Chapter 13 The promise

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"I love you too Hope happy birthday."
I looked around at all the people. Most of them were Gavin's friends. I had a couple friends but we don't hang out much. I went an takes to Blue and Noel. They were my two close friends I had. "Let's play some games!!!" I shout excited. "There's my little five year old." Alex coos. I playfully hit his arm.
"Excuse me I'm five and a half get it right mister!" I exclaim. Everyone laughed.


We played games for a few hours. I also beat Gavin and Alex at the basketball. It's now time for cake and gifts. From blue I got some nail polish and a copy of one of my favorite books the giver. She gave me a book that that has all three of them in one. Noel got me some shirts and bracelets from hot topic. Gavin got a new skateboard and some more CD's. "So can I have my gift yet?" I ask Alex impatiently. "Nope" he pops his 'p' while poking my nose. "I have one more surprise after the party. Patience young grasshopper." He laughs at his remark. I just look at him with one eyebrow raised. "No?"
Asks. "No." I say shaking my head

We have about an hour before our rent time is over. So Alex and I decided to just sit down. "Hey Alex want to play the shooting game?" Noel asks. By the look on her face I can tell that she is planning something. I smile and nod for him to go. I walk over to where my phone is and check the time. We have about half an hour so I decide to look around some more.

I feel someone pick me up and spin me around. At fist I think it's Gavin because Alex is playing the game. But when I turn around I see someone I never wanted to see again. Jason. "What are you doing here?" I spat in his face. "What are you talking about just came to wish my girlfriend a happy birthday." He said smirking. "I'm not your fucking girlfriend." I spat and turn to leave. "Hey what's wrong are you braking up with me?" He asks I scoffed. "Honey we broke up a long time ago." I walk away. I turn around to see him looking for me.

He finds me and comes up to me. "No one brakes up with me." He said angerly. I see Gavin not to far away. "Ga-" Jason cut me off my kissing me. I tried to get him off but I was to weak. He pushed me against the wall so I couldn't get away. He ran his tung across my bottom lif asking for entrance. When I deny him he forces his way in. He starts to kiss me more harshly. Me started to moan against my lips slipping his hands under my shirt. "Hope where are you. I can hear Alex shout looking for me. I nee Jason where it hurts and run into his arms crying. By now everyone had go home except our family and Jason.

"What are you doing here?" Alex spat at Jason. "Talking to my girlfriend what dose it look like?" Jason asked acting innocent. "Fist she's not your girlfriend second stay away from her you dick." Gavin said walking over. "Oh Ya what are you going to do pretty boy?" He asked with a sly grin on his face. "I'm going to beat the shit out of you that's what." Alex said holding tightly on to me. I winced as he touched one of my cuts. He noticed and slightly loosens his grip. He looked at me with an apologetic Look. I slightly smile at him trying to tell him it's ok. "Aww how cute now get away from my girlfriend." Jason demands grabbing my forearm and pull me away. I wince in pain as he hurts my cuts. I look at my arm to see some of the more recent ones bleeding through my sleeve. "Still cutting yourself for attention I see." Jason scoffs.

"Don't touch her!" Gavin yells as re punched Jason in the nose. You could hear the crack come from it. It's obviously broken. Alex grabs my hand and leads me out and to one of the cars. He put the keys in and started the car as fast as possible. We started driving away. Though the rearview I could see Jason shouting.

"Are you ok?" Alex asked me worriedly. I chuckle. "Yes I'm fine thanks to you and Gavin." He smiles proudly. "He didn't touch you did he?" He asked more concerned. "He tried but that's when I Hurd my knight in shining armor calling so I kicked him where the sun don't shine." I said smiling. "So now I'm your knight in shining armor?" He asked with one raised eyebrow. "Yes yes you are." I smile cheekily as I kiss him on the cheek.


"What are we doing at the hill?" I ask confused. "Because this is where I found out how madly, deeply, insanely in love with you I am." He said smirking. "Hope I want to show you how much I love you." He said whispering in my ear. He pulls out a small silver band with three small diamonds. It also had 'love you forever' engraved in the band. "Hope it's not an engagement ring but one day I promise to replace it with one. He said holding it up. "Do you promise to be mine one day?" He asked looking me in the eye.

I lean in and crash his lips into mine. I can't believe this. He got me a promise ring! I am completely utterly obsessively in love with him. I pull away him pouting. "Dose that answer your question?" I ask with a smirk on my face.

Yay ok so next one is where tears come in!!!

Also me and my friend lions_and_llamas16  have made a joint account!!!!! Yay we will be doing a lot of different things on there. We haven't started on them yet but we will. So please go and look at it. It's at its_gotta_be_gay

I love you all so so much

QOTD: are you ever forced to spend time with family against your will? I am .......

~girl in the box

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