Reader x Sesshomaru

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Giant crevasses scarred the earth. The cloud of dust cleared, only to reveal Sesshomaru standing perfectly still, unharmed. Inuyasha breathed heavily.
"Damn you"
"Whats the matter little brother? Is something distracting you?" Sesshomaru turned slightly and looked across the battlefield. You and your friends stood at the sidelines, watching yet another fight between Inuyasha and his temperamental older brother. The first time you had ever seen them fight, you were almost killed because you had ran to help. Ever since then, whenever they fight, Sesshomaru seems to keep his focus on Inuyasha and you.
Sesshomaru shot you a cold stare, one that numbed you and sent shivers down your spine. You look to Inuyasha, hes clearly exhausted.
"Go ahead. Run to him." A voice spoke to you. You look around, but no one is talking. You look to Inuyasha, but... The voice was so close to you, almost, as if it was in your head. You stared confusingly at Inuyasha, when Sesshomaru caught your eye. His head was barely turned toward you, his eyes locking yours in a deep stare.
"Run to him. He needs you." The voice was so soft, and empty of emotion. "Run to him. RUN, RUN DAMN YOU, RUN!"
"Stop looking at them and fight me!" Inuyasha yelled.
You feel your feet begin moving, and the land is racing by you. Inuyasha is getting closer now.
"No! What are you doing?! Get back!" Inuyasha screamed at you, but you couldnt stop. Something, or someone was pulling you onto the battlefield. Once you were only a few yards away from Inuyasha, Sesshomaru took his chance. Inuyasha was distracted by you and Sesshomaru raced up to him, quicker than lighting and slashed at his face, knocking him to the ground. Now he was right infront of you.
"Pathetic." Sesshomaru grabbed you and threw you over his shoulder, like it was nothing. He turned to his injured younger brother.
"Well now, with this distraction out of the way, the next time we meet, i will kill you."
Inuyasha stared up at him, growling from anger and pain. A long gash covered his face in blood.
"D-damn you... Coward... Fight me!"
Sesshomaru lept into the air. You, holding onto anything to keep from falling, had grabbed a handful of his hair.
"Sesshomaru, you bastard!" Inuyasha's screams quickly faded away. Sesshomaru held you tightly, almost crushing you. You wiggled and squirmed, trying to get him to release you.
"Let me go!"
Suddenly, you felt a thud, and Sesshomaru pulled you off of him and hung you over a cliff.
"Do you wish me to let you go now?"
You screamed and grabbed a hold of his arm.
"Please, please dont drop me!"
He looked at you with the most expressionless stare and you could feel yourself slipping from his grip.
"Oh god, please!"
Hes crazy! Hes going to kill me!
"Why should I save you?A human."
"R-rin! You saved Rin, please, i know that you have some emotion, some sympathy!"
He continued starring at you, for what felt like an eternity, then he let go. You fell, fast, you scream at the top of your lungs as the ground rushes towards you, tears fill your eyes. You feel something grab you, bridal style. You open your eyes to see Sesshomaru. You are now ontop of a different cliff. You look behind him and see the ground that was about to bring your death. You look up at him. He wasnt even looking at you.
"Maybe now you'll watch what you say."
He lept back into the air and this time, you stayed quiet.
Why did he save me? I know i struck a nerve when i mentioned Rin. He should have let me die, but im alive, in his arms.... Why did he save me?
A few moments go by and finally he places you on the ground.
"Sesshomaru, your back. I was beginning to think that pathetic half breed finished- oh. I see we have company."
"Kagura. Here, hide this away. It is bait for Inuyasha."
He pushes you into a woman with short black hair, and red piercing eyes. She smiles and uses a small fan to hide her face.
Kagura? Why is she here? Kagura held your arm tight and laughed. "This, is bait?"
This? It? Why are they acting as if im not even a person?
"What happened to that little winch, Kagome?"
"Are you questioning me Kagura?"
Her smile vanished and she turned defensively, now cutting off your circulation.
"Never." and that was all she said. She walked you into a room where a girl dressed in all white sat. Her hair was long and white, with white lillies in it. She was holding a small mirror, and had an expression, even more blank than Sesshomaru's, soulless even. Kagura's hand pushed down on your shoulder, forcefully making you sit. Then she left the room. You looked around and at the little girl.
