Chapter 13

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Chloe's POV

"Today we're going to be doing dissection" Our professor shouts aloud.

"You're not primary students one minute I want you all to be paired up"

I look to my right and left, searching for a friend to be my partner; but there's barely anyone I know in this class, except for Gwen..

Everybody would want to be working with Gwen, she won't even choo-

"Chloe- let's do it together" she smiles warmly to me. A spark of hope fell into my face, and I urged to say,

"How is it possible for you to be this nice, to me? To everybody." It sounded like an exaggerated compliment, but it really was a serious question.

Gwen laughed, "You should look in the mirror and ask yourself that, honey." As she continued her work.

"Peter- he's really nice." I said, and caught her attention as she stopped working.

"I mean- not specifically to me, but literally, you guys are just so perfect for each other. And I mean it. I want to thank you too for letting Peter to babysit me the past two days. I really want to avoid any misunderstanding in your
relationship and I promise that the last time he tried to help me is the last time ever. I-"

"Ssh" she smiled. "It's okay, I know Peter, he's sweet like that. And no, don't think that I'll ever get jealous.. Because I know, that he would have done the same thing for anyone else in need, not depending if it was a he or a she and how old or young the person is."

"I feel so honored to be friends with you guys." I shook my head. "Really don't know what I, the invisible girl did to deserve you two."

"Thats too much Chloe, really. We're just decent" she said.

"Exactly why you guys are special. Have you not noticed? Decent is very rare here." I roll my eyes and she laughed.

"How about the meeting with spidey last night?" She teased.

I stopped and my heart skipped a beat. I.... kissed spiderman. It wasn't strange, in fact, it was the best first kiss that I could have ever gotten. However it's weird because it felt so... human. Who exactly is Mr.Spiderman? If he really was a man, how could he acquire such abilities?

"I um- we just talked about problems, my problems, mostly.. i mean. His problems are mostly about catching bad guys so"

Gwen laughed again. "You're very funny, chloe.." she stopped, then tapped my shoulder. "And if you need someone to talk to, please, don't hesitate to reach me. I mean, I'm no spiderman but I promise you I'll be a good listener."

I hugged her. "Thanks Gwen."

When the bell rang Gwen once again insisted me to join her and Peter's lunch. Peter is still, acting weird as usual (though he tries to cover it) but I could really sense something different from the way he behaves to me.

Right. Spiderman must have told him. Or, he may have heard it himself by spying behind us somewhere last night. OR. He planted a spying chip somewhere in spidey's suit that he heard our whole conversation.

God. I'm awful at these conspiracies.

"Pete, your next class is with Chloe right." Gwen said.

"I gotta go earlier to my class, right now. We need to setup for experiment. Pete, I'll see you after school?" They kissed and Gwen left.

Great. Just him and I. This is gonna be a hell lot awkward.

"So er." He started to break the ice.

"How's the meeting with sp-"

"He told you, didn't he?" I cut him off.

"Told- told me what?"

Is he serious or is he acting like he doesn't know?

"Were you there when spiderman and I were talking last night?" I interrogated

"What? Me, no!"

"Okay did spiderman tell you anything-"

"No, Chloe."

"Then why are you acting all weird to me today?"

"Weird? I um- no. Im not acting weird.. it's just, uh, yesterday was alot to process you know? Seeing all that in front of my eyes. I'm sorry if I act weird and hurt you in some way but really its just my conflicted self who wasnt ready to see an abuse at home like that. I uh- I thought of my parents and imagined that that was something that they could have never done to me."

"Ah..." I breathed out in relief.

"Should have told me peter.. anyway i'm sorry you had to watch though," i say wryly, looking away. He suddenly held my hand,

"N-no, you don't have to be sorry for anything Chloe. i'm sorry it had to happen to you." He rubbed my hand, and I smiled. He smiled. Then we realized that our hands are still latched so we both pull away and coughed.

"Spiderman is a great guy. He was really nice to me last night."

"He is?" He chuckled.

"Yeah, he reminds me alot of you Peter.." I say honestly.

"How so?"

"I don't know.. I just got the Peter Parker vibes around him. Both of you are sweet and gentle, no wonder you guys get along pretty well."

He laughed.

"Besides Peter. Um... I don't know if I should tell you this but-"


I look around at everyone in the canteen who seem to be busy. But I can't risk it.. not here.

"Never mind."

Peter nodded to an okay look.

When all classes finished I intentionally decided to be quick to leave the campus to avoid Gwen and Peter. They needed some time alone, I thought. I can't continue to cockblock them from their dates just because they pity me. Gosh no. Besides, today is the first day I'll be working at Béau Bakery and I can't be late.

As I parked my bike and entered the bakery, a young woman at my age welcomed me.

"You must be, Chloe Tyler? Come, Mrs. Magdelline Parker awaited for you already."

I smiled and followed her.

"Mrs. May, this is Chloe,"

The old woman turned around and I was shook.


Aunt may!

"Chloe my dear!" She exclaimed.

She's my boss?

Guess it will be quite a hard task for me to avoid Peter Parker in town.

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