Reader x Inuyasha

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The sun was setting. You looked above the tree line and watched as the yellow orbe slowly sank below your vision. A light breeze played with your hair. You look at your friends and wonder what they were thinking. Sango sat quietly in the grass, petting kilala. Shippo layed sprawled out, playing with the flowers. Miroku was sitting slightly behind Sango, obviously not looking at the sun set. Kagome played with shippos tail, and Inuyasha stood a little ways away from the group with his back towards you. The breeze gently moved his hair to the side. You couldnt help but stare as the brilliant colors of the setting sky were reflecting off his silk white hair. His ears twitched a little and he turned his head to look at you. You quickly look away and pray that he didnt see you gawking at him.
Why is he always so secretive? What does he have to hide? And whats with that attitude all the damn time?! You think to yourself, trying to concentrate on something, anything, other than him.
"Hmph. What are we just sitting around for?! We should be hunting Naraku!"
"Inuyasha please. We are just trying to relax. We have been on his trail for days. We need a break." Miroku tried reasoning.
"Well thats the difference between you and me. I dont need to take a break. And the longer we sit around, the further Naraku will get!"
"We dont even know where he is. So i doubt this nights rest will make a difference. And if you dont need to take a break, then by all means, go after him. Well be here when you return."
Inuyasha growled and turned away heatedly. Tension filled the once peaceful air. All was quiet for about five minutes, then Inuyasha turned abruptly.
"Fine, stay here then! Im going! Whos coming with me?"
Everyone looked around, but it was obvious that no one wished to join.
She just shook her head and returned her attention to the tiny fox demon at her feet.
"What about you?"
You waited for a response, but none came. You look up and find him starring at you.
"Me?! Uh... I... S-sssuuurrrre...?"
"Inuyasha. Dont go off on your own. Just stay and get some sleep." Miroku stared coldly at Inuyasha, making it obvious that it wasnt a suggestion. Inuyasha sighed and sat down in a humph. "Fine, but only because you weak mortals need sleep, so ill just stay here and protect you, like always."
Everyone was too tired to argue with him.
Well fuck. There goes my chance to actually be alone with him. Thanks a lot, Miroku.
As these thoughts ran through your head, you must have been facially responsive to them, because everyone was now looking at you.
"Whats wrong?" Sango asked sounding concerned.
Shit...shit... They know. What do i do now?! Shit!!! "Nothing, im just bored." Nice.
"How about a game?" suggested Shippo.
Suddenly an idea popped in your head. "SEVEN MINUTES IN HEAVEN!!!" oops, too loud. "I- i mean, lets play seven minutes in heaven."
Everyone continued to stare at you, making you really uncomfortable. They clearly didnt know what you were talking about, so you explained the game to them. After you finished, and after a few minor misunderstandings through miscommunication, you pulled out a bag and passed it around. Everyone placed an item into the bag and you shook it up.
"Ok, who's first?"
Shippo stood up bravely and walked to the bag. As he approached, you could hear him mumbling to himself, "please pick myself, please pick myself." He reached his tiny paw into the bag and pulled out a metal face mask. Sango stood up smiling and grabbed up Shippo.
"Thanks, now i wont get Miroku" she said teasingly. They walked off into the trees and were soon out-of-sight.
~ Several minutes later~
"Thanks for the flower Shippo, its so pretty." Sango laughed as they appeared from the trees. "No problem. You took forever finding me, so i picked it, waiting for you."
"And what did you two do?" asked Miroku, a surprising hint of jealousy in his voice.
"Played hide-n-go-seek." Sango answered, playing off his jealousy.
"Ok, so whos next?" you ask, holding up the bag. Miroku stood up, strangely fast, as if trying to beat everyone to the bag. He reached in, not at all looking at the bag, and dug around ferociously. You had to tighten your grip on the bag just to keep it from falling under the wieght of Miroku's jealous fist. He quickly pulled out an object, and held it high in the air, without looking at it. Kagome stood up and Miroku smiled, but not at her,... At Sango. Miroku quickly pushed Kagome into the trees and disappeared, but not before Kagome got an eye full of the fires from hell that Sango tried to use to burn her alive.
You lean over and whisper ever so carfully to Inuyasha, "If they get jealous, cause the other is with someone else, why dont they just be together?"
Inuyasha shrugged.
"WHAT WAS THAT?!!" Sango snapped, trying desperately to crush your soul in a single glance. You stay quiet and shake your head vigorously.
~several terrifying minutes later~
"Ugh! You're a pig!" Kagome cried in disgust. She came stomping out of the trees. Miroku right behind her, a huge, red hand print covered half his face.
"Thats the point of the game! Were supposed to! Tell her!" Miroku pleaded with you, but Sango got to him first.
"Shippo and I just played a simple game. What did you try to do?!"
"I tried to follow the ruels!"
"No, you tried to make me jealous!"
