Reader x Koga

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"Give me the chips!" koga yelled as Inuyasha ripped them from his hands. "You've already got all the noodles!"
"Yeah? And? I want these chips too!"
You roll your eyes as Koga and Inuyasha fought over the snacks. Kagome had brought lunch for everyone today when she came back, but Koga came by and now you have to ration everything so that he can have some too.
"You only want them 'cause i want them!"
"Go find your own food, you stupid wolf!"
"Flea bag!"
"Half breed!"
You looked at your chicken sandwich and smiled to yourself.
Im kinda glad that Koga showed up. It makes things a little more interesting.
You took a bite and looked back to your friends and saw Koga holding the chips high above his head and waving his arm frantically to keep Inuyasha from getting them.
"You guys! We have plenty to share. Stop fighting." Kagome sighed.
Koga looked at her and put on a show.
"Inuyasha! How could you be so careless?! You're obviously upsetting Kagome!"
He dropped the chips and knelt beside Kagome, taking her hands in his.
"Dont worry Kagome. When you're my wife, ill never upset you in such a way."
"The hell she'll be your wife!"
Even though Kagome clearly wasn't interested in Koga, you couldn't help but to feel the sharp sting of jealousy.
Why doesn't he understand that she doesn't like him? He should try to be with someone who actually cares....
You snapped out of your thoughts and found Koga looking at you. You missed the argument and now he was looking to you for an answer.
"Uh, yeah...?"
"See, your friends like me better."
Again, another argument started. "Hey! Why dont we play a game? So that everyone can get along." Shippo suggested.
Miroku stopped slurping his soup and stared at Shippo. Sango slowly chewed her sandwich, Kagome looked at the ground, and Inuyasha quickly stuffed the bag of chips in his shirt. You look around at all the stiff, confused looking faces, and sigh.
They're all good friends, but its like they have nothing in common. What game could we play, that everyone would agree on?
Miroku smiled wide.
"Might I suggest, spin the bottel?" "whats that?" Shippo asked, stuffing another candy bar in his tiny face.
"Well, ive heard our new friend here---"
He points at you.
"---Talk about this game. We put a bottel on the ground and sit in a circle. One of us spins the bottel and whoever it points to, we kiss."
"You're such a perv!" Sango and Kagome yelled in unison.
One game down...
The others started spitting out ideas left and right, but someone always shot it down. Koga suggested we play house, and him and Kagome could be the mommy and daddy. Inuyasha shot that down immediately. Inuyasha suggested hunting demons in the forest, but Kagome wanted to play a "nice" game. Sango suggested hide 'n seek, but no one wanted to find anyone.
"We could play a game called 7 minutes in heaven...." you said nervousy. Obviously you had to explain. 3 questions, one argument, and a slapped miroku later, everyone had agreed to play. You take off Kirara's bandanna, and used it as a bag. Everyone placed an item, you shook the bag and held it up. Shippo jumped up and reached into the makeshift bag.
He pulled his hand out to show Myoga, the cowardly flee.
"What?! Does he count as an item?!"
"I guess so..." you tried not to laugh.
Shippo sighed and stomped off.
~7 minutes later...~
Shippo sat pouting, itching little tiny red bite marks all over him. Next was Inuyasha. He reached in, eyeballing Koga the entire time. He pulled out a Kamasutra. Miroku let out an uneasy laugh.
"Oh you've got to be kidding." Inuyasha growled. He looked at you, begging for it to be a joke.
You just shrugg and close the bag.
"Ugh! No way!"
~another 7 minutes later...~
"I can't believe you actually tried to kiss me!"
*boom!* *slap!*
Inuyasha came out of the forest, dragging Miroku's mangled body behind him. Miroku was surprisingly still alive, but barely conscious.
"Ok. Whos next?" you ask, peeping into the bag. Koga stood up and confidently walked to the bag, smiling at kagome. She rolled her eyes. He reached into the bag and pulled out two items accidentally. A tiny jewel shard, and a red piece of cloth. He looked really confused.
"Does this mean i get two?"
"L-uck-y" miroku managed to whisper.
"No, you have to choose." you said as calmly as you could.
He looked at both items and then at Kagome. She was eyeballing the red cloth. He smiled.
"I choose this." he said waving the tiny red square. You blushed, "thats mine."
Koga's smile never faltered. He grabbed your hand and led you away. Walking through the forest, everything was silent. You were worried that he might here your heartbeat. As you wondered deeper into the forest, it got colder, and darker thanks to the thick canopy of leaves above you. You shiver and wrap your arms around yourself.
If only these were his arms... Id feel more safe and warm in his arms...
Suddenly, warmth covered your shoulders. You snap out of your thoughts and find Koga draping his wolf fur around you. You smile, pulling the fur tighter, hiding your face from his beautiful canine eyes.
Dont blush! He'll know and get creeped out.
"I knew it was yours."
You looked at him in surprise. "W-what?"
"I knew Kagome would look at your item to throw me off. I know she doesnt like me, i just like teasing her and pissing off Inuyasha."
