Reader x kagome

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As night falls, you and the others try desperately to find shelter for the night. Miroku finds an old fool and convinces him that there is an ominous cloud that hangs over his house, and that if the old man lets you and your friends stay the night, he will gladly rid the place of its evil. The old man quickly agrees.
"Man, I can't believe people are stupid enough to fall for Miroku's tricks." Shippo said, taking another bite of fish.
" Yeah? And you're any better?" Shot Inuyasha. "Your tricks are as fake as they get."
"You wanna say that to my face?!"
Inuyasha lunged at Shippo, grabbing him up in a headlock and striking him over and over again. You roll your eyes. They always fight like this. You can never sit and enjoy a nice hot meal with your new friends without Shippo and Inuyasha going at it, or Miroku getting all pervy with Sango and getting the shit slapped out of him, Kagome telling Inuyasha to "sit" or Kilala stealing your food. You stand up and go outside.
"Finally, some peace and quiet." You whisper as you sit under the stars. You stare up at the twinkling beauties and wonder about your new friends. Are they safe? Are they thieves? Hell, are they even sane?! Your thoughts are interrupted by a hand coming down on your shoulder.
"Hey, are you ok?" It was Kagome. You look up at her and see concern in her eyes. She's so caring, you think to your self as she sits beside you.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks." Even though the words sounded simple enough, they were deeply filled with emotion and wonder. Kagome kept her gaze on you as she touched your hand.
"Why don't you come back inside? It's a cold night, and nothing beats snuggling up to the fire." She smiled and stood up, still grasping your hand ever so gently in hers. You stand with her and look into her eyes. Then you realize what you're doing. Am I.... Flirting with her?! As soon as you think this you completely loose your nerve.
"I'm ok, thanks again. I just don't care for all the fighting and commotion, when I just wanna have a good time." Whew, nice save.
"You know, back in my time, there's a game that's popular called 7 minutes in heaven. We can play it if you'd like."
You finally give in and accept her invitation. Although you have no idea what the game is even about, you can't wait to find out.
You follow Kagome inside where Shippo is nursing his head.
"Ok guys, listen up. Our new friend here has made some good points. All we do is fight and argue instead of having a decent time. So I suggest we all play a game." Even though she said this in the most excited, wonderful, sweetest way she possibly could, everyone groaned and sighed. "Come on guys, it'll be fun, I promise."
"So. What game is it?" Inuyasha asked in a more irritated rather than intrigued manner.
"Ok. So the game is called 7 minutes in heaven. We all place a personal item into a bag, and someone comes up and collects one item. Who ever the item belongs to, that person has to go into a secluded place with the person who chose the item for 7 minutes. Usually the game involves kissing but you don't have to. You can do what ever you want."
"Fellow comrades, I believe this game of kagomes is a terrific idea! It will allow us to bond and stop our fighting!" Miroku was beaming with excitement, which worried everyone else in the room. It was like the "ominous could that hung over the house" only this was a pervy cloud and it hung all around Miroku.
Kagome took her bag and held it up to everyone individually and finally placed an item of her own into the bag. She then shook up the bag and held it out in front of her.
"Ok. Who wants to go first?"
No one answered or dared to breath in fear of being picked first. Kagome frowned and sighed. "Well then, I guess I'll have to pick for you..... Hmmm.... Inuyasha. Come pick something."
"What!? Why me?!"
"Because everyone else is too chicken and I said so."
Inuyasha came forward, glaring at everyone as he did. He reached his hand into the bag and pulled out a small wooden top. He held it up, a huge grin on his face. No one said a thing. "Come on Shippo, we all know this is yours."
"No way am I going with you! Your psychotic!"
Inuyasha grabbed up Shippo and carried the poor little defenseless fox demon outside. "You all heard Kagome, secluded... For 7 minutes. Don't try and come out here no matter what."
"HELP! HEL---" Shippo's pleas were cut off by the slamming of the door.
"Maybe we shouldn't have let Shippo play." Sango said worriedly.
~ 7 minutes later...~
Shippo sat rubbing his head. Large welts were already forming. Inuyasha sat in the Corner with a giant burn mark on his forehead. "That little brat!"
"Well maybe if you weren't always so mean to him, he wouldn't have used his fox fire." Kagome said, holding out the bag. "... Sango?"
Although it sounded like a question, it was clear is wasn't. Sango stood up and reached into the bag pulling out a sutra.
"YES!!!" Miroku raced up to Sango and hurriedly pushed her outside.
