Us and the plants

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Clarke hated sneaking around. But if she wanted to keep her relationship, she had to. She was 'privleged' so she couldn't be with anyone who wasn't. Stupid. That'd exactly what it was. Even if he was in her section, her parents wouldn't accept her relationship. She was sixteen and he was twenty one.

She had somehow managed to make her way to Bellamy's section. She wanted to see him before her father got home. Bellamy's class wasn't that much lower than Clarke's, considering he was still in the guard (Clarke has helped him stay in it after the whole Octavia incident.)

"Bell?" She calls. Clarke smiles at the note on the table.


If you're reading this, I'm at training. I'll be back at 6.

She sits down at the table, turning the piece of paper over to draw on the back. Halfway through her drawing the door opens and she almost falls out of her seat.

"Jumpy much?" Bellamy chuckles, kissing Clarke quickly.

"Did you see her today?" Clarke asks, continuing on her picture.

"No, but I did yesterday," Bellamy sighs," I can't believe I got her into this."

"Hey. You didn't do this," Clarke follows him into his bedroom," you didn't know."

"I did know!" He exclaims," I knew I couldn't risk it!"

Clarke wraps her arms around Bellamy, standing on the tip of her toes to kiss him. Bellamy turns her around and sits her on the bed, not breaking the kiss.

"My dad is going to be back at seven," Clarke sighs, looking at the clock. She has to be there in thirty minutes.

"You've been so... Eager to talk to him," Bellamy says.

"I know something I shouldn't," Clarke mumbles. Bellamy looks at her expectantly," I can't tell you yet."

"Come on, you know you can trust me," Bellamy replies.

"The Ark is failing. Life support is almost out of air," she whispers," my dad wants the people to know. They deserve to. You know Jaha, he'll probably kill a bunch of people without thinking about it twice."


Clarke sat in her cell, staring at the ceiling. Bellamy told Jaha about her dad. No one else knew, he had to do it. Clarke constantly thought about it even though it was almost a year and half ago.

"Prisoner 319, face the wall," a guard says as they enter her cell.

"No, its not my time. I don't turn eighteen for a month!" Clarke exclaims, pushing past the guards. She stops running when a guard pulls her back.

"They are sending you to the ground," the familiar voice whispers, "I'm coming too."

Clarke tries to break out of Bellamy's grip, but she ends up crying in his lap. All of her emotions finally caught up to her. She suddenly feels a needle in her neck and winces. The last thing Clarke saw was Bellamy picking her up.


"Don't open the door! The air could be toxic!" Clarke yells at Bellamy, pulling his hand away.

"If it's toxic we're all dead anyways," he smirks. That cocky son of a bitch.

"Bellamy?" A familiar voice asks. Yes, Clarke met Octavia. Only a few times when they were younger, she had helped Bellamy sneak extra rations for her.

"That's the girl who hid under the floor, Octavia Blake!" Someone exclaims and a bunch of people start to murmur. Clarke glares at them and turns to see Octavia and Bellamy hugging.

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