Chapter 13

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Your POV

Girl B stopped pulling my hair and she and her other friend, girl C, started kicking me. I tried to wake up but I can't. Then one of the girl said "Don't you ever get lovey-dovey with my Kise" as she and her friend stopped kicking me.

*cough cough* "Yours? I didn't know that my brother had so bad taste towards woman. Especially woman like you guys!" I shouted towards them.

"Why you!" and they started kicking me again. It's not that I don't want to wake up but my legs hurt. Maybe because they stepped on it just now. I closed my eyes. 'Brother! Akashi! Please help me!' I hoped.

Suddenly the kicking stopped. I opened my eyes and saw my brother is standing infront of me.

Kise's POV

"Don't you ever get lovey-dovey with my Kise" I heard a girl's voice out loud near the garden. I left the girl whom was guiding me and went to the other two girls.

"Stop it!" I shouted as I ran towards them. They stop attacking ___-chii. I turn to see ___-chii. She's badly injured. By injured I mean she had many bruises and she looks like she had no more energy left.

"Tch!" I clicked my tongue. "Why are you doing this to her?" I asked the two girls, who are standing infront of me.


I glared at them. "Tell me" I said in a serious tone.

"You tell him" one of the girl whispered as she elbowed her friend.

"N-no, you tell him" another girl said as she looked to the other side.

"Quit wasting my time!" I shouted to them.

They elbowed each other to ask one another to tell me what happened.

"They told me that they saw you both kissing yesterday night." the girl, whom was guiding me earlier voiced out from the corner.

"H-huh? Y-yo-"

"Seriously?" I said as I glared at the two girls.

"N-no. It wa-"

"I hate that type of girls. So, please... Get out of my sight. Now!"

The two girls walked away swiftly leaving me, ___-chii and the girl who guided me.

"Can you walk?" I asked ___-chii, softly.

She nodded but when she stood up, she looks as if she was refraining from crying and I can see that her legs were sore ((A/n: I don't know what it calls but I usually call it blue-black because it looks like that))

I turned my back towards her and squat down.

"What are you doing?" she asked me.

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Hehe..." she said as she smiled sheepishly. She came nearer to me and put land her body on my back.

As I were about to take her legs up, "O-ouch!" she shouted as she flinched a little.


"M-my lap hurts."

*sigh* I sighed as woke up, turned around and carry her. (Bridal style so that her leg won't hurt that much)

"H-hey! If the other fangirls sees this, I don't think I'll survive."

"Pfft! Don't worry. I will always be there for you." I said as I smiled to her.

She stayed quiet and look to the other place.

Akashi's POV
When I reached the place, I did not see Ryota there but the girl from before was there.

"Heh! Very good!" she murmured to herself as she smirk. I can hear her though.

I stared at her. Not that I'm interested with her or what I continued to stare at her. Observing her reactions.

"They told me that they saw you both kissing yesterday night." I heard her saying it to Ryota. 'Kiss? ___ kissed Ryota?' I thought as I looked down, putting my hand onto my chest. 'Why does my heart ache?'

I then took a deep breath and walk closer to the scene. The girl infront of me was shocked to see me there. She looked at me and asked "How long have you been here?"

"Since the time you were laughing at your friends."

"Tch!..." she clicked her tongue and ran away.

'Run away as you like... I have already remembered your face.'

Suddenly the two girls ran and one of them bumped into me. She fell down and looked at me in shocked. "P-president?"

"You two come with me." I ordered them and brought them to the student council's room. I don't want ___ to see me there. I don't want her to feel awkward towards me.

~at student council's room~
I sat on my chair while the two girls sat on the sofa infront of me. I glared at them with my hands below my chin and said "You two... Starting from tomorrow you don't have to come to school anymore."

"But why?" one of then questioned.

"Do I really have to tell you? You both should have already known it."

"Just the two of us?"


"But what about Himiko?"


"The girl that told us and gave us this pic." one of them said as she held out her phone. Showing me the picture of ___ and Ryota kissing. "And she even betrayed us."

I looked at the picture and my heart ached more. "But at least she didn't beat people up."


"You don't have to explain any further. Please go out of the room and remember that you both don't have to come to school anymore. The school doesn't need the likes of the two of you." I said calmly but my heart still aches.

When they have went out, I sighed loudly. 'My heart... It feels so tight when I saw the picture. And ___ really did kissed Ryota? This can't be! Her first kiss should be mine!' I thought as I walked out of the room. "Tch!" I clicked my tongue and I walk towards the infirmary room. 'I'm suppose she's in there.'

Your POV
Brother carried me bridal style because if he had piggied back me, I will surely have to carry my legs 90 degrees and my lap hurts. As brother carried me I'm worried that some of his fangirls might saw us so I told brother, "H-hey! If the other fangirls sees this, I don't think I'll survive."

"Pfft! Don't worry. I will always be there for you." he chuckled and he sees me right into my eyes. I looked to the otherside so that I can hide my blushing face. And I really really hope that we can reached the infirmary room as fast as we could because I don't want brother to realise that my heart is thumping so hard.

When we reached the infirmary room, brother lays me down on the bed gently.

"It looks like the nurse has gone home." He paused for awhile. "I guess I'll try to ask Nijimura-senpai so that he can excuse me earlier today."

"Oh... Nevermind~ I can just wait for you to finish your practice." I told him.

"No no no no no. I must bring you to the clinic as soon as possible. You might have internal injuries, you know?" Brother said as he went out of the room. "I'll be right back." He said again as he closes the door and ran towards the gym.

*sigh* "Pfft! You worry too much, brother." I murmured to myself as I chuckled a bit.

I lay myself to the bed to relax my body. I close my eyes to take a nap while waiting for brother.

A/n: To be continued. XP Hehehe...

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