Part 14

491 12 1

Harry POV

Kan ze nu echt niet kijken waar ze loopt?!

-"I'm sorry, I just REALLY need to pee!"

-"oh wait, no it's you, than I'm not sorry!"

-"look Steffy, can we talk please?"

-"uhm, I need to go to the loo"

-"and after that?"

-"uhm yeah okay. Bye!"

Dus nu sta ik hier, te wachten op haar..

-"I'm done"

-"Can we go somewhere private?"


-"mine or yours?"

-"not mine, Rani is in their.."

-"oh well, follow me than"


-"so what did you want to talk about?"


-"Harry, their is no us"

-"not like that.. Like us in the friendly way.."

-"ooh, stupid me"

-"you're not stupid, if their is some-one stupid in this room than it is me. I shouln't have said what I said and I didn't mean anything of it. I was just afraid.."


-"yeah.. Even the Harry Styles can get afraid.. I just don't like to be rejected"

-"if you were a little bit nicer to me than I would be nicer to you too.."

-"and I know that know.. Can we please try to be friends?"

-"I don't know.. I need some time to think"

-"but how will I know when you forgive me?"

-"give me your phone"

Ik gaf haar mijn gsm en keek toe als ze naar zichzelf een sms stuurde zodat ze mijn nummer had

-"I will text you when I make up my mind"

-"thank you!"

-"I should go now, I need to get back to Rani"

Ze gaf me een snelle knuffel en ging er snel vandoor maar niet voordat ik kon zeggen dat ze fantastisch is.


Sorry het is wat korter :(

Vote en reageer wat je ervan denkt!!

~Dutch edition~ Let's go to the poolWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu