamy's lips are against hers, but she kisses him back. Kissing him felt right, unlike kissing Finn.

Clarke made Bellamy a better person and he had just realized that. She wanted to discover the best in him and make it show.


The next time Bellamy found himself by the river, Clarke was at his side.

"This is where that thing attacked Octavia the first day we were down here," Clarke leans her head on Bellamy's shoulder.

"Well, we aren't going in the water," he chuckles," at least goggles boy was there to save her."

"His name is Jasper," Clarke punches his arm playfully.

"I know that, but I'm going to call him goggles boy," Bellamy laughs. He smiles at the beautiful girl next to him. If she wasn't so dependant and cocky, she would have hid in the crowd and never stood up for anyone. He was lucky that she was this way, or else he would be leading alone and screwing a different girl everyday.

"What are you thinking about?" She asks, picking at the grass growing in between a crack in the rocks.

"How dependant you are, cocky even," Bellamy sighs," I'm just glad I have someone to keep me in line. Someone to care for me, to love me. Everyone would be dead without you. We all need you and I'm selfish, keeping you to myself."

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