"B-but... But..."
"Tsk tsk Sango. You heard the rules off we go."
"But that's... Impossible... I.."
"No arguing. We need to bond, remember."
And with that the door was slammed shut behind them. Everyone in the room sat quietly. Even though no one would admit it, they were all thinking the same thing... We shouldnt have let Miroku play... At all.
~ another 7 minutes later...~
Miroku had multiple hand prints all over his face and Sango sat far away and gave him the worst death glares any of them had seen.
"Idiot. He just doesn't know when to give up." Shippo smirked. Every one in the room agreed simultaneously. Kagome held out the bad again. This time, she chooses you. Your heart drops and you get very nervous. You walk up to the bag and look at Kagome. She nudges it toward you. You work up the nerve and plunge your hand inside. The were a couple of items left and you couldn't really tell what they were. You dig around until you find a small sharp object. You pull it out and hold it up. It's a shard of the shikon jewel. You look around, but no one claims it. You turn around confused and see Kagome blushing. "That's mine."
"Uh uh! No way creep!" Inuyasha yells as Kagome takes your hand.
"It's the rules." Shippo snaps, then realizes he's just bought himself another beating.
Kagome leads you outside. Just before the door closes, you hear Miroku telling Inuyasha that "based on all the performances prior, there should be nothing to worry about." You hope that isn't true.
Kagome sits down and pats a spot next to her. You shyly sit down but keep somewhat of a distance. She scoots a little closer and you tense up.
"What's the matter? Did you not want to choose me?"
"No... I- I mean yes... Wait no... Ummm...."
Kagome laughs a little and places her head on your shoulder. "Don't be nervous. We can just talk if you want."
She's so nice and understanding, you think to yourself. She's so pretty... I'll never get another chance like this. I have to do something now. "K-Kagome... I.. Um.. I..."
You stare at her. You know what you wanna say, but your mouth won't let you speak. She's so close to me... I could just......You lean down and kiss her. A warm sensation spreads all through you. As her soft lips press against yours, you caress her face and hold her close, pulling her into a deeper kiss. She reaches out and grabs ahold of you shirt and pulls it toward her. You realize that she wants you. You allow yourself to be drawn into her. She straddles you, licking your bottom lips as she does so. You slip your tongue into her mouth and your hand up her skirt. You softly run your hands up and down her perfect ass. She thrusts into you, wanting you to feel farther. You reach further and begin softly rubbing her clit from behind. She moans quietly in your ear. This sends shivers down your spine. You rub harder as she moans louder. She pushes you down. You're flat on your back, starring up at Kagome. She leans forward and begins grinding her hips against you. You can't help but let out a small moan. She grips your shirt tight and presses herself hard against you. You feel your way inside her shirt and fondle her breasts gently. You can feel how wet she's getting through your clothes and can't take the tease any longer. You pull her up to where her beautiful breasts are inches from your face and work feverishly at removing the buttons of her shirt with your teeth, while trying to undo your own clothes. She playfully pushes you down and undresses you herself, stroking every inch of skin as she does. She gently nibbles at your chest and licks down your stomach. You feel her breath, hot and heavy between your legs as she wraps her tongue around you and you begin to moan uncontrollably. You feel your face getting hotter, as all of your muscles contract and you know your about to cum. One final lick and a rush of relief washes over you and her. She sits up smiling and you blush. She fixes your clothes and then her own. You sit and stare at her for a moment, then kiss her one last time. As you part, the door opens and Inuyasha rushes out.
"Times up!!! Now come back inside where we can all keep an eye on you!"
Kagome stands up and walks inside, shooting you a wink as she does. You feel the butterflies in your stomach and smile. Oh crap, Inuyasha is still there.
"Are you just gonna sit there like an idiot in the cold or come inside?!"
You stand up and avoid his glare, walking back into the house. You take a seat next to Shippo and smile. Finally, you had a nice time. Sure, Inuyasha and Shippo fought. Sure, Miroku got slapped shitless by Sango. And sure enough, Kilala just stole your fish. But none of that mattered. You got to kiss the girl of your dreams, among other things and the best part was you finally let her know how you feel. Once the game ended, everyone was beat ( literally for Miroku). You set up your sleeping bag, smiled and closed your eyes, but not before taking one more look at Kagome, who to your surprise was smiling right back at you. And with that last image in your head you drift to sleep, dreaming of the perfect night you just had, and hopefully many more to come.

7 minutes in heaven in Feudal Japan. (Characters x reader)Where stories live. Discover now