Squad Goals Part 2

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Raven and Wick were at it again.

They sat on the roof of the lake house, trying to keep themselves unnoticed by their friends below them. They smirked at each other and grabbed a water balloon- a paint filled water balloon, to make matters worse- and chose their victims.

Soon enough everyone of their friends were covered in bright paint, half of them laughing, a few angry, and Maya looked completely done with the trip.

"My hair!" Octavia exclaims," Raven, Wick, you are dead!"

The two high five and burst out laughing. Their friends are idiots if they thought stuff like this wasn't going to happen. When they set off the fireworks the other night, Raven almost got arrested. Wick had to plead with the cops to let them off easy, which wasn't easy since Raven told one of the cops to fight her.

They made their way down the ladder on the side of the house and we met with a fuming Octavia. She tackled Raven, who just laughed as Octavia hit her chest.

"Ow, that hurts so bad," Raven said sarcastically.

"I hate you!" Octavia exclaims," I just got my hair done a few days ago!"

Lincoln had to pry Octavia off of Raven- who was still laughing as Octavia almost burst out in tears.

"You're lucky you're my best friend," Octavia sighs. Raven stood up and frowned at her clothes, which were now covered in paint from Octavia.


Everyone cleaned up and Raven and Wick apologized. Then Clarke decided she wanted to go out for dinner...not a good idea, Clarke.

Raven slapped Wick's arm when he flung a noodle at her. They went to some fancy Italian restaurant about an hour away from their lake house.

"I don't want to get kicked out before I finish my food," Raven whispers. Wick dips his finger in the spaghetti sauce and pokes Raven on the cheek.

The others didn't notice Raven and Wick as they started to flick food at each other. Well, Jasper did, but he just shrugged it off. Wick hit Raven in the cheek with a piece of the food and she tackled him out of his chair.

Clarke was completely embarrassed as the two fought each other. Bellamy tried to calm her down while trying not to laugh. Octavia giggled uncontrollably along with Monty. The rest of them were attempting to sneak out before the manager came and kicked them all out.

People all around them had their phones out, recording Raven as her and Wick practically strangled each other. Raven grabbed his bowl and poured the contents all over him.

"I win!" She exclaims and pushes herself up, only to be pulled back down and into a big, mushy hug by Wick.

"Now you have sauce on your white shirt," Wick snickers.

"Bite me," Raven frowns and stands up again. She smiles awkwardly at the angry manager standing next to them.

"Pay and get out!" The man exclaims.


"I can't believe you did that. We can't have anything nice with you two idiots around. You act like your five!" Clarke rambles on. She is sitting in the passenger seat next to Bellamy with Raven and Wick in the back. Bellamy was completely amused with the situation, but wasn't laughing so Clarke wouldn't get angry at him," now this is going to be all over the internet! You ruin everything! Raven, you are so lucky you are one of my best friends or else I would have let those cops arrest you the other night!"

"Princess, calm down," Bellamy whispers.

"Don't tell me to calm down you dipshit! I am completely calm!" Clarke yells at him. Raven and Wick exchange a glance and burst out laughing," this isn't funny!"

"Yes it is," Raven sighs," you are funny when you're angry."

"Whatever," Clarke mutters and crosses her arms.


"Shut up Raven!" Wick yells. Raven had her music blasting and she was singing as she took a shower.

"Get out of here!" She yells back and grabs a towel, jumping out of the shower. She was done anyways. She chases Wick down the stairs and pushes Miller over in the process. When she finally caught Wick she slapped his arm.

"All of that just to hit me?" He laughs.

"It was the heat if the moment," Raven shrugs.

"Would you be angry if I pulled your towel away from you?" Wick asks.

"I swear to god, if you even touch me now, I'll kill you," Raven growls. Wick smirks at her and grabs the edge of the towel," Kyle, I'm not kidding."

They have a stare down for a few minutes, but break eye contact when they hear someone yell.

"Someone flooded the bath- Raven," Lincoln sighs as he runs down the stairs.

"It's Wick's fault!" Raven exclaims.

"Raven did it!"

"Clarke's gonna flip."

"Raven, you're so dead!"

"Why is there water on the stairs?" Clarke asks. Lincoln smiles nervously. He must've shut the door, or else Clarke would've seen it.

"Uh, about that..." Raven chuckles.

"Did you just run down here all wet? Go put on some clothes Raven," Clarke smiles. Raven brushes past her friends and runs upstairs, locking the door to her room behind her. She hears footsteps coming up the stairs and then the door next to hers open.

"Oh my god!" Maya yells," Clarke, someone flooded the bathroom!"

"It was probably Raven!" A voice yells back.

"Sorry Clarkie!" Raven yells.


Clarke forgave Raven and Wick for the whole lake house incidents a long time ago. Now they were all gathered because Octavia had to tell them something important.

"I'm having a good orgasm," Jasper moans into his burger. His girlfriend shoots him a weird look and he smiles cheekily at him.

"You're so damn weird," Maya smiles.

"The milkshakes here are really good," Miller nods approvingly at his drink.

"What's going on in the linctavia universe? That's why I came here," Clarke leans closer to Lincoln and Octavia.

"You guys don't have anything planned for spring break yet, righr?" Lincoln asks.

"Rather than get drunk off my ass, no," Bellamy snickers and Clarke slaps his arm.

"Well, you all have plans now," Octavia smirks and holds up her hand. Raven's eyes widen at the huge diamond ring on her finger.

"That probably cost as much as my college tuition," Wick says.

"Oh my god!" Maya squeals and pulls Octavia and Lincoln into a huge hug. Everyone says their congrats except Raven.

"Damn it, I owe Clarke seventy five bucks," she sighs," but congrats O and mister macho man."

"Please stop calling me that," Lincoln frowns.

"It isn't our fault you look like a pro- murderer," Wick laughs.

"What does that even mean?" Raven asks," pro murdering isn't a thing you dumbass."

"Here they go again."

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