The Discovery

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"The Lincoln Memorial has 36 columns. The columns represent the states of the Union during the time they each came into existence at the time of President Lincoln's death in 1865," said the tour guide. One of the third graders, a little girl, said, "Mrs. Cooper, President Lincoln's bleeding." The teacher and the tour guide went to investigate the student's claim— only to find a set of human remains and the word THIEF written in blood above Lincoln's head. Over at the Jeffersonian Institute, Bones' office phone started to ring. "Hello," answered Bones. A local policeman replied, "Dr. Brennan, a set of human remains were discovered by a group of third graders this morning at the Lincoln Memorial." After ending the call with the police, Bones called Booth at FBI headquarters. "Hey, Bones. What's up," said Booth. Bones replied, "We've got a case. A set of remains were discovered at the Lincoln Memorial earlier this morning." Booth said, "Grab Mer and the team and I'll meet you guys there." "Okay," Bones retorted. The call ended. "Mer, Ange, Cam, Hodgins, let's go," Bones called out. "Who discovered the remains," questioned Booth upon arrival at the Lincoln Memorial. "That little girl and the rest of her third grade class, who are standing right over there," the policeman replied, pointing to the class. The Jeffersonian team quickly began working.

"The remains are those of a Caucasian female, between the ages of 18 and 25, and from the length of her femur, I'd say she's approximately five feet, nine inches tall," said Bones, examining the remains.

The Writer at the Lincoln MemorialWhere stories live. Discover now