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I was talking to my girlfriend for what seemed like 30 minutes but was actually a few hours. My parents were away on business and wouldn't be back till Monday. Well it's only Saturday. I noticed my sister and best friend went missing from the pool. I got up and went into the house. I checked my room. No site off Johnny, or Macy. I dried off and changed. I went to Macy's room and found them sitting on her bed. I suggested we watch a movie and sleep in the living. I suspect something between the two of them. We watched frozen. Macy was the first to fall asleep. Now I can talk to Johnny about this."So, Johnny, what's with you and my sister? "I asked "we just got bored and went to her room and talked. Nothing big. Just making a friendship. "Okay. That seemed as if he were unsure about what he was saying. "You like her don't you? "I smirked "What! No....we're just......I just....she's a friend that's all." he was blushing. "Whatever that's why you're blushing." He rolled over "Am not"he stated. I rolled over ,too."Whatever." Eventually I fell asleep. I woke up and Johnny was missing. So was Macy. I thought he said he didn't like her. Haha Oh well. I walked up stairs and heard giggling coming from Macy's room. "You're the nut head! "I heard Johnny say "No you're the nut head! " I heard something bang and then laughter. I open the door slightly and see Macy on top off Johnny pinning him down. Then Johnny flipped Macy over so he was on top now. I silently laughed and opened the door all the way. "Wow, Johnny, seems like you and your new friend are really getting along well." Johnny got off of Macy. They were still laughing. "So, what do you two nut heads want for breakfast?" They looked at each other then bursted with laughter. "What's so funny? "I asked. "We were just calling each other a nut head before you walked in. "Macy said "I know that's why I said it." Johnny blushed and so did Macy. "How long were you standing at the door? " Johnny asked "From nut head. Then I heard a noise and came in the room to see Macy pinning you down then you pinning Macy. " they looked at each other and laughter spilled out once again. We all went downstairs and ate breakfast. When we were done we all went to our rooms and got dressed. Johnny was staying in my room. "You can't deny it now."I told Johnny "Deny what? "He knew what I was talking about though "you liking Macy. I know you like her. I also know she likes you. "Johnny blushed "Okay, fine. I like Macy. How do you know she likes me? " I took out my phone and texted Macy.
>Hey Macy. Do you like Johnny? More than a friend. <
>You won't get it out of me that easily<
>Oh yea? That's why you and Johnny are always near each other. You are always talking with him, too.<
>Okay. So? <
>That's flirting. You only flirt with someone you like<
>Ugh okay, fine!!! I am only pretending to like him<
>Nope. You like him like him. Not pretending <
>okay I give. I like Johnny. <
>aha! I knew it! See you downstairs in a few.<
I showed Johnny the messages and told him "Ask her out"he looked shocked "I couldn't. You're my best friend and she's your sister! "I chuckled "So? I don't care! My family won't either! You're asking her out today! Okay? "He smiled "Okay."

I was getting dressed after Carson had texted me. I can't believe I actually told him I liked Johnny! I grabbed my phone and went downstairs. Carson and Johnny were already downstairs so I joined them."So....what do you two boys feel like? "I asked hoping Johnny didn't know I liked him "Wanna go to the cafe down the street? "Carson knew that place was to romantic for 3 friends to go to "Really? That place is a bit.... romantic.... for just 3 friends. "I knew why he wanted to go there. He wanted me and Johnny to get closer "Well, my girlfriend was going to come so I thought we could all go. You and Johnny as friends, and me and Katie as a couple. So you in? " "Yea I'm in. What about you Macy?" Johnny had a hopeful look in his eyes "Sure. We'll go." Johnny looked relieved. We walked down to the cafe and Carson met Katie and they got a table. Me and Johnny looked at each other and went to our own table. "Why do you think he did this? " Johnny took me by surprise "Alright nut head what has Carson told you? "I asked playfully "He showed me the messages between you to."I cursed and Johnny laughed "Macy it's okay. I like you ,too. " I blushed "R-Really? " "Yes really. So....want to be my girlfriend? "I was both shocked and relieved. "Yes. I would love to. Now....do you want to ditch this place and go do something fun or stay here?" "Let's get outta here." I smiled as he grabbed my hand. Johnny called Carson and told him we got bored and left. He was cool with it. We decided to go back to the house and watch a movie. We sat down on the couch and went to Netflix. We decided to watch an old Disney movie called Rip Girls. Johnny put his arm around me and I nuzzled my head into his chest. We sat and watch the until Carson came home. We hadn't told him about us so I quickly pulled apart. Johnny looked at me and said "Don't worry. I don't care if he sees us." He hugged me and I put my head back on his chest. Carson came into the living room "Well I see you two hit it off."he smirked "Yea. I guess you could say that."Johnny looked down at me and smiled. We got up and decided to make dinner for ourselves. We had grilled cheeses with some chips. After dinner we watched mean girls 2 and slept in the living room. I slept closer to Johnny this time. He is my boyfriend after all. I rest my head on his chest and fell asleep. When I woke up I was still in Johnny's arms. He was awake playing with my hair. "Good morning beautiful. "He greeted me and kissed my forehead "Good morning, Johnny. "I kissed his cheek. He let go of me and went to the bathroom. I got up and went to the kitchen to fix breakfast. Carson came in and offered to help. He sucks at cooking so I told him to fix the drinks. I made oatmeal and toast. Carson made us coffee to go with it. Johnny came in and I gave him his plate. We all ate without really talking because we were to busy eating. I was going to be alone today. Johnny and Carson had to go record for a new video and I had to prepare the house for mom and dad tomorrow. Then the phone rang. We let it ring because we didnt know the number. Then came the voice mail. "Hey kids, its mom and dad. Look, uh, we're stuck in Texas for a couple of days and we will be back by thursday. We will have the nieghbors check in on ya ,but uh, we love you and behave." I look at Carson and Johnny close to tears.

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