"You tried making ME jealous!"
You quickly hold the bag to Inuyasha, who, equally as fast pulls out an item... Your item. He grabs your hand and rushes off into the trees before you two were caught in the war that had just broke out. Once you were a little ways into the forest, he began walking slow.
"You know I know that you stare at me right?"
You blush like mad.
"Its ok, dont worry. Its only kinda creepy."
Wow, that didnt help at all.
He continued to talk to you and you walked deeper into the forest, but the deeper you went, the deeper you were lost in thought.
"I just dont understand.... feel about make me.....but i are.......i want....will Finally, im alone with him. I cant mess this up, what if he does something, or says something really important and i miss it?! I cant tell if he just wanted to get away from Sango and Miroku, or if he wanted to pick me. Does he like me, or is this just so he can get to know a friend. Ouch, friend-zoned. Your thoughts were cut off when you felt your hand in his. He stared at you.
"I know, I know. It doesnt make sense to me either. But, I- I want to try. I loved a woman once, but then Narkau turned her against me, and i lost her. She is dead now, but Kagome is her, or.. she is Kagome. Either way, they share the same soul, and because of that, I am afraid of being hurt by the same woman again. If they are, in fact the same soul, then there has to be some level of hatred for me... In both of them. This is why I want to experience something new, with someone new."
What is he saying?!
Before you could respond, he pulls you into him roughly, passionately kissing you. You gasp in surprise, and he takes his chance. He slips his tongue into your mouth, deepening the kiss. He grabs your leg, and forces it up around his waist, pulling your hair a little as he does. He pushes you back until your pinned between him and a tree. He grabs your ass and lifts you with ease. You wrap both your legs around him and rest your head against the bark. He holds your stomach with one hand, while keeping you up with the other as he slips down between your legs. He rips off your pants with his teeth and immediately begins licking you and sucking on you. You feel his tongue moving all around, his nails scratching your stomach. You moan and he begins fingering you. You moan louder and struggle to stay up against the tree. He suddenly comes up and kisses you roughly, pulling you to the ground. He pulls your shirt off and runs his hands down your chest. You reach frantically for his pants. He stands up and you pull them down. He gently grabs a hand full of your hair and gives your head a tiny nudge. You smile shyly and grab his dick. You lick it and slide it into your mouth. You move your head back and forth, as he slightly thrusts. His grip tightens on your hair and he pulls you off him and pushes you over. He picks your hips up and slowly enters you. You moan and grab ahold of his shirt. He slowly pulls out, then gently goes back in. He slowly pulls out, and gently goes back in. He slowly pulls out, then slams into you, causing you to arch your back and let out a small scream. He wraps his hands around your waist, and turns you over. Again, he slams into you, this time from behind. You moan and he grabs your hair and pulls it back, licking your jaw bone as he does, then slipping into your mouth. As he fucks you harder and faster, your moans are muffled by his lips. He ends the kiss, allowing you to scream a little. He grabs your hips tight, and begins thrusting more and more. Harder, faster, and deeper. You feel all your muscles tighten, you cant take it anymore. He pushes and pulls in and out of you, taking your breath away with each rhythmic thrust. You cant breath, you get hot all over and grip the grass below you so ferociously that your nails start to dig into the hard ground. All your muscles tighten again and you scream. Suddenly, there is a release of pressure, and youre completely relaxed. Inuyasha collapses ontop of you, breathing heavily, as you regain your breath. He slowly rises and gently pulls out, making you moan a little. He smiles at you and kisses you so gently, that if you didnt hold him to you, you wouldnt even had been able to feel him against your lips. As you part from the kiss, you look into his eyes. They were such a pretty golden color, but right now they sparkled and shined as bright as the newly lit stars up above. You pulled back on your shirt and pants, as he fixed his clothes as well. You two walked back to the camp, hand-in-hand.
Once you could see the fires glow, you let go of eachothers hand and walked the rest of the way with space between you.
"Theyre back." Shippo called.
"What happened? Youve been gone for almost 15 minutes." Miroku said, accusation being the main tone.
"We walked around, looking for more of those flowers that Shippo found, and it got dark, so we got a little turned around." Inuyasha shot back.
Sango had said something, but you couldn't hear her over the sound of your heart pounding. You were surprised that no one else could hear it. Eventually, everyone grew tired and brought out their sleeping bags. You snuggled into yours, still shaking from his embrace. It soon fell quiet, and you looked to the stars to remember the way his eyes shined bright like them, when you felt a hand on your leg. You sat up to see Inuyasha next to you. He kissed you quickly and whispered in your ear, "you, are my someone new." He then jumped into the tree and you layed back down, smiling and blushing as you recalled every touch, taste and sensation you had that night, and you soon fell into the most peaceful sleep of your life.

7 minutes in heaven in Feudal Japan. (Characters x reader)Where stories live. Discover now