Did Sesshomaru capture her too? But shes only a child. 10, maybe.
It was silent for a while. Finally you spoke to the girl.
"Where are we?"
Without looking at you, or changing expressions, she calmly said, "You. Not me."
Her voice was so soft, so... Emotionless. Was this the voice you heard on the battlefield?
"Ok, where am I?"
The girl did not answer.
"What is going to happen?"
The girl looked at you. Her eyes were empty and black. Her lips started to curve into a smile.
"Kanna! Make sure she doesnt escape." Kagura snapped as she walked by the door. Kanna looked back at you and the smile was gone.
Did i imagine that?
Again, everything was silent. Sesshomaru entered the room and sat next to kanna.
"Dont take this ones soul."
Kanna's expression didnt change, but you could feel a heavy air around her, like she was disappointed. Kagura now entered the room. She smiled strangely at Sesshomaru.
Does Sesshomaru?
You stare at Kagura, making her slightly uncomfortable. Sesshomaru leaves the room with kanna and you watch Kagura's every move.
"I know you like Sesshomaru."
Kagura looked at you in surprise. "What? No i dont. Dont be ridiculous."
"Yes you do. I can tell by the way you look at him."
"You dont know what youre talking about, you little brat."
"I can get him to kiss you."
She looked at you in amazement, and she couldnt hide her excitement or feelings anymore.
It was more of a demand than a question.
"I know a game we could play called 7 minutes in heaven."
You explained the rules and she looked happy to hear that if she got him, they had to kiss. Actually, she looked more... Hungry than happy... She grabbed your hands and pleaded with you to play the game. You agreed and she hugged you out of excitement. Sesshomaru walked into the room and looked at Kagura with an annoyed expression.
"Kagura. Stop bothering the bait."
Rin entered the room behind him. She sat next to Kanna and looked at you with a big smile. Now that everyone was in the room it felt really small. No one spoke. Rin was the first to break the silence.
"Im bored. I wanna play a game." Kagura looked at you and smiled widely. You offered 7 minutes in heaven. That seemed to interest everyone. You explained the rules, but since it was mainly girls, you said that they could just gossip or tell secrets. Everyone agreed and put an item into a bag that you found on the tabel. You shake the bag and hold it out. Rin ran up and quickly pulled out a white lilly. Kanna stood up, her expression never changing. Rin grabbed her hand and pulled her into a near by closet.
Several minutes later...
Kanna came out with her hair in braided ponytails. Rin came out right behind her. You hold out the bag and Kagura reaches in and pulls out a hair tie. Rin jumps up and rushes her to the closet.
Several minutes later...
Kagura comes out with her hair in all directions, and her make-up everywhere. You tried not to laugh, and could have sworn Kanna smiled a little too. Next you reach into the bag and pull out a small round fluff of fur. Rin began giggling and you grabbed your hair out of fear. Sesshomaru stood up and yanked the small fluff from you.
"Rin, dont pull on this fur."
"Yes lord Sesshomaru."
I got Sesshomaru?
Kagura looked surprised that she didnt get him. It wasnt your fault, but if Sesshomaru hadnt been standing between you and her, she probably would have caught you on fire and froze your soul from the intense cold stare, that you could feel burning you alive through your protective demon shield.
"Im leaving now. Inuyasha should be here soon. When he comes, send him into the forest."
He grabs you up again and rushes to the forest. Once your aways into the woods, he sets you down.
"Are you really going to kill your own-"
But before you could finish, his lips pressed firmly against yours. He pulled you close to him, holding the back of your neck as he does. You try to move away but he holds on tighter. He finally breaks the kiss and looks at you. You looked at him confused.
"Dont you like Kagura?"
"Dont be foolish. Shell do anything i ask, and so i keep her around to do my bidding."
You looked sadly at the ground.
Poor Kagura. She has no idea that hes just using her.
You must have had a confused look on your face, so Sesshomaru chimed in.
"I was going to kill Inuyasha, but now i believe it would be worse to just break his heart."
