counting shoulders

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          i didn't know the boy for longer then two weeks. i had met him at a political discussion, the both of us only there to support our mothers. unfortuantely, kids kept appearing with their parents, asking us to babysit them for the mean time. only after they paid us, they left the two of us to tolerate screaming and bashing children.

        throughout the night, i got to really know him. he was into the same shows as i was, he was secretly a dork for pokemon and anime, he stayed with his father on the weekends.. i learned specifc details about him that was i was almost sure he didn't really tell anyone else.

        when the night was over, i was more than ready to go home. because our moms loved to chitchat amoug others, we were one of the last few to leave. as i lazily sat in a cheap plastic fold up chair, the boy took the oppurtunity to ask me for my number. i shrugged, playing it casually. don't get me wrong, he was pretty hot. he had the most adorable laugh and the softest hazel eyes, messy brown hair and the way he said my name made me feel these butterflies i hadn't felt in so long.

        that was the first night i thought maybe he could be someone worth falling for.

        he texted me the next day. it went something like this

        him: It was great meeting you last night, I had lots of fun. :) We should hang out sometime.

        me: It was a pleasure meeting you as well, but yeah definitely, when are you free?

        him: On friday? at 4? Meet me at the bayshore mall.

        me: Sounds good to me

        if there was another thing i knew about the boy, he lived quite far from where i did. but he insisted to hang out with me, so he took the city bus. so the next day, i recieved a text as i walked towards my house.

        him: I can't wait to see you.

        me: Be there soon. :)

        when i reached the store, i found him at the apple store, having a playful argument with an apple co-worker about which phone was better, andriod or apple. his face lite up when he saw me, and the apple guy grinned, almost as though the boy had told him about me.

        it was a cold winter day and the evening was settling into nighttime. we trudged through a bike trail, the moon casting it's lights on us and the wind quietly whispering. we walked to a nearby park that was beside the ottawa river, it was quite a beautiful park to walk around during fall. on the way, we talked about random things but when we reached the park, we sat down on a bench. watching the sky.

        ''so do you have a boyfriend?" he asked. "no, do you have a girlfriend?" "no, we broke up.." "oh. well that sucks.." i mutter. than he began telling me all about her. to me, she sounded perfect and the most lovely human being out there. but for some reason, i kept getting more skeptical about the boy. he made himself sound like a cocky player.        

        "so what happened with your ex?" he askes me, i shake my head, "his name was noah. our relatinship backfired when rumors about us got to much to handle & suddenly, he got attached to another chick named sophie. eventually it got to the point where i just didn't feel like i was his girlfriend and watching him laugh and hang with sophie made me feel like i had already lost him.'' i shrugged, not really giving a damn.

        than the boy flattered me with compliments that gave me butterflies and a permemant smile skethed onto my face. as we continued to sit on the bench, i opened up to him. i told him about the passing of my sister that happened and how much it sucks to be me. but the more he talked about himself, the more i was convinced he was a player and a douche bag. but i was oblivious.

        it must of been around 10 p.m when he asked me an odd question.

        "do you want to count shoulders?" the question caught me off guard. "what?" i ask, dumbfounded. he slides closer to me that our thighs pressed tightly together. by now the crisp coldness of the winter has me shivering. "just say yes," he says, smirking. "okay? sure." i say not quite knowing what's going on.

        "one," he says, touching his farthest shoulder that isnt pressed next to mine, "two," he counts the one beside mine, "three," he taps my shouder next to his, "four." he counts my other shoulder and places his arm around my shoulders. kind of like the move a guy would play on a girl at a movie, faking a yawn, stretching their arms than suddenly putting their arm around the girl's shoulder. but this, was so much more smooth and orginal.

        i smile, leaning into him. i rest my head on his shoulder/chest area and beg the butterflies in my stomach to calm down. being in his hold, i suddenly feel warmer.

        on the way back, he says "are your hands cold?" i nod, and than for i know it, he's holding my hand. smooth. right?


        i didn't see him for another five days and quite frankly, five days was a lot of time to think things over. should i even be falling for him? what if he's just gonna play me? what if he's just gonna cheat?

        i went onto his facebook page and saw "in a relationship with -some chick whose name i forgot-" and my heart dropped to my stomach. its clear that i cant trust him and i said i wouldn't let him flirt with me.

        the next time i saw him, we were at second cup, sitting together, curled up against each other. his arm wrapped around me, hell, we were even sharing the same drink with the same straw. some how he made me forget about the uneasiness and doubts i had felt about him before coming here. if a stranger looked at us, they would assume we were dating.

        we were watching and laughing at some vines on his phone in that small coffee shop, while i ignored the frantic texts i got from my friend. i glanced at my phone, reading, ''be careful bro! he could be cheating on her with you...."

        i pull away from him and look at him, he raises an eyebrow, concerned. he places his hand on top of mine, "hey what's going on?" he askes. "are you seeing someone?" i ask plainly. "no i told you i broke up with my ex.." and for a moment, he knows that i dont believe him. so he pulls open his text messages on his phone and reads them to me.

        they were texts from his ex. asking for another chance. telling him to talk to her. i couldn't help but smile. "now do you trust me?" "of course I do Adrian." i say.

        but two weeks later, we stopped talking for a while. he just stopped answering my texts. then about a week or so later, it was like i never knew him. he got back into a relationship with his ex, he either  a.) had mixed feelings for the both of us. b.) i just wasn't for him. and to be honest, i wasn't sure if i should be hurt. but i can assure you, i cried just a bit. for what reason? i dont know, maybe because i had let my guards down for him and he just stomped all over my heart.

        the counting shoulders boy and i didn't talk for a long time. than finally, he messages me, "hey i really miss you..." i never answered.

        so i guess that was the end of adrian and i.

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