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AN: let's just forget that the first seven chapters of this never happened because it makes me cringe it's awful


The next day happened like every other, I went to the beach with Liam and Sophia and slipped away to go surfing with Niall. It's a miracle that Liam hasn't caught me with Niall, because it's no hiding that he's a snitch and will tell my dad. 

When I first came here I thought my dad would be pretty chill and let me do whatever, but he just made a good first impression because he's been keeping a close eye on me the entire time I've been here (although he hasn't caught me with Niall so I guess I have outsmarted the smartest). I just want to go home and see my friends, I'm done with this house full of people and Liam and his stupid girlfriend and this stupid beach.

So far I haven't caught any waves today, but that's okay because that means I haven't had the chance to wipe out and embarrass myself. Niall hasn't really talked to me at all, he just handed me his extra board and then we both did our own things. My own thing being sitting far out in the ocean and watching everyone else.

I was about to head back to the beach and talk to Sophia or something, she really isn't that bad once you get to know her, but Niall decided then to start talking to me.

"So yesterday I was driving past your house, I mean your dad's house, well I guess it doesn't mat - dammit I got off topic," Niall said, but mainly to himself. "Okay so I took a drive past your dad's house yesterday because you weren't here, and I saw some creepy guy with a lot of tattoos standing outside and screaming on his phone. I was just curious as to who it was," Oh, so he saw Harry. 

"Um-" I started but Niall cut me off.

"Wait actually don't tell me, it's not my business. Now I feel embarrassed and a nosey person." I knew the right thing was to tell Niall about Harry, which was what I surprisingly did. 

I apologized for somewhat leading him on and then he paddled away. I couldn't tell if he was hurt or he just wanted to continue surfing, but either way I got out of the water and joined Liam and Sophia back on the sand.

"Were you with Niall Horan?" Liam asked me as soon as I picked up my towel to dry off. Well I guess today is the day someone caught me.


okay so this was just a really awkward and stupid transition to get to the good part but i pinky swear it gets better from here

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