Reader x Sango

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It's been awhile since you gave Sango a piece of the jewel shard. You returned home about two weeks ago and you're really starting to miss your friends, but you have to study for your semester exams. You're sitting in your room quietly memorizing each page in your geometry book. Your school friends called earlier and are on their way over to study with you. As hard as you try to study, you keep thinking about your friends back in time and wish you could be with them instead. As you return to your books, you hear a small tap on your window.
Oh no. You think to yourself. Why is Inuyasha here. As you open the window a woman goes through it.
"Sango? What are you doing here?"
"It's been awhile since you left and the others told me that with the jewel shard, I could pass through to your time, and I wanted to come get you."
She entered your room and looked around. " what is all this stuff?"
"Just modern things." You could feel your face getting hot and you quickly looked away. " I uh.. have friends comin over to study and since you're from feudal japan they might...freak out."
"I could be their friends too."
Youre not sure why, but you really dont like the idea of Sango liking your friends, or vise-versa. But she seemed so excited that you couldnt hurt her feelings.
"Yeah, sure. But we'll have to change your clothes. You could put some of mine on, the bathrooms down the ha-"
but before you could finish your sentence, she had already begun to strip down. She had the top of her outfit pulled down and was working on the rest. You quickly hide your face and blush like mad. Sango dug around in your closet untill she found a pair of jeans and a black shirt.
"Is this ok?" She asked holding up the selected items.
"Y-yes, thats fine." You didnt actually see what she had, you refused to let her see how red your face was. A moment later Sango appeared from the closet. You glanced to make sure she was fully dressed, and smiled slightly at how regular she looked. She had chosen a baggy shirt, and it almost made her look flat chested, but from the show you got earlier, you knew better. Maybe your friends wouldnt be interested in her in those clothes.
Sango started to walk towards you and you could feel yourself getting tense. She grabbed one of your hands and held it tightly.
"Thank you for letting me barrow your clothes and letting me meet your friends."
You smiled weakly, and fought off the blush that was trying to surface. Sango smiled widely and gave you a big hug. She may have looked flat chested, but she didnt feel like it.
*Knock, knock, knock!*
You jumped and remembered your friends. You quickly pulled away from Sango and opend your door.
Your friends rushed in. "Okay, i have all the notes copied down from English class, but you are gonna have to.... Whos that?"
"This is Sango. Shes here visiting."
Sango smiled and waved.
"Is she your sister, or cousin or something?"
"No, just a friend." Ouch, it kinda hurt to put yourself in the friend-zone. But the others seemed to buy it. After a few hours of studying, interrogating Sango and yourself, your friends got bored and it became hard to focus on anything serious.
"Hey, why dont we play a game?"
Sango smiled and nodded, and your friend smiled back. Although the smile looked innocent enough, you could see the pervy thoughts behind it.
"Lets play 7 minutes in heaven."
"How do you play that?" Sango asked, looking at you. You went to protest, but your friend cut you off and explained the game.
"Simple. We all place something of ours in a bag, then someone comes up and randomly picks one of the items, and whoever owns the item has to go with that person into the closet for several minutes. You can talk or make-out. Its up to you."
Sango thought about it, then said okay. You grabbed a small sack off your desk and passed it around. Once everyone had placed their items, including you, you shook the bag and looked around. Your pervy friend came up first, smiling at Sango. They pulled out a small black hair tie, and looked at her. Sangos hair was still up in a pony tail so it wasnt hers. A disappointed look appeared on your friends face. They turned to see another friend stand up. They disappeared into the closet. Sango giggled and sat close to you. A feeling of relefe came over you at the thought that your pervy friend didnt get Sango.
~Several minutes later...~
Your friends come out and sit down. Another friend comes up and the same things happen. Next is Sango. She reaches her hand in the bag and pulls out a pencil. Your eyes grow wide. She looks at you and smiles. You stand up and take your pencil back. All your friends smirk, except the pervy one. Sango grabs your hand and leads you into the closet.
Once youre in, she shuts the door. You struggle to move around comfortably since the closet is small.
"Im sorry!" You accidentally stepped on her foot. "Maybe this will help." You turn on the light and nearly fall over. She was closer to you than you thought. She smiles then gives you a hug.
"This is fun. What do we do now?"
You look around nervously. "Um.. Hows.. Your day.. Going?"
Sango giggles then gives you a kiss on the cheek. You were too surprised to do anything except automatically give her a kiss on the cheek too. She smiles then kisses your lips. You pull her a little closer and deepen the kiss. Her lips were so soft. As you concentrate on the kiss, you feel her hands holding your hips. She pulls you into her more and slips her tongue into your mouth. You slowly move your hands up her back and she does the same. You put your hands in her shirt and undo her bra. She pulls her shirt off and presses her chest against you. Next she slips her hands into your jeans, gently rubbing your legs, forcing them apart. She leans forward so it pushes you down to the ground and lays on top of you. She pulls your jeans down half way and pulls your shirt up a little. She slowly kisses your stomach and down to your hips. She places one hand up on your chest, and one under you, raising your hips up. She gently licks around your hips and then lower and lower until she has you in her mouth, working her tongue around the nerves. You moan softly and run your hand through her hair. You can feel her tongue move up and down, side to side, gently stroking every inch. You moan louder and pull her hair a little. She gets a little rougher and claws at your back. You can feel all your muscles tightening and it becomes harder to breath. You start gasping for air, your muscles twitching slightly. You start to feel hot, but you dont want her to stop. She tightens her grip on you and bites you, not enough to hurt you but to make you want more. You gasp her name as she vigorously licks you up and down, slowing down often to tease you. Your muscles tighten and relax over and over again. You cant take it anymore. Right when you think your about to scream, you suddenly feel relaxed and calm all over. Sango leans forward and gives you a kiss. You can taste yourself on her lips. You smile shyly when you realize that you had just cum.
"That was fun." Sango said and gave you a wink. You smile at her, and want to tell her how much you like her, and have always liked her.
"Sango..., I uh,... I really like-"
*Pound Pound Pound!*
"One minute warning!" someone called from outside the door. Shit. You forgot that you were playing a game. You hurry up and fix your hair, pull up your pants, and straighten your shirt. You sit uncomfortably in the cornor and watch as Sango simply puts back on her bra and shirt. You smile a little to yourself, then the door opens.
"I didn't hear a thing that entire time. What did you guys even do? Have a whisper contest?" one of your friends tease. You laugh a little and look at the clock. Oh shit! Its already 11:30pm.
"Wow, ok. So this was really fun, and great, and all, but it's late and we have school tomorrow, so we need to call it a night. Ill see you guys tomorrow."
Your friends leave and you look at Sango. She was sitting on your bed, looking at your pillows. As you look at her you start to wonder,
what if she only did all that because of the game? Did she actually want to? Or did she feel like she had to, like it was the rules or something...
Suddenly you were brought back to reality, and found Sango staring at you, a small smile on her face.
"When we were in the closet, you tried telling me something, but your friend interrupted you. What were you saying?"
You look at her softly and decide that the moment was over and it was probably just a lost cause anyways.
"I... I dont remember." you laugh a little to make it convincing. Sango smiles and shuggs. Good. She bought it.
"Well, its getting late. I guess id better go." She walks over to you and gives you a quick hug. As she leans out the window she looks back at you.
"That was fun... Lets do it again." Then she was gone. You stared wide-eyed at the empty window. So it wasnt because of the game? You were so confused. You decided to go to bed but that last sentence lingered in your mind, and eventually you fall asleep with the sweetest of dreams.

7 minutes in heaven in Feudal Japan. (Characters x reader)Where stories live. Discover now