Part 25

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Niall POV
Hoe durft Zayn zo te flirten met Steffy? Ze is van mij! Ik heb zelf nog met hem gepraat over mijn gevoelens voor haar. En hij is trouwens nog met Perrie, and last time I checked wou hij Perrie zelf nog ten huwelijk vragen..
"What's wrong niall?" Vroeg Zayn
"Like you don't know!" Riep ik en liep naar boven naar een random kamer.
"Thank god that I'm in the right room, all my bags are here."

Rani POV
"Should I go talk to Niall or is one of you guys going to talk to him?" Vroeg ik
"Could maybe you try and talk to him, I think he needs the opinion of a girl.." Zei Liam
"Okay, I will try to talk to him, you guys go and unpack!"
"to my room horseyy!" Riep steffy tegen zayn


*klop klop*
"Leave me alone!"
"Niall it's me.."
"No.. Rani.."
"Ow.. Okay.." Antwoordde hij teleurgesteld en deed de deur open
"You wanne talk buddy?"vroeg ik
"Well yeah.."
"Then tell me, what's wrong? Why did you run upstairs just like that?"
"Well as you are steffys friend I guess she already told you about what happend in the hotel?"
"Yeaah she did.. And that was kinda a bitch move to do Niall.."
" I know I know.. But I do have my reasons.. "
"I don't think any reason is going to be a really good reason for what you did though.."
"Could you please let me explain first? You can judge me all you want after it.."
"Okay I guess.."
Dus vertelde ik haar alles..


"So now you are pissed of at Zayn because he's all flirty with steffy while he gave you advise about talking to her an because he is all flirty with steffy while he is still with perry and because he actually thought about asking perry to marry him?"
"Woow.. Steffy her life could really be a tv show now.."
"How come? All this shit that happens between me her and zayn and the singing carreer isn't really enough to start a tv show.. At least, I think so.." Antwoord niall
"Well niall.. Steffy isn't really the bubbly person she makes people believe she is.. She has problems, a history.. A bad history.. She really has been through a lot.. And I really think that this new opportunity came at the right time. She finally found the light in that long lasted darkness, now she just need to stay on the right path and be around the right people to make the journey to that bright light.."
"Woow, that was deep.. But what do you mean 'she has a bad history'?"
"I try I try.. But I can't tell you that.. Sorry but that's just not my story to tell.. When you win her trust, then she will be able to tell you everything"
"I will do everything to win her trust! Even if it is the last thing that i do"
"Well I better go downstairs cuz i'm starving!"
"I will come down in a minute"
"Okay" en ik ging richting de deur
"Oh and Niall?"
"I'm sorry for judging you without knowing the whole truth, and I think you and Steffy would make a great couple.. But first try to be friend, best friends even"
"Thanks Rani, that really means a lot"
"You're welcome"

~Dutch edition~ Let's go to the poolWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu