2 - Lentils and small talk

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the warm Barcelona sun hits the top of my head as i walk over to my brothers house, Lamine invited me over to try something from his cooking course and i couldn't say no, especially since i had no intention on making my own lunch.  My eyes squint as the teams massive house comes into view, the rays of sun illuminating the white paint in a way that could blind people.

when i finally get to their doorstep Lamine is already waiting for me "holaaa" i sing as i walk up the steps, he smiles and opens the door. The moment i walk into the house im hit with the nostalgic smell of lentils and meat  "isn't it still a bit to hot for Lentils?" i ask the boy next to me and he shrugs "i thought so too, but i needed to make them".

sitting on the giant table is a singular bowl of lentils with a cup of water, as i move to sit down my curiosity gets the best of me and i ask "how come you didn't ask one of the guys to try these?" Lamine sits down next to me "simple, i don't trust them not to lie" he says nonchalantly and i laugh, picking up the spoon to taste test the meal. I scoop up some lentils from the edge of the bowls and pop them into my mouth, the flavor of the spices mix in perfectly with the small beans, and i look at Lamine with wide eyes as my taste buds feel like they are dancing in joy. I swallow down the spoon full and let out a laugh of shock "holy shit, are you sure you made these?" he nods, the pride evident on his face "they are amazing!" i exclaim as the door to the dinning room opens.

"What's amazing?" A familiar voice asks as the door opens wider. "oh ho ho, the MVP decides to bless us with his presence" Lamine laughs and Pau jokingly rolls his eyes. "Hey Cesca" He says, looking over at me as he walks over to the kitchen island and scoops some lentils from the giant pot into a bowl, i smile, putting another spoon full into my mouth. "Are you not gonna get any?" Pau asks Lamine as he pulls out a chair next to me "Nah, i don't really like lentils" Lamine says as he types out something on his phone. "Im starting to think you're trying to poison me" I joke, cocking an eyebrow at the footballer, he lets out a half hearted laugh as he frowns at his phone.

I look over at Pau with a confused expression, just to see him already looking at me with a look i can't pin point, his face flushes and he looks over to Lamine. "You okay Yamal?" He asks, a concerned tone lacing his words "yeah, its just Álex is trying to make people feel Bad for her again" Lamine answers, shutting off his phone and putting it face down on the table.

Álex, more commonly known as Álex Padilla or 'the girl who cheated on Lamine Yamal' is just as bad as she sounds to be. Her and Lamine had been dating for a while before they had gone public and the videos of her cheating surfaced, and i had been so unlucky to meet her in that short time space. Believe it or not, she sounded like a nice girl and attended every game, but i don't know why something always felt kind of off about her.

We eat the rest of the meal in a comfortable silence, the only sound being our breaths and the spoons hitting against the edge of the bowl every so often.

I finally speak when i finish "Thanks Lamine, it was really good" he smiles as he brushes off my compliment. I set my plate down into the sink and get ready to say bye but Pau cuts me off, "How come you don't live with us?" He asks and the question catches me pretty off guard "oh umm, i don't know, i've never really thought about it" i answer, picking my phone up off the table. "well, think about it, im sure it gets pretty lonely living alone" he says, a warm smile on his features "haha, will do, bye guys!" i call out waving at them "bye taste tester!" Lamine says and Pau laughs, waving bye at me as they close the door. 

As i walk home i decide to try and find the what Lamine was talking about, and it doesn't take me long before i come across the post.



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@Lamine19, why.....💔

liked by: @MaguiCorceiro, @#1madridista, @Vinijrr, 

@HalaMadrid4lyfe and 37.6k more


@MaguiCorceiro: i feel you girl❤️‍🩹

@barcafntic: lmaooo

> @userrr51: the pmgs is wilddd

@barcafntic: Magui and Álex acting as if they were the ones that got cheated on💀💀

 @Franxesca: FRRRR         

@Vinijrr: come over to the better side😏

@ÁlexPadills: i'll think abt it😜

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My jaw drops at the last comment, written  by non other than Vinicius himself. I laugh as i close my phone to unlock my front door. when i step inside i look around my tiny, one bedroom apartment, and now that i think about it, it really is lonely in here. Maybe i'll think about what Pau said.....

Lunette yaps: 

it rained today and the wi-fi went out so this is a little late (i was planning on publishing this afternoon.... its 4:12am....🤭)


And today im going to go buy some of those sticker thingys of the players that you collect And a football  so i can actually learn some tricks to look cool.

OH, and lastly, plssss comment what you think so far and if you have any suggestions.

word count: 971


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