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she stands in that shower,
a mixture of water and tears
running down her face,
rethinking all that has happened.

"it's all ruined now,
I ruined it,
once again."
she thinks to herself,
cursing at the ceiling.

she turns and slams her hands into the wall, tears and sobs coming out of her,
quickly and showing no signs of stopping.

right when I finally get him,
when I'm finally happy,
he leaves me?"
she lets her hands drop,
standing in silence.

she lets the water pour on her,
trying to drown in sadness and pain.

she mutters,
again and again.

"I had him,
he was mine.
I was so happy.
why did he have to leave?"
she whispers,
covering her sobbing face in her hands.

she stands in that shower,
water and tears falling,
feeling smaller
than she had ever felt before.

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