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I remember your name,
I wrote it under the pane;
I know there's no one to blame,
Upon feeling this pain;
You remind me of winter,
Everything's cold beautiful white;
So I'm plugging on my heater,
To warm the chilling snow tonight;
Though it felt so gloomy,
Its perfect for some memories;
In a cold Saturday night so lovely,
Under the sparkle trees of rustberries;
December winter ended early this year,
And as the snow melt you disappear;
I no longer see so I ask,
Why does remembering needs to last?
So how do I end up on this mess,
It seems I couldn't even remember your face;

*To those who did not figure it out yet, its the same Junsang in Winter Sonata.... I was one of those who cried millions of tears on this Korean drama:-)

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