Chapter 12: Cold, Hard, Ground {UNFIXED}

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"Done?" Liam asked again. We nodded.


-Julia's POV-

"So, let's go back to the bus?" Liam suggested. Sometimes these boys can be such dorks. Oh, and did you know that a whale’s penis is called a dork? 

"Of course we’ll go to the bus. Where did you think we were gonna go, a mental hospi-" I got cut off by the sound of something hard pounding on another hard object, then heard the sound of glass breaking, then heard freaky groans.

All of us looked at Liam in panic. His eyes widened. "RUN!" Niall coached before Liam could say anything, grabbing the person next to him which happens to be Zayn. I glanced over my shoulder to see a horde of running zombies.

I started to get really dizzy with everyone running to different directions and the zombies running after them. There should only be One Direction, God damnit!

I was a bit lucky because none of the zombies were shuffling towards me. There should only be One Direction, God damnit! I closed my eyes and leaned on the shoe rack.

I then felt someone grabbing me and pulling me to God who knows where. The grasp was gentle, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a zombie, so I let the person pull me. "Julia, are you okay?" I heard Taylor’s soft yet panicky voice.

I rubbed my temples. "Yes, I'm just a bit dizzy. Don’t worry," I told her, smiling warmly at her. "Okay, let's hide behind this couch," She whispered to me. We walked towards the long orange couch. We crouched behind it. "Where are the others?" I whispered worriedly.

"They all ran around Waitrose screaming shit like ‘I’m too sexy to die!’" Taylor quoted in a man voice. I giggled. "I saw Stephanie, Michelle, Harry, Elissa and a slut together," she informed me. Oooh, Stephanie and a slut together? Things are gonna get nasty.

"I-" I got cut off by Taylor putting her right hand on my mouth. I shut up as I heard some groans and footsteps running towards us. When the zombies weren't there anymore, I swatted Tay’s hand off my mouth.

"What the hell are we going to do now?" I questioned, looking at the MP5 I'm holding. "We need to find the others," Taylor declared, getting up. I grabbed her hand and pulled her down. "They can just find us here, Taylor. I'm so dizzy," I told her, closing my eyes again. I wasn’t exaggerating, I have some migraine or something..

Taylor put her hand on my neck. "You're hot!" Taylor exclaimed. I grinned. “I know, no need to tell me, Tay-Tay.” I winked. She looked at me with a blank expression then muttered something like ‘too dizzy to at least stand up and hide in a better hiding place, but never too dizzy to make a God damn cheeky remark.’

"My head hurts," I whined. Taylor didn’t reply, so I rested my head on her shoulder.

-Harry’s POV-

"We'll be safe behind this TV, obviously," A slut squeaked, still clinging onto me. Ugh, I hate this girl.

I pushed her away. "Can you please not cling onto me?!" I shouted, glaring at her.

She giggled. “Oh, Hazza, you’re so funny, baby! My turn! Can you stop being such a cupcake! Hee hee!” What. The. F*ck. I groaned internally, and she did the same before going into another laughing fit.

I decided it’s time to know their names. "Hey, what's your name?" I asked to one girl who looked more or less normal. "I'm Michelle," She answered then smiled warmly at me. I looked at the girl next to her, who was hugging her legs and staring at something distant. “What is your name?” No answer. I looked at Stephanie, confused. “She’s sorta in shock with the ‘zombies taking over London and Ireland’ thing. Her name is Jenny,” she told me, licking a lollypop. Now I want one too. I got a pink lollypop, opened it, and sucked on it. I don’t care if it’s pink, I like strawberry-flavored food.

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