Your face grew hot as you felt ashamed of all the jealousy you had felt. "Yeah, thats always funny."
He gently grabs you. One hand holding your back, the other resting under your chin, forcing you to look up at him, his eyes shimmering.
"And i know that you like me."
You were surprised that your face wasnt melting.
"You look at me a lot, and smile to yourself. I could only imagine what youre thinking about."
Wtf! He knew this whole time? Who else knew?
He gently runs his hand through your hair, and smiles.
"Maybe you were thinking of this exact moment. Us, walking through the forest, alone."
You glanced back and couldnt see anyone anymore. You were pretty far out. Suddenly Koga turns your head back to him. He places his forehead against yours, such kissable lips only inches away.
"Then maybe you thought of me, pressing against you."
As he said this, he pulled you closer to him and pressed his body against yours, and pinned you to a tree.
"Sliding my hands up your shirt."
You got goosebumps as his strong hands ran across your chest. You thought your face would burst into flames any second.
"Then into your pants."
His hands slowly, softly, slipped into your pants. His fingers gently stroking you, grabbing at you. You moan a little and he smiles.
"Me... kissing you." his lips hungrily pressed against yours. He grabbed you by the hips, and pushed you up the tree, wrapping your legs around his waist. His tongue gently rubbing yours. He unbuttons your pants and slipps them off of you. Next goes your shirt. He bites your neck and pulls your hair as he rubs his dick against you, making you want him more and more. He slowly kisses down your neck to your chest and licks your nipples softly. He grabs his dick and slowly slides it in you. You moan and he kisses you again. He thrusts, holding you to him. You hold on to him, amazed that its really happening. He slams into you and you scream a little. He smiles and slams into you again and again. Faster and faster. You scream as he fucks you at what feels like 100 mph. He holds you with one arm, his muscles bulging, with the other, he grips the tree truck. He throws you on the ground, leaving deep slashes in the tree, and takes you from behind. He grabs your hair and pulls your head back, as he leans forward, going inside you deeper, and biting your neck. Your muscles start getting tight, and then relax. He pushes and pulls your hips into him, fucking you as fast as he can. His nails running down you back, and he slaps your ass. Your muscles tighten again. He grabs your shoulders, almost laying on your back, getting as deep in you as he can. Thrusting harder and harder. You moan loud, and he covers your mouth with his lips, plessurably silencing you. He bites your lower lip, then pulls away, grabbing both your hips and pounds into you over and over again. Faster, faster, harder, harder. You muscles tighten so much that it feels like a cramp. You dig your nails into the ground so deep, you thought youd pull up patches. You feel your insides catch fire, and you scream as you cum. Then theres a warm feeling that spreads through you. Koga collapses on top of you and breathes hard. You try and catch your breath too. He moves your hair and gently kisses you. He sits up and pulls you to him, cradling you in his arms. You sat in peaceful bliss for what felt like an eternity, as he played with your hair and occasionally kissed you.
This is so amazing. I wish we never have to go back.... Go back?... Oh shit!
"How long have we been out here?" you ask as you realize that it was supposed to be a game. Koga shruggs and gets dressed. You do the same and fix your hair. He holds your hand as you walk back to your friends.
"Do you still think i like Kagome?"
You smile and shake your head.
"Good. So you dont have to get jealous anymore. I wont mess with her, just you."
You smile wider and lean your head on his shoulder.
You walk into a waiting circle of friends.
"Theres no welts on him." Sango pointed out, confused.
"Yeah, and no slap marks either." said Shippo.
"You know, it hurts that you think of me as a Miroku. " Koga said with an overly exaggerated expression.
"Thats because you are." Inuyasha snapped.
"Says the dog demon that... Whats the words again kagome?" she smiled. "Sit boy!"
Inuyasha came crashing down into the ground, sending up dust all over the food.
"Awe!" everyone whined as the realized there food was ruined.
Koga laughed. "Well, ill be on my way. Thanks for the lunch kagome. He reached into Inuyashas's shirt, who was still stunned, and pulled out the chips. "And thank you."
"And thanks for the fun game. Cant wait to play it again." He winked at you and sped off, making even more dust fly on the already dusty food.
"Huh, thats weird. No flirting." Kagome said in amazement.
"Maybe he learned his lesson out there." Sango said laughing. You smile and look back to the forest.
Maybe. I know i learned mine. I hope he comes back soon."
"Come on, we gotta get going." Inuyasha said, climbing to his feet. You walk with your friends through the forest, remembering ever touch and taste in those few short minutes. How his eyes sparked, how his smile shined, and how rough, but passionate he was.
"There must me some kind of demon out here. Look at these slashes on this tree." Inuyasha said, touching the wounded bark. "And here... Something clawed the ground."
You blush like mad.
"I told you we should of hunted demons."
He folded his arms across his chest defiantly, then looked surprised.
"Hey! That stupid wolf stole my chips!"
"Inuyasha, calm down, i have more."
"No! Those were mine and he took them. When i find him im gonna---"
"Sit boy!"

7 minutes in heaven in Feudal Japan. (Characters x reader)Where stories live. Discover now