Chapter 2: Oh so Amazing Eyes

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Vanilla's POV

I gulped, I looked away quickly and straightened my posture, making sure that I was covered by a person that was in the way of Anthony's view of me. I tried my best to avoid the man all summer. We were practically neighbors and not to mention that his family and my family were kind of close. Avoiding the boy was almost impossible but so far, I made it this far.

I blinked and tried to concentrate on my food, just wanting lunch to end, when Mia suddenly kicked my leg under the table. I hissed at her and glared.

"What?" I screeched quietly. "He is still staring at you." she whispered, looking more than frightened. You see, Mia has had a history with him. He basically murdered her sand castle when we were 8 and since then she has never tried playing 'Princess Castle' with me! That jerk.

I played it cool and brushed it off. Just act calm and cool, Van. Calm and cool.

"What? This is his first time seeing a good looking girl?" I whispered back, rubbing my still aching foot. Dale scoffed. I glared at him and closed my eyes. I just need to see if he's still looking. I don't want eyes on me, not alone Anthony's.

I can do this. I took up all the courage I could muster and took a peek at him.

Nope. Nevermind. Bad idea. Super bad idea.

What did I even do to this boy, all I know is I looked at him, then his bloody dark eyes are now stuck on me. Am I some kind of magnet of freaks? I already have Dale and Mia, but now I have him? The king of all morons? Wow, why can't fate give me some credit and give me my Mr. Right?

"What did you do to the guy, he's looking at you like your some kind of meat, smothered in gravy." Dale whispered, staring at Anthony. I kicked his foot, making him yelp. "You idiot, don't stare at him. The last thing I want is him to think that we feel weak under his gaze." I hissed quietly.

"But aren't you 'princesa'? Aren't you scared?"

I gulped. Shoot. Murder me now. Murder me now. Code red. I repeat code red.

"Oh, hey man." Dale greeted without emotion. Yeah, hate to break the cliche 'my-best-friends-boyfriend-are-best-friends-with-my-mortal-enemy' part. Dale hates Anthony, he always has. Dale was supposed to be the captain of the football team, but Anthony stole that from him when out of damn nowhere he wanted to audition for the part. He wasn't even part of the team, but coach was so impressed he just had to directly promote him.

Even a coach could fall for his charms. But not me. Never.

"Hi." He grumbled back, sitting down beside me. I gulped. Why beside me? I looked at him with a glare, making sure to show no sense of fear in my eyes, nor my aura. Come on, Val. Be strong.

"What do you want?" I snapped, making Mia look at me, giving me the 'what-the-hell-are-you-doing?' look. I nodded at her for assurance. "I saw you look at me, and I wanna know why." He nonchalantly stated. I gaped at him.

This guy is freaking insane.

"Look, Black. I looked at you because I have two pairs of eyes. I looked at you because I can see. Happy?" I snapped. Mia and Dale both stared at me, surprised by the sudden burst of confidence. I was always feisty with Anthony, but not this feisty. I hated his guts and maybe he got to me today. Or hormones.

I blame hormones.

I looked at him, and soon regretted that decision. He was looking at me, blankly. And to live next door to a guy like that? I know that look anywhere. He looks...deadly. He doesn't have, not even one, emotion on his face. If he gives you that and stares at you like you've done every sin on earth? That's bad. Very bad.

"You said something, princesa?" he challenged. That damn nickname just stuck for years. Called me that since he traumatized poor Mia with the sandcastle.

I look at Mia and Dale for help. They weren't any help at all, because all they did was look at me with clueless looks, so much for being friends.

"I said, I have eyes. Which are pretty obvious. 'chico'." I sighed. Yep, I've made it worse. He hates that word. Hates it. He said it made him sound like a child. Maybe he is.

"Are you saying I don't have common sense to know that you have big bulging eyes?" he asked calmly. I gulped. Just shut up, mouth. Shut the fudge up.

"Hey, don't look at me, you were the one who said that."

Shoot. Why can't you be quiet for once, mouth? Like, just for a damn second.

He looked at me then smiled. I gulped. He patted my head winked at me.

"See you at dinner, princesa." he stared at me. I gulped again and rolled my eyes, masking off the fear in my face. He stood up, looking more than calm, like he was collected and relaxed. Mind you, I've been living next door to this monster for more than my entire life and I swear, that is not good, that is pure evil if he's calm. He is usually cocky and obnoxious.

I closed my eyes when I felt his hot breath behind my neck, making the hair on my back stand up, making my spine ring up and down and making my breath hitch up my throat.

"I promise I'll knock some sense into me and notice your, 'oh so amazing eyes', princesa." he whispered in my ear, before sauntering away.

"That was intense. And who does he think he is? Some kind of god that I should praise? Well sorry blubber boy, you're not!" I whisper-yelled at my friends. Mia rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"You should've said that while he was here, you moron. And what's going on tonight?" she snapped.

"What do you mean tonight?" I asked, my head snapping up to her.

"He mentioned 'dinner.' What's that about and how come didn't you tell me that you were going on a date with the hottest man in school?" She snapped again. She then looked at Dale. "Besides Dale?" she snapped once more.

I sighed and tried to remember everything that the devil told me. When everything came back to me, I gaped.

"Well?" Dale snapped this time.

"Will you two stop snapping at me? We're not going on a date. I and his damn beautiful family are having dinner at our house. We do it at least once a month, we do that because both our families believe in the quote 'Being Close to your Neighbors, Gives Peace to your Neighborhood'. I know, stupid." I explained.

They nodded their heads and released their 'ahhs' in understanding.

"Oh, so you and him? Under one roof besides school? Sounds like a recipe for catastrophe." Dale snickered, shaking his head. "You tell me. But since we've been doing that since we we're little kids, we got used to it." I shrugged.

"Wait, if you can stay in under one roof with him for hours, eating, talking and doing family business at your own, then why can't you do that in school?" She asked. Good question. I never told Mia about this because I know I would never hear the end of it. She would make such a huge fuss and just not shut up about it.

Me and Anthony made an oath to never tell anyone, it would ruin our reputation! If I ever have one. I sighed and cleared my throat.

"We're forced to be somewhat pleasant in front of our family. We don't have to impress anyone here." I shrugged, picking on my pizza which I lost appetite for.

"Puh-lease, we all know both of you are attached to each other's hip and want to suck each other's throats." Dale chuckled, making Mia burst into laughter.

"Never in a million years would I be attracted to that demon." I breathed out, ignoring the giant sized butterflies flapping their gigantic wings in my stomach.


Wow, took me some time to actually update. Well, hope you enjoyed :>

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