Chapter 11 Saved

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"What we're bringing in a new kid?" Lizzy exclaimed. "Well I'm going to need your help this child has gone through a tuff time." Nanna said with a worried look. "Haven't we all?" I asked. She sighed. "Well yes but her family was murdered. He house was set on fire by a drug addict while she was at a friends house." I saw as everyone looked at Nanna with wide eyes. "Exactly so I will need your kids help. Especially you Hope." What why me? Why am I the one that had to help her. I mean I want to but I'm not good at these things. I am still struggling myself. "I know what your thinking. Hope you are the one who has had it the hardest out of all of you. With your father and everything. I know you will never be able to understand it fully but you are as close as we get."

I guess it made some sense I mean I have gone through the most. Alex and Lizzy haven't been able to understand what happens with our dad. They tried to help us but they would never fully understand. They did help us a lot though and we became like a family. We have had other kids come and go, but something about this kid was different.


It's been about a week since Nanna told us about Sidney. We had to decide who she was going to share a room with and Nanna decided me since she wants me to try and help her. We completely remodeled my room. We got this bunk bed think that I like but I wish we got more space. Lizzy offers to share her room but if seven months she's going to have a baby in her room. I decided to let Sidney choose which bunk she wants but I'm pretty sure she'll want the top one. "Come on kids we have to get to the group home to pick her up." I hear Nanna shout I hear a cores of ok's and I'm ready's. I was the last one down stairs. When we got in the van Alex and I sat in the back while gavin and Lizzy were in the middle.

I was nervous I mean Ya it's just another little kid but she's going to be looking up to me. We have brought in a few other foster kids but the longest they've stayed was three months. So far my fave it was this little boy named Tyler. He lived to play with everything he was about three and got adopted about a month after we got him. Alex must have seen that I was nervous because he took my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. I looked up at him. He was smiling at me. Just as I do every time I got lost in his Ivey blue eyes. He started to lean in I closed my eyes expecting to feel his lips against mine, but I didn't instead I felt his lips in my nose and linger there for a few seconds. He pulled Away and smiled at me once again. This is one of the reasons why I love him.

We pulled up to the group home. "Ok Hope and Gavin I'll need your help." Nanna said. We jumped out of the car and walked into the home. "Sidney's room is the first on the right." Some official lady told us. Gavin and I made our way up there while Nanna signed some papers. When we got to the door I knocked softly. The door opened to show a girl around ten. She was pale with bright blue eyes and medium light brown hair. She slightly reminded me of Alex. "W-who are you?" She asked scared. Gavin and I both crouched down to her level.

"I'm Hope and this is my twin brother Gavin we're going to be taking you home with us." I answered her. "A-am I being adopted?" She asked. "No sweetie. Your coming to live with us in a foster home. We're going to be your foster siblings." Gavin answers this time. "Are t-they n-nice?" She asked yet another question even more scared. It's again my turn to answer. "Yes Nanna is vary nice. You'll also have another brother named Alex and a sister named Lizzy. Lizzy's going to have a baby. So me and you will be sharing a room doesn't that sound fun?" I ask. She nods her head and grabs her back pack, and a stuffed monkey and walks back to us. "I'm ready." She said clutching onto the stuffed toy. She graved my hand and then Gavin's and she led us down the steeps. "Sidney this is Nanna she takes care of us." Gavin explained once we were by the door. "Hi Sidney are you ready to go?" Nanna said lowering to her height. She once again nods her head.

We get in the car I sit on one side of Sidney and Alex sits on the other. "Sidney this is Alex and Lizzy." Gavin introduces her. "Hi" she said shyly.

She seemed to warm up to gavin and I pretty quickly. I've already felt like she as my kid. I know that I'm only sixteen but I feel like it's my responsibility to take care of her. I promise myself that I will help her and love her like she was my own sister.


Hey guys sorry I got writers block so I won't be updating One Song. Soon my melons soon. That's another thing do you care if I call you my watermelons? It's a joke with my friends lol

More drama coming your way be prepared to cry! BTW I will be skipping ahead a few months to Hopes birthday she's turning 17! They grow up so fast!😥

QOTD: do you have a friend that you talk to over the Internet but have never meet?

I love you all so so much! Bye my melons until next time

~ girl in the box

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