6. Time for Margaritas

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I close the exit door behind me, and when I turn around, I jump. I'm face-to-face with Liam again.

"God dammit, you scared me!" I clutch my chest, pretending like I'm having a heart attack.

"Fancy seeing you here," Liam grins, his eyes sparkling.

"Oh you knew damn well I was going to come through this door Liam don't play with me." I tease, "You were definitely out here waiting for me the whole time."

Liam's expression shifts to one of pure surprise, like a deer caught in headlights. "I wasn't planning to, but when I saw your interview on the screen, I had to stick around. That was hilarious."

He scratches the back of his head, clearly a little embarrassed. "Even my mom thought you were worth the wait."

I glance down the hall and spot my mom chatting animatedly with Liam's mom. Damn my mom's already becoming bffs with Karen Payne.

"They look like they're hitting it off," I laugh, shaking my head.

"Yeah, they're embarrassing," Liam laughs with me, clearly amused.

Just then, I hear Jade's voice behind us. "What took you so long?"

"Just wished the next guy good luck," I reply.

Not just some guy. Zayn freaking Malik.

"Being a good sport, huh?... Tiger?" Liam teases, locking eyes with me.

He definitely heard me yell that to Zayn.

"I believe what you put out into the world comes back to you. A little encouragement never hurts," I try to play it cool.

Liam smirks, clearly approving. The tension between us builds, and I swear it feels like there's something more simmering beneath the surface.

"Well, this is awkward. Aren't you going to introduce me?" Jade breaks the silence, making me feel a little embarrassed.

"Oh, right. Liam, this is my little sister, Jade. Jade, this is Liam."

"Nice to meet you," Liam says, his charm on full display.

"I thought you killed your audition," Jade tells him, flashing him a grin.

Just then, both our moms catch up with us, practically glowing with excitement.

"Let's celebrate by going to the tavern down the street!" my mom exclaims, clearly already in celebration mode.

"Sure, I could definitely use a club sandwich," I say, my stomach growling at the thought. Jade giggles at the sound of it.

"That granola bar sure sounds a little lonely in there," I rub my belly dramatically.

"Granola bars and coffee with whipped cream? You've gotta take better care of yourself than that," Liam chuckles.

"So, lunch then," my mom says with a grin. "And I could definitely use a drink. Margaritas on me!"

"Definitely time for margaritas," Karen agrees.

"Can we have one too?" Jade asks, putting on her best pleading face. She pouts, and I join in with my own exaggerated pout.


My mom and Karen exchange a look before turning back to us. Before they can respond, Liam chimes in with a pout of his own.
This makes them chuckle. The moms glance at each other again, and finally, Karen relents. "Okay, fine, but only one."

We all cheer, "Yes!"

Jade high-fives both of us, her face lighting up. "Margaritas here we come!" She skips ahead, practically bouncing in excitement.

"I was hoping for a beer, but sure," Liam says, following her. I walk alongside him.

"But for real, I really need to eat first," I add, rubbing my stomach.

"Most definitely," my mom says from behind us. "You're not allowed to drink on an empty stomach."

We exit the X Factor studio together, and the cool air hits my face. I take a deep breath, and for a moment, I crave a cigarette.

I guess my 23 year old habits are still here. I'm going to have to steal some from mom later... guess that's the downside of being 16 again.

"Okay, we definitely have to get a group photo in front of the logo before we leave!" Liam exclaims, holding up his phone.

The three of us gather near the iconic X Factor logo. I stand with Jade on my left, Liam on my right, and wrap my arms around both of them as we smile for the camera.

"Say 'fuck you, Simon!'" Karen calls, Liam's phone in hand.

"Fuck you Simon!" The three of us say in unison as we burst into laughter.

Liam, Jade, and I break away, crowding around the pixelated photo on Liam's iPhone 2.

"Oh, we look great!" Liam exclaims, grinning.

"Let me see!" Jade snatches the phone from his hand. "Hahaha, this is hilarious. I love it."

"What's so hilarious?" I hover over her shoulder, curious.

In the photo, Jade is making a kissy face, and Liam and I are just smiling while he sneakily holds up two fingers behind my head.

"You gave me bunny ears!" I playfully stomp Liam's arm, mock-offended.

We all laugh, and Liam tucks his phone into his pocket. "I'll send it to you later," he smirks.

"Now, let's go! Those margaritas are waiting!" My mom, ever the enthusiast, starts leading the way to the tavern.

"Now, let's go! Those margaritas are waiting!" My mom, ever the enthusiast, starts leading the way to the tavern

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