Part 10

511 13 1

Rani POV

We stapte de trap af en we stonden echt versteld met alle meisjes dat voor ons aan het klappen waren. Alan gaf ons elk een knuffel en we gingen naar de sofa om te zitten.

A; you look lovely!

R en S; thank you.

A; no seriously, I would totaly turn straight for you loves!

S; ooh you're too sweet. But because we're being honnest, I would totally turn into a lesbian if you turn straight for us

A; you are definatly not the nice one are you?

R; well actually, she is the nice one

*oooh* zei het publiek

A; well then.. thanks for the warning!

r; oh you're welcome Alan!

A; so what do you ladies wanne drink!

S; water please?

A; Water? Water? hell to the no that I'm giving you water! why do you want water??

R; cuz we are going to a club later and we wanne get hamered in the club, not before the club..

A; but still, water is what comes out of you when you need to pee love

S; well actually, that's pee..

A; Don't go smart on me! pee is just like water

R; I would like to see you drink pee then

A; is that a dare??

R en S; yes! yes it is

A; well then go backstage and go pee in a cup, I'll drink it before you'll preform for us later!

S; ieuw no thanks! we will let someone else do that for us

*Publiek lacht*

A; ooh it's on!!

R; now, where are our drinks?

A; ooh yeah here

S en R; thanks

A;Now that we got that over with. Tell us your story.

R; well my mom and dad were making love without a con-

A; Not that story!!

S; ooh Rani, you nasty!! I think he ment why we started uploading videos on youtube ..

R; ooh ..

R; well, my bestest friend over here had a bad day at work. It was our first day at work actually. And she just wanted to upload a video of us singing on youtube for fun. It wasn't with any reasons to become 'famous'

A; why would you have a bad day at work sweetie

S; well we both work in a hotel and I work as a lifegaurd at the pool, but not just any pool, the pool where all the famous people come to if they want to swim. And let me just say, not all the celebrities are as nice as they seem..

A; I get that you don't wanne tell a name, but please, tell the name of that jurk

S; I'm sorry, I'm too nice to distroy his career..

A; well that's okay. Moving on, how did you two meet

S; well that's an easy question, we met at school

R; yeaah, that were some awsome days back then. We used to sing all the time and annoy all our class mates with all our talking and singing etc.

A; Ooh I can soooow imaging that

S; That's because we are awsomee

A; don't get to high about yourself love

S; ooh you're so nice!

A; I know, I've learnd that from you! Puh turn into a lesbian if I turn straight for you puh

S; ooh Alan you know I love you

A; yeah yeah what evaah!

*publiek lacht*

A; Soo I need to wrap this intervieuw up, we'll see you soon to preform and with a cup of pee *publiek lacht* that I'll drink

S en R; byee!!

En met dat gingen we weer backstages terwijl we aan het lachen waren, maar dat duurde niet lang genoeg

"Hello girls..."

~Dutch edition~ Let's go to the poolWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu