Chapter 8: Something's Up or Down

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Song: Love Game by: Eminem ft. Kendrick Lamar

My fists were balled together at my sides. I didn't sign up for this.

"Marshall you better get your friend." I warn. Giving Proof a hard glare.

"Marshall you better get your friend," Proof mocks me in an annoyingly high pitched tone. " fight your own battles."

"A'ight." I launch forward at Proof to claw his eyeballs out but right before I made it, Marshall's hand wraps around my stomach, knocking the wind out of me and pulling me back to the floor.

"What the hell. How did you even do that?" I ask shocked, clutching my stomach.

"You two need to get along or one of you ain't gonna have a piece of this." He gestures to his body with a cocky smile plastered on his face.

Proof and I look at each other with a "what the fuck" look.

"No Marshall. We're good." I say, rolling my eyes.

"You wasn't saying that this morning." Marshall smiles.

I feel my face heating up. He just had to bring that up.

"Oooh. Girrrlll!" Proof says in a girl voice, covering his mouth with his hand.

Marshall and I chuckle at him, then all of a sudden the sound of the front door opening makes our heads snap to the door.

"What the-" Proof starts.

"Fuck!" Marshall starts pushing us into a room and slams the door shut.

It all happened so fast that, I don't even know what happened! It's probably Marshall's mother. She can't be so strict that Marshall can't bring two people into the house? Can she?

I look at Proof and he was sitting on what I assume is Marshall's bed.

"Oh my Gosh!" I laugh out loud. I was laughing so hard that I began literally rolling on the floor. The only reason I stopped was because a pillow came flying at my head.

"Yo shut the fuck! You want Marshall's mom to slaughter us?" He whispers harshly. I get up and sit next to him.

"Alright. Why does he have all of this shit?" I laugh. His room had comic posters and a bunch of toys on his shelf.

"Proof." I whisper to him.

"It's Deshaun. And what?" He says.

Deshaun. I really like that name, I had completely forgot that Proof wasn't his real name.

"What's happening?" I ask. The sound of something dropping on the floor startles me.

Deshaun tells me how Marshall's mom usually comes back home from bingo at around 5:00, but today she came early for some reason. I look at my phone for the time and it was only 3:28. Something must have happened to her.

I hear a woman's voice and Marshall talking. It's hard to make out what they're saying but it kind of sounds like yelling. I step closer to the door to hear what they're saying but Proof notices and yanks me towards him.

"What's the matter?" I yell pissed at him.

"Just give them some privacy." He's acting weird but I ignore it and wait. I'm definitely missing something here but I choose to forget about it.

After a while of me and Proof just sitting there bored as hell. It's the first time Proof hasn't talked to me, since all day.

There is a click and Marshall walks in looking red with anger. Proof and I sit up. It was quiet.

I decide to speak up,"what was all that about?"

They both look at me, "My mom was just being a bitch."

He slams his self onto the bed.

"Yo I'll carry Tassy home." Proof offers, staring at Marshall's body.

"Nah man, I could do it." Marshall gets up and lets out a deep breathe.

"Yeah well I gotta get down to the shelter. You up for it tonight?" He asks Marshall.

Marshall shakes his head. "I don't feel like it, right now. Probably tomorrow."

"Aight. Peace." They do the bro hug and Proof leaves the room.

I don't know what to do so I just sit there. It seems like Marshall and Proof are hiding something that has to do with Marshall's mother, and they don't want me to know about it. What am I supposed to do? I don't want to pry into his life if he doesn't want me to.

I glance over at him. He was standing at his drawer gripping the edge of it like it did something wrong. His other hand was gripping his short hair. Everything about how he was acting depicted stressed.

His mother is giving him stress. He doesn't need me here right now. I nervously look at the door and back at him. Maybe I shouldn't just disturb his thinking, but I can't just leave like that. That would be rude!

"I..uh...have to go. You don't have to carry me. I'll be fine on my on." I say. He doesn't move so I just slowly back away from him like he's about to blow. "I'm a big girl." I laugh uneasily. Okay, no time for jokes. I turn around and open the door.

"Hold up. I'll carry you-" He starts.

"No!" I interrupt him, "I can go by myself."

I walk up to him and got in his face. I'm trying to figure out what's up but he keeps his face blank. I place a kiss on his lips and give him a hug.

"I'm here for you if you ever want to talk." I say and give him one last look then leave.

I get why he isn't ready to tell me anything. We just met. After my bus ride and my walk home I sit down on my bed and fall asleep.

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