Chapter 7: Doubts

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"What are your plans for tomorrow?" Mia asked. I huffed and scratched my head as we both stared at the ceiling of my room. It was a Friday afternoon and we both were laying on my bed, looking like sacks of potatoes in our PJ's. Mia and Dale would usually go out for date night but since Dale had practice today for their first game of the season next week, Mia had to stay with me until he finished practice. 

Which also means Anthony wasn't around to annoy me tonight. It was a refreshing change, to be honest. 

I looked at Mia and sighed, wiping off the beads of sweat on my forehead. "It's too hot to go out these days." I whined. Mia nodded silently, grabbing a handful of corn chips from the bedside table, crunching away. Then, out of nowhere, she jumped up, gasping loudly. I almost fell off my own damn bed.

"Mia, what the fuck."

"Beach!" She screeched, looking at me with wide eyes. I gave her a look and smacked her arm. "You're the bitch." I grumbled. She gave me a confused look before smacking me back. "No, you moron. I meant beach. Like the sand, the sun, the waves." She suggested. I gave it a thought and pursed my lips.

It was a great idea. It was too hot to go anywhere else. The beach was perfect. It's been awhile since my toes touched the sand anyways. I sat up with her and she was still watching me with excitement in her eyes. I suddenly smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, that's a great idea. We can go, we'll invite Victor and Vince. Dale will come, as always. And we'll go find mermaids and water fairies. It's gonna be fun!" I perked. Suddenly both of us started squeeling like little girls. It were times like this I loved Mia the most. Just the little things that made her real to me. Certain times when I thought I'd be alone, she would just pop right up to me and that made our friendship a lot more valuable. 

"So, we have to tell the boys so we can prepare and stuff. I'll text my mom that I'll sleep over tonight and just tell Dale to have date night here." Mia then decided. I groaned in despair, I hated it when Dale was around. He was a pig and I hated it. 

She went ahead and texted away while I smiled and looked over my window out of habit. And lo and behold, Anthony Black was there. He was smiling and looked like a wreck. He looked dirty and quite disheveled. Mia made a call and stepped out, making me come over to the window and get a closer look at him. He did the same.

"What happened to you, you always looked disgusting but never like this." I chuckled. He gave me small smirk and looked down at his dirty practice attire before looking up at me. 

"Well, biscuit, practice was rough. New season is next week and its gonna be my last year as captain. I gotta make it worth it." He winked. I nodded in understanding and shrugged. He looked over where Mia exited and took off his practice jersey, making me blush and look away.

"Where's her boyfriend?" He asked. I gave him a confused look and scratched my head. "I thought he was at practice with you." I answered. This time, he gave me a confused look and shook his head. "He didn't show up today. I thought he'd be here. With you and her." 

I suddenly felt my stomach drop. Like a really bad feeling started flooding my entire body. Dale just told Mia that he'd be at practice before we left school. I scrunched my eyebrows and looked at Anthony in worry. Dale would never lie to Mia, unless he was surprising her. But he never surprised her without me knowing about it. He never made great plans, I always made everything possible. He just made it work by being there. 

Now, it feels different. 

Anthony waved at me, as if to take away my confusion, but when he saw my nervous look, something in him clicked. He probably understood what that look meant because his eyes hooded and his shoulders tensed. 

"You've got to be fucking kidding m-"

"I already told Vince and Victor about tomor- oh hi Tony." Mia smiled, waving at him. He waved back and gave her a small smile. She suddenly gave him a look and ran a hand through her hair.

"If you're here, then Dale should be here too. Right?" Mia asked. Anthony looked at me and I shook my head. He sighed and turned his bare back at us. "I went home early." He gruffed. I silently sighed in relief and closed my eyes before turning to her. 

"He probably picked up some snacks for us." I smiled. She immediately perked up and skipped to the bed. I looked at Anthony again and gave him a thankful smile, to which he replied with a blow of a kiss. I almost gagged. 

When I closed my window and shut my curtains, I went to the bathroom and looked at my reflection in the mirror. Suddenly, thoughts of Dale cheating on Mia came rushing to my mind. I blinked hard and washed my face. It can't be. I mean, he wasn't the type. He loved her too much. Right when I was about to wipe my face down, my phone pinged and it made me jump. 

'he better not be fucking with your bestfriends feelings bc he's dead if he does.' -pig

Anthony just made my anxiety rise higher and its not a good feeling. But he also made my insides melt because even if he doesn't seem like it, he cared about Mia. Whether he denies it or not. Suddenly, an idea popped in my head and I gripped my phone harder. 

'help me, come with me tomorrow. we're going to the beach, I need you to ask him the questions, he'd never answer me honestly bc he thinks i have no idea he didnt practice today.' 

'beach body is ready.' -pig

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair before cleaning myself and exiting the bathroom, "So, where's Dale?" I asked. She smiled while looking at her phone screen then giggled. "He says he's still getting snacks for us. He's tired with the practice." She chuckled. A pain in my chest made me flinch.

I don't know what I'd do if Dale was cheating with Mia. They've been in love for years. I couldn't think of how Mia would be. She'd be drowning in grief and that's not something I'm willing to witness. She's strong but with Dale she just crumbles. 

If only I knew if Dale was her Mr. Right, I'd be able to protect her. I'd be able to tell her that he was just an ugly toad disguised as a handsome prince in her eyes. I looked over my wall of fantasy, as I'd like to call it. All the studies I had with everything I knew existed. Big Foot, fairies, mermaids, just any creature magical enough. I gave another look at Mia, my heart aching for her.

I didn't have the heart to tell her that Dale didn't practice today. I didn't have the guts to call Dale out when he arrived later that night. I didn't have the courage to ask him where he was or what took him so long. I didn't say anything because I saw how happy Mia was. I saw the glint of joy in her eyes and I just didn't have the balls to say shit about it. 

I don't think I was a good best friend for that. But when you see her that happy, how can you take that away so easily?

When Dale left that night, Mia and I cuddled together in the dark of my room. I couldn't sleep. I took my phone and was surprised to see a text from Anthony. 

'don't worry about it. I'll handle whatever he's up to, get some rest. goodnight biscuit xx'  -pig

The two kiss marks at the end of the message made my insides squirm. I bit my smile and turned my phone off, deciding not to reply because I'd probably send something stupid. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, not knowing the trouble that was gonna stir up tomorrow. 

A little filler of how Mia and Van's friendship is. Fan, vote and comment lovies! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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