Reader x Miroku

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Stars shine bright in the beautiful night sky. A cold wind blows through the trees. The popping and roaring for the fire brings comfort. You and your friends Kagome, Inuyasha, Shippo, Sango, Miroku, and Kilala, all snuggle under the sleeping bags and listen to one another babble on.
"I'm telling you, I can easily find an ominous cloud over a house in just a few moments. We don't have to sleep outside."
"Can it Miroku. We're all tired of your tricks." Shippo snapped as he warmed his tiny hands by the fire.
"Surely you are on my side, right Kilala?"
Kilala buried her head deeper into Sango's chest and let out a small purr. Everyone shifted uncomfortably and it was clear that no one wanted to join Miroku in his lies.
"I see. Well then, it's nice to know my friends have such little faith in me."
"Stop your whining, would ya!" Inuyasha snapped from a tree branch above the rest of the camp.
"It's not that we don't have faith in you, it's just that it's a beautiful night and it's been awhile since we've spent a night under the stars." Kagome fiddled with Shippo's bow, trying to sound as positive as she could.
"Kagome's right you know." Sango chimed in. Miroku felt the sting of defeat and gave in.
"Fine. But next time, I'm finding us a house."
No one argued with him. They may have just put up an argument about staying outside, but they were all starting to miss the warmth and safety that a house could provide, unlike the forest. Nearby a bush rustled and Shippo jumped up into Kagome's arms.
"Ah! Demon!"
"It's okay Shippo. It was just the wind." Kagome reassured. Shippo laughed uneasily, but still clung onto to his friend. Sango's face suddenly lite up and she smiled.
"Hey guys, let's tell scary stories. It's a perfect night for it."
"Humph. Yeah, cuz that's what we need right now. To scare Shippo senseless and have Kilala run away." Inuyasha barked from his branch.
You watched as your friends argued back and forth and wondered why they were always at each others throats. To be honest, you were starting to bore from this and began thinking of something interesting to do when Miroku caught your eye. He was sitting off a little ways, barely visible in the camp fire's glow. He was looking at.... You. You felt your face turn red and hoped he wouldn't be able to tell your blush from the fire's light. You glance back to see if he really was looking at you... And he is. You don't know what to do or say, so you just turn your attention to the angry canine in the tree.
"So what do you suppose we do then!?" Inuyasha growled.
You missed almost all of the conversation. Sango sat quietly, obviously trying to think of something to say. Then an idea pops in your head.
"Why don't we play a game?" You suggest, hoping your words were louder then a whisper.
"A game?! Are we five?! (Mocking tone) ooh, everyone look at me. I'm five and I wanna play a game in the middle of the night like a weirdo."
"Inuyasha, sit!"
There was a loud thud as Inuyasha met the hard dirt floor below.
"Now, what were you saying?" Kagome asked apologetically.
"We could all play a game, called 7 minutes in heaven..."
Everyone looked at you confused so you went into detail of how to play. "...... And then you guys kiss or something." You looked around and everyone either looked nervous or scared to play, except Miroku. He was still looking straight at you, but wait... Is that... A smile forming on his lips? You feel your face getting hot and you look away into the cool night and regain your composure.
"Sure, w-why not.." Inuyasha said weakly, still lying on the ground.
" Kagome, can I borrow your bag?" You asked holding out your hand. She handed it over and you walked up to everyone and had them place an item inside. You shook up the bag and look around to see if someone would come up first. No one moved so you asked Inuyasha to come up. He growled and glared at you but reached into the bag. He pulled out a small metal mask. Sango stood up slowly.
"That's mine."
"Are you sure we have to go somewhere alone?" Inuyasha asked nervously.
"What!? Am I not good enough to be alone with?! Oh wait, that's right, I forgot. You like to be alone with dead girls!"
Inuyasha stared wide-eyed at Sango and said nothing while she dragged him off into the forest.
"Something tells me we might not see Inuyasha again." Miroku said more serious than anyone would have liked.
"Should we go after them?" Shippo asked.
"No. It's the rules. It's not our fault Inuyasha is an idiot." Kagome said heatedly. She looked a little worried too. Was she jealous that Inuyasha had picked Sango's item? But if that was the case, then wouldn't she say something? It was no use. You just didn't understand her. You looked at Shippo who was entertaining himself with a moth. Then you got the feeling that you were being watched. You look around to once again see Miroku's soft gaze resting on your face. You wondered if Inuyasha would feel the same way as Kagome if Miroku picked Kagome's item. Without warning Sango came stomping through the bushes, her head high in the air, followed by Inuyasha apologizing over and over again.
"I said I'm sorry okay?! What else do you want?!"
"For you to stop talking to me." Sango shot coldly.
"Okay, soooooooo.... Who's next?" You ask trying to sound completely positive and not at all fearful of Sango's rage. "Shippo?"
Shippo stood up and walked over nervously to the bag. He reaches his small hand inside and pulls out a red bandana. "Kilala? We're letting Kilala play?"
You shrug and smile, not knowing what to say. Shippo walks Kilala off, muttering as he goes. Once they're gone everyone lets out a small laugh.
"Hey Sango, Kilalas going to have some ugly kittens." Inuyasha teased, then quickly hid his face from Sango's deadly gaze.
"So Inuyasha, why were you apologizing to Sango? Was it for hurting her feelings?" Kagome asked trying to sound innocent enough, but there was a hint of accusation in her voice.
"Of course it was! She didn't speak to me the entire time. She's trying to lay a guilt trip on me, but it's not gonna work Sango!"
A few moments later, Shippo and Kilala came back with matching flower necklaces that Shippo made for them. Everyone smiled asked if Shippo made one for them too, but Shippo just sat with Kilala and was quiet.
"Miroku? Do you wanna try?" You shook the bag at him and he smiled. He came up and looked you in your eyes as he pulled out a small blue ball.
"Is this yours?" He asked you, never even looking at the object.
"Y-yes..." You managed to stutter.
He placed the ball into your hand and lead you off into the forest. You looked back in time to see the fires of hell burning you alive in Sango's eyes. You turned back to the forest and kept your head down. Once you were fairly deep into the forest Miroku sat you down and pulled you close.
"I don't know if you noticed, but I've been watching you. I seen you playing with that ball before you suggested the game and I knew that it would be your item. It's what I wanted to choose. I wanted you."
You begin to get hot and nervous. Is he really saying this?
"I know it's a bit sudden but, will you please do me the honor of barring my children?"
"I-I uh... I c-can't... But.."
"Shhh. Your eyes say it all. We'll worry about talking later."
You were about to reply when you were cut off by the sudden sensation of his lips against yours. You leaned helplessly into his chest and he deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue into your mouth. You feel his hand holding your side while his other hand slowly makes it's way to your ass. He grabs you up and pulls you on top of him. You sit still, straddling him. He runs his hand from your side to your chest, grabbing at you and pulling you into him harder. You moan as he kisses and bites at your neck. Then you feel his hands pulling your shirt off. As he strips off your shirt, he leans you back, forcing you to arch your back. He licks from your chest to your stomach and his hands slip below your waist. You feel his fingers working all around and in and out of you. You moan louder and feel his dick become hard. You rub your hips against him and pull him on top of you. He grabs your hair and bites your lower lip. You thrust up into him and wrap your legs around his waist. He pulls off the rest of your clothes and turns you over. He licks and scratches down your back, still pulling your hair. He grabs your hips and pulls them up, pushing your head down as he does. He slowly enters you from behind. You moan and pull away a little. He smiles, licks his lips, then thrusts hard, holding you down and covering your mouth as you moan louder and louder. He begins thrusting faster and harder, slamming your ass against his stomach. You scream but it's muffled and he leans forward, going deeper inside you. He pulls your hair, forcing your head back and with one hand he holds your neck while kissing you roughly but passionately, licking at your tongue and nibbling your ear as he pushes your head down once more. Now he's as deep as he can go, fucking you as hard and as fast as he can. You can feel yourself tightening and feel a burning sensation all throughout your body, begging for him to take you higher. As he does his final thrust, a rush of warmth goes inside you and you feel your muscles relax as you cum. You lay there for a moment, breathing heavily as Miroku fixes his clothes and wipes the sweat from his forehead. You sit up and put back on your clothes, and are immediately in his embrace as he holds you and plays with your hair. He kisses your lips one last time before you have to start heading back.
"We're are they?! Hasn't it been 7 minutes yet?" Sango threw her hands up in exasperation.
"Maybe they got lost." Shippo suggested.
You and Miroku walk into camp and Sango screams at both of you.
"There you too are! Did you have fun!? Do you know how long you've been gone?!"
"Sango, they've been gone for 7 minutes. Almost 8." Kagome reassured her.
"Sorry to have worried you, we were going to wait and scare you, but we dropped the ball and had to go off looking for it. " Miroku said, smiling as if it were the truth. Sango stared at him, feeling stupid for jumping to conclusions. Once everyone had their turn, you return the bag to Kagome and lay in your sleeping bag. It may be the same night, but the stars seem to shine brighter and the wind seems to blow a little softer and the fire seems to burn a little warmer as you recall what just happened. As you turn over, you see Miroku smiling at you and gives you a quick wink before rolling over as well. It was the perfect ending to the perfect night.
"So Shippo, what else did you and Kilala make?" Inuyasha asked teasingly.
"Shut up!" Screamed Shippo and then an argument from hell broke out. It was almost the perfect ending to your perfect night.

7 minutes in heaven in Feudal Japan. (Characters x reader)Where stories live. Discover now