Chapter 2: Hide n Seek

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Song: Drug Ballad by: Eminem

"He said what?" Laurie squeals.

"He said, yeah, he liked what he saw." I repeat.

I told Laurie all about the cute white boy I saw today, I even told her how stupid I was not to get his name. She wasn't suprised about it. I've always had a thing for white guys.

Laurie wiggled her eyebrows at me. "Oooh, he liked what he saw." She says childishly, "I told you you're hot, but you never listen."

I roll my eyes, "whatever."

Laurie is pretty, I'll tell you that. She has pretty green eyes, blonde hair, and a fair complexion. She can get any guy, but the only problem with that, is that she's into girls.

"You already know you fine so stop playing yourself." She knudges me.

"Alright. Alright." I get up and stare into my mirror and evaluate my features. My eyes are a dark brown color, I have really full pink lips, light brown skin and curly natural hair that was pulled into a high puff.

"I just really want to see him again." I dodge the question and opened my eyes to look at her through the mirror only to find her green eyes piercing through mine.

"You'll see him again." She says determined.

I nod, "I guess. He knows where I work so if he's really into me he'd come back. "

She purses her lips while nodding.

"You know," I trailed, "he had to catch a bus that went down to 8 mile. I didn't even know white people lived down there."

"There's only a few white families there, that's where most of the white trash live though." Laurie says twirling a strand of her hair.

"Enough about this boy, it's time to start partying!" She screeches throwing her hands up. She started swaying her hips and a smile broke onto my face as I copied her laughing.

She goes to her closet while I continued dancing.

"You have to wear this dress." She points at the red dress that layed on my bed.

I shrug, "I don't know I was saving it for a special occasion."

"Fuck it! Special occasion my ass. This is a special occasion, you just met a boy you fell in love with at first sight."

"I'm not in love!" I point a finger at her accusingly.

"Well sorry. A boy you hope to get married to and have cute little juniors running around with." She corrects herself and I roll my eyes at her crazy ass.

"I'll wear it!" I grab the damn dress and shimmy out of my jeans and shirt.

"Damn it Tassy! I told you a hundred times already, don't change in front of me. You know what happens!" Laurie blocked her eyes with her hands.

"Sorry." I mutter sassily, "it's not my fault you're a horny lesbian." I stick out my tongue and gather my clothes and enter the bathroom.

After I put the dress on I walked out and showed it off. I twirl while nodding my head, "How does it look?"

Her eyebrows rose, "That dress fits you perfectly."

"That's because I bought it." I stop my modeling and look at her. She had changed while I was in the bathroom.

"You look good!" She was wearing this blue strapless dress that hugged the top part of her body and at the waist of the dress, it was more flowy and it stopped just below her ass. It wouldn't be considered appropriate but it looked pretty decent.

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