Chapter 5: No Respect

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"Tell me everything!" A familiar voice demanded, a hand closing my locker, almost slicing my fingers off. I jumped back in surprise, looking at no other than Mia herself. Her eyes glaring at me like I did a criminal act.

Oh brother.

"Tell you what?" I asked innocently, hugging my books tightly around my chest. She glared at me.

"About the dinner! I can't believe you guys have been doing this weird tradition thing for a really long time and not tell me! He's like the dream man of everyone and you have the blessing to eat dinner with him and his family for one night!"

Expect Mia to be exaggerating the entire thing like eating dinner with the most popular guy in school is such a big thing. Um...

I sighed and just kept walking, trying my best to ignore her. People were starting to notice already and a pit in my stomach started to churn. If people found out I'd be the topic of the year. I looked at her and tried to shush her with my eyes. But she kept yapping at me.

"-And that you never even told me! So you owe me sister. Big time." She suddenly shrieked. Oh wow. Now we are getting the attention of everyone. Surprise, surprise. This is gonna be a fun morning now, isn't it?

I huffed and dragged Mia to the nearest Janitors closet. Too cliche? At this point I can't even care. If she accidentally blurted out the secret I tried to stay hidden for years, it would end me and Tony's career, whatever is left of mine. "What are we doing here?! It smells like a year-old mop in this room." She grumbled.

I sighed, again. "This," I say, pointing to the both of us, "-is the main reason why I didn't tell you. Because I knew you'd make such a huge deal out of it. It's just dinner with the devil. Nothing special about it."

She tried to stay something but I beat her to it. "And, nothing happened that was out of the ordinary! Really. Nothing, just the fact that he called me his favorite biscuit!"

Oh shoot. Oh shoot. Oh hecking shoot.


"Awwww! That is so cute! Aww, favorite biscuit! That is-oh my gosh! Biscuit! You're the biscuit! You were named after biscui-" I clamped her mouth shut with my hand, just as the first bell rang.

"Shut it, if you ever, ever, tell anyone about this, I will castrate you. You hear me? Castrate you." I warned. She nodded, her eyes bulging out of excitement or fear. Not sure. But nonetheless I have the answer I want.

"I'm gonna let go. Now shut it, we're gonna be late."

She nodded again. I then let her go slowly, she sighed and smiled widely. Ugh, I'm never gonna hear the end of this, am I?

We started heading out, receiving a few glances. I mean, we did go out the janitor's closet we went out of, what do you expect? It wasn't normal, yet in movies it was.

"Favorite biscuit." She whispered, earning her a red mark on her arm that won't leave until tomorrow.


"Hey there, biscuit."

I stopped in my tracks. I swear to god, if Mia told Dale about this I will skin her alive. No one else was supposed to know about this but me and her only! If she told Dale about this, that would mean another person knowing about all of this and that will drag Anthony to the ground. I turned around and glared at him.

"She told y-Anthony."

Oh holy cow. Holy hamburger flippin' cow.

There, the world's biggest human pig, stood. In all his piggy glory. His hot piggy glory. He was wearing a plain black shirt paired with some bleached loose ripped jeans and his white converse, his hair sticking up in random directions, kinda looked like a bed hair sort of look.

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