13. Arguments and Apologises,

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The dining table filled with thick silence as everyone try not to make it obvious that they're curious about your ripped summer dress and Jungkook's red cheek.

Your mother-in-law Maithy keeps biting back her words from throwing questions at your direction since she can't stand the red cheek of her younger son.

But your torn sleeve speaking a big assumption as everyone eventually begin to think that your husband maybe deserves the red cheek. You managed to buy breakfast after dragging the sleepy Justin from his own bedroom, so no problem for your reputation.

Once everyone finish their breakfast and leave one by one, Justin and Sana stayed back so are you and Jungkook, the tension between you speaks louder. "Y/N." Justin calls dragging you out of your daze as you look at him, "Yeah?"

"I don't know, what Kookie did to you. But on behalf of him, as his twin, I apologise. For what he did and also for your dress. You look good in that." Justin speaks, as if tries to ease the tension. Sana smiles, nodding encouragingly.

"Why are you apologizing when you don't know what really happened, hyung?" Jungkook mutters, annoyed. "Can't you see who's hurt here? Is she the one having red cheek?" He stands up, glaring at Justin then back to you.

"Jungkook." Sana gets scared as she comes over to him, grabbing his arm. "Y/N wouldn't have slapped you if you don't annoyed her." She speaks from her experience as Jungkook scoffs. "She is right, what did you do?" Justin asks, looking back and froth between you and your husband.

You keep on being silent, expecting the right answer from your husband. "I didn't do anything to her." Jungkook clench his jaw, whisking his arm away from Sana's grip, "Why can't you both believe me? I did nothing to her. She all fine, just see her sitting like a rock." He moves forward, grabbing your arm and makes you stand.

You whine, snatching your arm from him, glaring. "See, he deserves it. Maybe one more slap too." You mutter, causing Sana gasps, she passes pleading look to both of you to stop. "What did you say?" Jungkook grabs your arm again, pulling you closer, "Another slap? Go on." He challenges, gripping your arm tighter than before.

You can't stand, that's really hurtful. Justin skips behind Jungkook and pulls him away from you as Sana stands infront of you, examines your now bruised arm. You clench your jaw glaring at Jungkook and looks down at your bruises when your eyes tears up. Huffing, you turn your heels, not caring about Sana's call or whatever, walking away as you finally let your tears fall down.

Jungkook stood there, clenching his fist in irritation. But he didn't miss your teared eyes and he couldn't help but a little bit of guilt creeps under his heart. Justin who keeps scolding Jungkook stopped as he sighs, "What is it? Why are you behaving like this? You can't harm her, whether you like her or not, she is your wife."

Jungkook looks away scoffing, "Just don't involve in our matters, and stop apologizing to her for everything it's pathetic." He mumbles walking away. Justin watches his twin walking away as Sana comes over to him, "They don't like eachother?" She asks, Justin smiles softly before nodding his head, "Just a bit but their love is bigger than you think." He lies as Sana smiles, "I wish they just converse nicely."
After that you didn't see Jungkook for the rest of the day. And you know, he must've drowned in his drugs for now. You came back to the bedroom which you and your husband sharing for a week in this house, but not the same bed. Who comes first will get the bed, that's your undeclared rule.

Lucky for you, Jungkook still hasn't showed up. You sigh, throwing yourself at the bed. You have calmed a bit about the fight, Sana has treated your bruised arm in the afternoon. Jungkook's absence is doing a bigger help of calming your nerves but you still feel some emptiness. Just a little bit.

The door opens, your husband enters. And unexpectedly, he is sober. You got alert but still keep your eyes closed, don't wanna make things more awkward or dramatic. Jungkook just goes to the washroom and comes back after freshen up, he throws himself on the couch sighing loudly.

The room is silent. But both of your minds aren't. You both are very conscious of both of your presence. As if you're expecting something from hin, your mind doesn't allows you to sleep, so does Jungkook. After what it feels like a year, Jungkook finally speaks, "I'm sorry."

You get flustered. Your heart skipped a beat. Your heart acknowledges that his apology is meant for you but your mind don't. You open your eyes and looks over to him suspiciously, still monotonous. "I shouldn't have asked you that, neither touched you or hurt you like that." He speaks, you're almost doubted whether he is on drugs but he doesn't.

He waits for your answer, but you didn't as you just stared at him. You just can't believe it, is he being sarcastic? Or he is just acting? Or is it something else? Maybe just his common sense awakening? Jungkook sighs, breaking the eye contact since you didn't speak anything. He doesn't know whether his apology has been accepted or not.

"I'm sorry too." You finally speak, Jungkook eyes widen in disbelief as he glances over to your figure. "Y-You're what?" He asks, sitting up hastly, causing you to embarrass. "For your cheek. Is that okay?" You speak, this is the first normal conversation you ever had with your husband. Jungkook just stared at you silently as how you did a few minutes ago.

You clear your throat as he snapped back to reality, "Y-Yeah...it's fine. I'm good." He speaks, you nod in response. Now everything seems so awkward as you slowly turn your back to him, to ease the environment. Jungkook is grateful that you did as he leans on the couch, feeling the weight on his chest being lifted away, some easiness, some peace and something else fill his heart.

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