im glad

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even after you broke me,
I still want the best for you
Because you're the only person I've loved, the only person I put first
And even when we were together,
I always wanted the best for you
And I hope that is what you get.
With or without me.
Because that's what love is right?

I was walking towards a store, to pick up a few items, I was going through my old messages on my phone and somehow I found yours. Not your name but your number.

What caught my eye was what you wrote.

You spoke about some other girl, who you claimed was special. As I write this, tears are sliding down my face because I'm trying so hard.. So hard to remember that at one point you loved me.. But you know, if you did love me.. Why did you leave? Because from the way I see it, we both were having hard times and you.. You found a new girl who made you happier and suddenly everything meant nothing to you except for her. I just hope she's worth it.

Then you proceeded to say you were sorry, that this was the best for the both of us, to go on our own ways and you know, maybe you are right. I'm starting to realize that. You were a lesson learned. & although you are no longer apart of my life, I will always remember you and maybe just maybe our paths will cross one day.

Im learning to be okay.

I don't know what I'm trying to say here but I just wanna say that I'm glad. I hope you are too.

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