He pulled you in close, kissing you roughly. You try to pull away, but couldn't move. For some reason, you hated what he was doing, but loved every second of it at the same time. You finally relax, and he slipps his tongue in your mouth. You moan slightly, and he pushes his hand into your jeans. You feel him playing with you, gently rubbing but getting rougher and rougher. You reach for him and he slams you against a rock. You gasp as the impact knocks the air out of you. He pushes you up and pulls down your jeans. You feel his tongue moving all around between your legs. You stare up at the sky, trying to breath, but the pain and the pleasure make it impossible. Suddenly you hit the ground. Sesshomaru stood above you and pulled you to your knees. You undid his pants and grabbed his dick. He grabbed your hair roughly and pushed you towards him. You closed your eyes and wrapped your tongue around his dick. He began thrusting and you felt him on the back of your throat. Suddenly he pulls out of your mouth and pushes you into the ground. He gets ontop of you and kisses your neck, then chest, then stomach. He raises your back and presses himself between your legs. You can feel the tip slowly going in and out of you. You grab his sleeve and he smiles at you, then thrusts hard. You gasp and scream as he enters you roughly. He pulls your hair and thrusts harder and faster. You arch your back and moan louder. He turns you over roughly and takes you from behind. You grab at the ground and feel all your muscles tighten. He keeps fucking you hard and fast, never slowing down. He goes deeper and you cum, but he keeps going. You breath heavily, never catching your breath. Your muscles are tightening and relaxing so much that it feels like a giant cramp. You scream as the pleasure get too much to handel. You feel his nails dig into your hips and a warm feeling spreads through you. He begins to slow down and your muscles tighten. You almost cry from the pleasure, when you feel completely relaxed. He thrusts a few more times before he cums again. You lay on the ground, exhausted. He lays ontop of you, going deeper inside you. You flinch and he smiles. He stands up and pulls you to your feet. He pulls you to him and kisses you again. As you part, he smiles wickedly. He fixes his clothes and you do the same.
"I shall have to use you as bait again sometime. Its a shame our time was cut so short."
What does he mean so short? I came twice! Could he have really kept going?
Then you hear something walking towards you. Inuyasha appears, still injured from his earlier battel.
"Get away from-"
"Be quiet Inuyasha. Youre obviously still injured and although I love to see you in such pain, i will not fight you like that. I want you to have no excuse for being defeated."
"Big talk. Why dont you just shut up and fight me?!"
Sesshomaru turned and began to walk calmly out of the woods.
"Hey! Come back here!"
"Before I leave, i should let you know, ive already won. You can have your friend back. I have no more use for them. I had my way."
"What are you talking about?!"
But Sesshomaru was already gone. Inuyasha looked at you. You looked away, a little embarrased. As you and your friends walk out of the forest in silence, you wonder about Sesshomaru.
Was he really just using me to hurt Inuyasha, like he uses Kagura? He must have thought id tell him what had happened. If i dont say anything, it cant hurt him. But... He wanted to use me again...
You look back to the woods and think about everything that had just happened, and what he said as he walked away. A shimmer of white caught your attention. You look up to see Sesshomaru sitting in a tree, watching you, a small smile on his lips. He winks at you and tosses you a small object. You catch it and look at it. It was a small fluff of fur. You look up, but he was gone. You smile to yourself and return to your friends. Even though you shouldnt feel this way, you couldnt help but to want to do it again.
"What did he mean by, i had my way?" Inuyasha asked.
"He kidnapped me and you fell for it."
"Then why didn't he just kill me?"
"I dont know. Ask him."
"I cant! If i see him again, I'm going to kill him! How can i ask him if hes dead?!"
You ignore Inuyasha's ranting and zone out, thinking about Sesshomaru.
I dont think hes just using Kagura. I see it in his eyes, denied feelings for her...
"What did i do?! Youre just mad that Sesshomaru outsmarted you, which isnt hard to do!"
You snapped out of thoughts and seen Inuyasha and Shippo arguing and fighting.
"Why you little-.. Come here!"
If its not one fight, its another. Now i know why Kagome gets kidnapped all the time. Its better than listening to this.
You and your friends walk off in search of a house for the night, while every touch, taste and feeling ran through your mind. But not all your thought were of Sesshomaru. Some lingered to Kagura, and the look of disappointment she had had when you picked Sesshomaru.
Dont give up Kagura. One day he'll tell you. Just be strong, and dont give up..... Im sorry.

7 minutes in heaven in Feudal Japan. (Characters x reader)Where stories live. Discover now