Chapter VI. Profundity

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Imperial Controlled Space

Two days later

"Admiral, A pair of Victory Classes are exiting hyperspace in sector four-zero-three!" A deck officer says as turbolasers fly past the lowered bridge of the Rebel command ship.

"Prepare concussion missiles and proton torpedoes, target their shield arrays and sensors!" Admiral Raddus, the Mon Calamari naval leader of the Rebel Alliance orders, the first of many turbolasers impacting his cruiser hull as two Victory-II Class Star Destroyers approach.

"Where is Captain Shack with the Liberation?" He asks, a Correlian Corvette to the side of the bridge exploding in an orange inferno.

"They are two minutes out, they ran into hyperspeed interference over Kessel." Another officer says.

A pair of ion torpedoes impact the Nebulan-B Medical frigate above the Profundity, disabling it as turbolasers shred the armor, and secondary and tertiary explosions across the hull as the frigate collapses.

As the frigate's hull splits in half, the Venator exits hyperspace and fires dozens of turbolaser rounds at the Imperial cruisers, disabling their shields and causing minimal damage to their hulls.

"Admiral, sorry we're late, looks like you're gonna need some support," Shack says as blue turbolasers ignite from the Liberation, heavily damaging and disabling the Victory.

"Glad to have you, Shack. The Imperial fleet has been mostly rooted out, there are only a few remaining cruisers and frigates left defending the planet though they have gone down to the surface likely to protect Imperial installations.

"Let's hope it's that." Shack says.

"And why do you say that?"

"If the Empire knows they're gonna lose this planet, why give it any remaining value? Sounds like a bombardment plan to me." Shack states, concerned.

"Hm, scramble all fighters to destroy those starships, let's make sure they don't purge the population," Raddus says as smoke rises from the capital city.

"looks like it's already begun." Shack says, closing the hologram as the ventral hangar of the Liberation opens, dozens of X-Wings, Headhunters, Y-Wings and assorted scavenged interceptors exit the hangar.

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