Chapter 5 Plains and fights

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We ended up falling asleep on the hill last night, and when I woke up it was already morning. my foster mom was going to kill me.

"ALEX WAKE UP!!!" I screamed in his ear as he shot up. "WHERE'S THE FIRE?" He asked. I just laughed at him. We need to get home Nanna's going to kill us. He looked at his phone. He had five missed calls from nana and I had six. " she's going to kill us." I said as I ran to the car.

The car ride was silent besides the music in the background. When we pulled up to the driveway of the house nana came storming out. She was obviously mad. "Where have you two been I've been worried sick." I got out of the car and hugged her. "I'm sorry we fell asleep at the park looking at the stars." I walked in the house to find Lizzy almost in tears. "I can't do this I just can't tell her!"

"Your going to have to tell Nanna your pregnant some time." I turned to see a vary shocked Alex in the doorway. "YOUR PREGNANT?!?!?!?!" He shouted. " Alex please calm down." I tried to calm him down. I walked over and put my hand on his shoulder.

He pushed me away and I fell on the floor. He ran up to his room without another word. I ran out the door crying I could hear Lizzy calling after me but, I just kept running. I went to the tree house I haven't been there in a while. when I got there I got out my blade and slid it across my arm. seeing the blood run down my arm calms me down and I stop crying.

I pulled my jacket sleeve down and put pressure on my cuts. The bleeding stops and I just sit there. I hear someone coming up the ladder. I hide my blade and Sit there waiting. I expected Alex to come up but it wasn't Alex. Standing right in front of me is my brother?

"I heard about what happened." He finally spoke after a few minutes. "Do you remember when we were on the beach?" I ask " Ya why do ask?" I look at him. " that day I missed mom like crazy and I with that she could be there. That day I started to look for other family members." He looked at me shocked. " well did you find everything?" I nodded " I found out we have an aunt and uncle in the UK."

" so what dose this mean? Dose this mean we leave to find them? Are we running away?" He asked " I'm going to buy a ticket to the UK and try and find them. you have to stay here I don't want you to be moved to a different foster home if I can't find them." He nodded and we left the treehouse.


It's been a week since I told gavin the idea. I have been avoiding Alex at all costs. He keeps trying to talk to me but I don't want to even look at him. I decided to leave tomorrow after everyone is asleep. I can spend the night on a bench and catch a bus to the airport. I printed my ticket and decided to go to bed. I have school tomorrow but it's Friday tomorrow so they won't find out I'm gone Till Saturday morning. I get dressed brush my teeth and go to bed.


When I wake up I get dressed in a grayish tank top, black over top with flowers on it and shorts. On my way out I grab my backpack and put on my black converse. I decided to walk to school for today so I'm not in the car with Alex. I plug in my earbuds to hear Braking Benjamin come on. I walk silently to school listening to music.

When I got to school Alex, Lizzy, and Gavin are getting out of the car. I walk in next to Lizzy. Right away people are calling her a slut and a whore for getting pregnant. I don't know who the dad is so I don't know exactly what happened. I pull Lizzy aside and asks her who the dad is. Turns out the dad was Ryan Shetland the football star. He took advantage of Lizzy.

I walk up to the guys that were making front of Lizzy and I punch one in the stomach. He stumbled back and another one walks up to me. " your going to wish you Hadn't done that." He said with a sly grin. " and your going to wish you hadn't done that." Gavin said as he walked up and punched him in the face making him fall backwards.

The last guy tries to hit Gavin but Alex blocks it and hits him in the nose. You could hear the crack from his nose it was obviously broken. The one I had punched walks up to me and tries to punch me. Instead I kick him in a vary sensitive spot and he doubled over in pain.

With that we were sent to the principles office. We told him what happened and all four of us were sent home early. Fine by me! We had to walk home because Nanna was at work.

Gavin was giving Lizzy a piggyback ride because her feet hurt from walking. She was only one month so she didn't look like she was pregnant yet. When we got home we had a movie day. When Nanna got home we were told we are grounded. We all went to bed and I got ready to leave.

Sorry for not updating I'm trying. Just keep in mind I do have a life and I have stuff to do. Just because it's summer doesn't mean I can just update all the time.

What did you think about the fight? Will she find her aunt and uncle? What will happen while she's in the UK?

QOTD: have you ever thought about running away?

I love you all so so much bye!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

~ girl in the box

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