Chapter 17: Remember...

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Song: Criminal by: Eminem

There is a knock on my door and I wake up from a beautiful dream that involved Marshall, and ice cream. The knocking continues and I let out a loud yawn while stretching.

"Hold on!" I yell at the person and then mutter to myself, "Damn!"

I roll myself off of the couch and I open the door. My eyes met his electrifying blue eyes and my face lit up noticeably. I missed his face, oh my God, and his smell. I jumped up and hugged him.

"Damn Tassy, I was only gone for two days!" He laughs.

I was sniffing him like a freak and he smelled so freaking good.

I mumble into his shirt, "I missed you though."

"Dont worry I didn't miss you." He laughs and I hit his chest.

He glances inside where my sheets were messed up on the couch.

"Why were you sleeping on the couch?" He asks as he closes the door.

"Oh, surprise! My mom's here!" I say with a cheesy smile. Way to tell him Tassy.

He stares at me for about a minute and I swear to God his eyes twitched.

"Yo, for real?" He asks in a whisper.

"No, for fake." I couldn't help but be sarcastic.

"Did you tell her about me?" He asks looking around as if she'd pop up out of nowhere and karate chop him.

"Yeah, and she wants to talk to you." He looks at me with a weird look on his face.

"She's not gonna fucking like me. I'm not the type you wanna bring to your parents, Tassy." He says with a sort of terrified look on his face.

"But what if I do like you?" My mom comes from out of my room and stares at us. We were whisper yelling at each other and I can't imagine how stupid we looked.

"I don't get why y'all tripping I'm not some uptight mom." She says while staring at us in disbelief.

"You're eighteen for God's sake! You can do what ever you want. As long as you don't break her heart, I won't have to break your dick. Simple as that." She was flailing her arms around to make a point and it was pretty fucking funny.

"The one thing I do want to know is, how old are you?" She eyes him down, not in a creepy way, more towards the curious side.

"22." He was shifting his weight on one foot to another and he looked adorably nervous.

"Alright. Just remember..." She says while staring directly into his eyes.

She uses her hands to depict him breaking my heart and her breaking his dick.

I laugh in embarrasment and pull Marshall into my room.

"Can u stay here? Marshall and I have to talk." I ask her and she nods.

"Go ahead just dont have sex while I'm in the house." She makes a disgusted look with her face.

"We won't!" I exclaim loudly and shut my bedroom door.

Marshall takes a seat on my bed and I follow him.

"What do you want to talk about?" Marshall asks looking at me.

"I don't know. I just wanted some alone time with you." I say while staring at the floor.

"We can't have sex." He says bluntly.

"Why do you two think I only want sex today?" I pout and fold my arms.

Marshall tackles me in a hug causing him to land on top of me.

"Maybe beacause you look so sexy today." He pins me down and starts making dog noises.

"Get off of me. I haven't even showered yet, so I sure as hell don't look sexy." I argue.

"I dont care that's how I like 'em." He says still trying to pin me down while I squirm, "Dirty."

He starts moaning in a deep perverted voice.

I start laughing hysterically. "You're so  weird!"

"You missed my weirdness though." He says and straddles me, pinning my hands on the side of my head.


"Marshall I'm supposed to be to work by nine." I complain, so that he'd get off of me.

"And what time is it?" He asks looking around for my phone.

"My phone's on the couch. Maybe if you get off of me I can check." I roll my eyes.

"Yo, you sassing me?" He raises an eyebrow at me and I can't hold in my laughter.

"No. Marshall just get off!" I whine.

"Give me a kiss first." He puckers up and I groan.

"I ain't even brush my teeth yet!" He wasn't having it. He pecks my lips anyway.

"Come on. Remember we still dont know what time it is. I wonder what your manager would do if you're late again." He teases.

"You want to have a broke girlfriend? I'll suck all of your money out of you, but it ain't like you got much anyway." I tease even harder, while lifting up one of my brows.

"Alright. I'll let you go but you know what you gonna get when you come home today. Just for having all this smart mouth." He kisses my cheek and I scrunch up my face.

"I'll remember that." He says while getting off of me.

"Good. Now get out!" I playfully yell at him.

"It's cool. Just remember that I'll have something waiting for you when you get home." He blows me a kiss and leaves.

I have no idea what he'll do but I have a feeling it'll turn me on anyway.

I hear him say his goodbye's to my mother and shuts the living room door.

My mom walks in and finds me running my hands through my hair.

"Why do I feel like y'all was fucking?" She says suspiciously.

"We weren't having sex!" I yell a little too loud.

She puts her hands up defending herself and backs out.

"Hey what time is it?" I ask her.

"8:36!" She yells.


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