Chapter 23: Marshall's P.OV (Part 2)

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《 Song: I'm Shady by: Eminem 》

It's my first day back to work since I've been to the hospital

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It's my first day back to work since I've been to the hospital. My boss was close to firing me but I told him about what happened and I guess he felt some sort of symphathy.

Even though I hate this job I need the money.

"Mathers, you better be cleaning twice as fast since you went on your little vacation!" Mr. Hughes' loud ass voice booms at me.

I don't know if his dumb ass doesn't understand English or what, because I explained to him a hundred times already, "I had to go to the hospital Sir and they told me to rest."

His fatass screws his face up and looks at me with a look that made me want to punch him in the face.

"What ever you say Mathers. You seem fine now." I just ignore him and continue scrubbing the dirty dishes, until I didn't feel his gaze on me. Of course I feel fine since I did what the doctor said and stayed my ass at home.

I roll my eyes and look over at my coworker Jay, "yo why does he always have a stick up his ass?"

Jay was the chef here and he was working on making something. I could hear him chuckle.

"It's probably because he doesn't really like you." He says bluntly. Well go on and step on my feelings, it doesn't matter if I care about them.

"Well shit, he could've just fired me." I mutter. I'm only here because I need the money.

"You know you need this job and he knows he can't afford to lose an employee right now." He drops something into a pan and it starts sizzling and making smoke go everywhere.

I ain't gonna lie, I fucking hate working in a kitchen. It's hot as fuck, loud as fuck and I have to stay in here all day. I don't know how Jay does it, standing over a hot stove all day isn't nice.

"Yeah what ever. I'm gonna be out of here soon though." I say, stopping a smile from spreading across my face.

"Really? You got something better?" Jay asked.

"I'm working on an album, and I really feel like it's gonna do something big." I could feel it. I'm putting my all into this album.

"Don't get your hopes up man. It's hard out there. Everyone wanna be a rapper, but not many make it." Jay says keeping it real with me.

That's what I like about Jay, he says what's on his mind. No bullshit. Just real shit.

"And on top of that, you're white. If black niggas got it rough, how you think it gone be for you?" He adds. Honestly I'm just hoping this album sells, I got a daughter on the way. I could use a little extra money.

I know Tassy said that I should get a DNA test but I'm sure this girl is mine. She has to be, the time Kim got pregnant was when we was still fucking around.

"Way to shit on people's dreams man." I laugh.

"Just stating facts dawg." He shrugs.

"Yeah I know. It's rough out there man but I live and breathe this shit. I can't see myself doing no nine to fives all my life." This is all I've been dreaming about, I don't know what I'm gonna do if this shit doesn't work out.

"Do you, man. Do you. Go for broke." He nods and tries to encourage me.

I sigh and kept scrubbing a plate till it was clean.

After work, I went to Tassy's house and she wasn't home. She's probably at work, but I came all the way down here so I decided to just wait on her. She should be back in a few minutes anyway.

I sat on her steps until a car, that I recognized was her friend Laurie's, pulls up. They spot me and Tassy says something to her.

Soon enough she was coming towards me and I grab her into a big hug. She starts laughing because of how random it was but I just kept my hands wrapped around her.

"What's up with you?" Her voice came out muffled, since she was being smushed into my chest.

"You know I love you, right?" I say and kiss her forehead.

"Mhm." She mumbles, "you know I love you too."

For some reason I wanted reassurance and that's what I got.

"Can I open the door now?" She mumbles cutely.

I let go of her and she looks at me and laughs again, while she pulls her key from her pocket and unlocks the door.

"What's so funny?" I ask her and shut the door once I stepped in.

"You're acting funny." She giggles, "how was work?"

I squint my eyes at her and pull her to my chest again," It was shitty as always. The boss doesn't believe I was told to stay at home. I didn't bother giving him my doctor slip."

She shakes her head at me and I grin then pull her into a slow kiss. Her lips moved against mine and my hands ended up on every inch of her body in just a few seconds.

I really do love this girl, I don't know what I'd do without her.

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