his name is brian

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A memoir

I recently moved to Nunavut when I had the chance to meet him. Adjusting to the new lifestyle in Nunavut was beginning to become too much to handle and I was alone for the majority of it.

My family was falling apart, each of us cooping with the shitty reality upon us in different ways. To say the least, my life pretty much was going downhill. Then I met him.

He was quiet and that stroke me. Most Of the Inuit living there wasn't like him. When he laughed, it felt like his aurora of happiness was so contagious that I wanted to laugh too. During early mornings, his jet black hair would be ruffled and bushy, messy was an understatement. His tallness compliment his strong  body structure which totally made him ten times more attractive in my eyes.

Give me all the time in the world and I would use it to adore and admire his elegant features.

Once I got to know him a little more, he was always bubbling with new topics to talk about and when we were in person, his eyes glinted with this magnificent awe that made me want to explore the galaxies and beyond with him.

Having him in my life at such a dark time really made a difference all together. He was like a glowing light that lead me through the hard and dark times. Always there and never burning out. He was a dork, he was confident, he was caring, he was nearly everything at once and I remember feeling so blessed and lucky to meet him.

There are so many memories that I wish I had the time to write but no words could ever really explain the details correctly.

But one precise memory was my birthday.

It was a cold but sun blaring afternoon and I was honestly in no mood for celebration. What made my birthday so depressing was that no body came to see me except himself and my mother. Everybody else was to busy to stop by. No I am not trying to sound selfish or anything of that sort, I just wanted to feel less lonely on my special day.

My mom dragged me out of bed because I was not allowed to waste my day in a onesie curled up in my dark room.

Eventually I went out to meet with Brian. By this time, we eventually developed a relationship. A relationship where I truly felt loved. I didn't have to worry about saying the wrong thing or being to weird. I was free to express myself and be loved for it. He would wake me up for school at 8 am and still call me beautiful even though I looked like a troll. Loving him is the best thing I have ever done.

He ended up buying me bubbles for my birthday because I wanted bubbles terribly. Just having him with me on that day made everything okay. My depression and loneliness vapoured because he brought out the best in me. Doing things with him is everything but casual. We'd jump and slide down mountains of snow just to pick up gum from the store across town. We didn't just eat food without a food fight or go see a play at the school without creating a scene. Everything with him out of the ordinary and I love it.

He is somebody I could build a future with and our relationship isn't the cliche type. We have goals to accomplish and plans to go through with. He keeps my mind open to endless possibilities and I think that's a good thing.

Loving him isn't like floating into the atmosphere and jumping on clouds but rather loving him is like gravity, pulling me to earth when all I wanted was to decease.

He made my birthday not so terrible and made the best out of it which was more then enough for me.

Cheers to 7 months and more.

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