Natural Beauty

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A tangle of branches dressed in beautiful green.

Beams of light piercing through the leafy veil,

Exposed by sunlight, laid naked and bare, veins of life.

Eucalyptus trees that stand tall, shrouding the edge of the world.

Here as Ibu Pertiwi intended, nature's virgin,

In this arboreous abode, in this sea of natural beauty.

Under ultra-violet rays, illuminating this natural beauty,

In this land girt by sea, an isolated sea of green.

An ocean of no tides, with a gentle breath of a virgin.

A showering of loose leaves slowly descending, falling like a veil.

The sun watches amongst the reflection of our world

On this clear day photosynthesis began the cycle of life

The leaves prance and dance in the breeze expressing life

The air is clear here in natural beauty.

A fantastical moment found nowhere else in the world,

Swaying saplings like a gentle wave of green.

Mysticism manifested itself here through Bhoma's veil.

We remained free, a virgin.

The worms writhed covered in filth, beauty's virgin.

From the Eucalyptus to the Nymph, the shapes of life

A symbiosis in peaceful bliss, a harmonious vale.

The Ents careful tending, resulting in this natural beauty.

Where the trees splayed their netting of leaves, a canopy of green

It was here where one can cross the world.

Finding somewhere unfamiliar, in their own world

In silence, in peace, when they become a virgin

Torn from sprawl into the wild green

Bearing fruit of Dewa Vishnu – Preserver of life.

Find us if you can, amongst this natural beauty,

Come without a veil.

Walk under Surya's veil.

Through the brush of the wild world,

Open those eyes and see this natural beauty.

Brazen despite its virginity,

Its obscene display of life.

Drowning your sight with green.

Drowning your sight with green

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