Part 16

473 16 4

Steffy POV

Ik moet beginnen met het eerste liedje, HELEMAAL ALLEEN! Ik heb zo een bang..

"I'm sorry if I'm gonna sound like shit, but I'm just that nervous"

•You with the sad eyes

don't be discouraged

oh I realize

it's hard to take courage

in a world full of people

you can lose sight of it all

and the darkness inside you

can make you fell so small

But I see your true colors

shining through

I see your true colors

and that's why I love you

so don't be afraid to let them show

your true colors

true colors are beautiful

like a rainbow

Show me a smile then

don't be unhappy, can't remember

when I last saw you laughing

if this world makes you crazy

and you've taken all you can bear

you call me up

because you know I'll be there

And I'll see your true colors

shining through

I see your true colors

I see your true colors

so don't be afraid to let them show

your true colors

true colors are beautiful

like a rainbow•

"Harry, I'm going to take this moment to say sorry for being a bitch and thank you. And also, I forgive you!"

Harry POV

"Harry, I'm going to take this moment to say sorry for being a bitch and thank you. And also, I forgive you!"

Waat!! Ik begon kei luid te roepen en liep naar haar toe om har te knuffelen terwijl ze verder bleef zingen. Ze kan er echt wel wat van :)

•cant remember when i last saw you laughing

if this world makes you crazy

and you've taken all you can bear

you call me up

because you know I'll be there

And I'll see your true colors

shining through

I see your true colors

I see your true colors

and that's why I love you

so don't be afraid to let them show

your true colors

true colors

see your true colors

shining through


I can see your true colors

and that's why i love you

so don't be afraid

to let them show

your true colors

true colors

true colors

Are Beautiful like the Rainbow•


Het eerste liedje!! Ik heb juist nog de duet liedjes nodig! Geef jullie mening en zeg nog eens wa het beste zou zijn voor een duet liedje, liefst 1 vande 2 liedjes van Cher Lloyd!

Vote and comment lovely people!!

Thanksss xx

~Dutch edition~ Let's go to the poolWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu